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Abuse And Right Of Animal In Ecuador

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Abuse and right of animal in Ecuador


This research is based on finding information through inquiry to achieve an amplitude in knowledge regarding animal abuse. In this way, an analog method has been used to understand when comparing certain behaviors of violence which helps establish parameters and allows proposals for change as an education in the home in a more present way and in the education centers that is where you should reinforce values ​​and empathy and is respect for life in general. This research could verify that many cases of animal abuse begin with intrafamily abuse or the lack of education in values ​​and knowledge regarding rights and also regarding the importance of animals, these are some of the factors that lead to a attitude of violence and abuse towards more defenseless beings such as animals.


This consultation is carried out to publicize the current situation that street animals live, the way in which they are despised by society, abuse and abuse towards them, without having abandonment and the last actions that are They have seen in Ecuador these last days of the year referring to the poisoning of dogs or cats because of the evil of the human being that has come to new limits.

On some occasion a pet who was very dear was the victim of this type of people without respect or love of others, since it was poison They were poisoned or like cats that were victims of these types of inhuman situations, which is why I would like to understand the point of view of these aggressors.

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The consultation will be developed in a investigative way since the information necessary to understand some events and that is being done to avoid actions such as these in the future as you want to show a point of view extended to the subject.

It is expected to understand the minds of those aggressive people with animals, trying to see their views and their purpose when performing this type of actions as well as this information is to be able to know what the community thinks about it and propose solutions that Do not be of a violent character.

This research is done to publicize the acts of animal violence that have been developed in recent months, understand the mind of an aggressor through the search for information regarding this type of cases since it is possible to publicize that can do and how changes can be made to avoid this type of situations again.

Therefore, it can be said that it aims to search for information through inquiry to achieve an breadth in knowledge regarding animal abuse.

Animal abuse

Animal abuse is considered to the behavior of a person or an individual towards an animal in order to cause some type of damage or suffering, which can also cause death. For Queril (2019), he says “In the current western culture we find allusions to violence in almost all areas where we move. It is known that witnessing a violent act can trigger aggression and anxiety disorders such as acute and post-traumatic stress, relationship problems, and a disruption in the development of empathy ". [1]

According to [2] “the defense of animals is based on a principle of tolerance and respect for life. The individual who mistreats a dog or any other animal could be a offender and until he got to take the same actions with human beings, since they are prelude to violence."

In Ecuador a large number of people understand and support animal rights, but there is a small amount that has no respect for the life of others, and this is demonstrated when they hit, abandon, poison and kill animals.

Many of these harmed animals are street animals, which represents an oversight by society.

Animal rights

Animals are beings that deserve respect and who possess rights, according to [3] the Universal Declaration of Animal’s Rights in its article 2 (1977) affirms “Every animal has the right to be respected”.

In other articles, reference is made to company animals, saying that as a living being they feel and have rights to a dignified life and to be respected. [4]. Therefore, an animal being a living being has the right to care, protection and attention necessary to ensure its well -being.

To establish these articles, different preambles were considered such as ignorance and contempt that lead the human being to eat crimes against nature and against animals, the recognition by humans to coexistence between the different species of the world was also considered. As another preamble, the violent tendency of certain individuals was taken and his threat by continuing to commit these acts of abuse, their lack of respect and education were the main points of view to leave for the elaboration of this statement.

Animal poisoning

According to the SAR, [5] poisoning refers to corrupting, causing damage, managing a poison, experiencing its effects. When in a society there are acts of animal poisoning it is clear that something is not working properly with its citizens and measures referring to this type of actions must be taken.

“International media echoed the massive poisonings that between July 12 and 13, 2019 affected three animal Quito shelters.  27 dogs died after ingesting the food that contained poison and that had been donated to the different foundations of the capital, a fact that enlighten the country’s animalist community ”. [6]

[6] María Alejandra Reyes, from the Lucky Welfky Animal Ecuador Foundation, pointed out that they lost eight dogs, also made reference to the donations they received from a balanced by pounds which you do not know if it came from a collection center or was given by the people who donate in a particular way. She also mentioned that many animals were agonizing for hours, while the others died in a few minutes.

Thus we have the knowledge that on July 12 and 13, an almost massive poisoning in animal refuge centers by unscrupulous people who offered food with poison teaching the same that was supplied to these animals and caused their death and caused their death and caused their death and caused their death and caused their death and caused their death and caused their death.

In the same way [7] “On Friday, August 2, 2019, the poisoning of 16 cats and a dog in the city of Manta was recorded. This fact occurred on 10th Street and Avenida 9, where it has caused shock among neighbors ”.

[8] "Animal Control Unit personnel found meat poisoned, allegedly vomited by felines".

These were some of the reports that were found in media about death because of poison supplied to cats in a neighborhood of the city of Manta in Manabí, which indicates a growing problem, because it is no longer a Isolated problem but of a behavior of a group of individuals, showing dangerous, violent and lacking behavior of respect, empathy and love for animals.


This research is based on an analog method since various sources of information regarding cases of abuse and poisoning in Ecuador have been compared in recent days, with which certain similarities and attitudes of citizens can be found since they do not have a awareness or respect for animals.

According to Queril’s point of view, a way of understanding these violent behaviors is to understand the western culture in which there are many acts that are normalized but in themselves they are acts of violence in different areas, in this way when a witness of violence is Taken to an external medium, it can have an equal response because it normalizes the situation and is not in contact with the seriousness of their actions, in the same way other individual can react violently in response to situations that have marked their past.

These individuals carry many traumas and problems to relate and understand the others in their environment which needs to be treated to improve and prevent attitudes of violence in any medium.

In the case of the articles cited by the Universal Declaration of Animal Rights we have several preambles that have served for the elaboration of them with which I agree because they are the most relevant either the genocidal nature of man, the risks that this is for society, its traumas and its lack of education. We can see in these articles that animals deserve respect and have rights such as having a dignified life and not being mistreated in any aspect, so in my opinion it is the most correct thing that can be established regarding animals since the Being defenseless beings who cannot express themselves as humans tend to be harmless and a high degree of empathy is needed to understand their reality, especially in the case of street animals which have no support and have to survive on their own.

In cases of poisoning we can understand that something is not right with the mental health of the people involved, since a stable human being and with good mental health and does not perform acts of violence to other beings because it understands about empathy and pain that produces an act as violent as these.

It is terrible to understand the magnitude of these actions since a person with such a high level of cruelty can be able to perform many dangerous things apart from the damage to the most harmless beings we have in our streets such as homeless animals.

Prevention measures should be taken in these cases of animal abuse, in the case of shelters it should be taken into account that people are correct to work in the place and see what kind of donations are the ones they receive.

In the case of dogs living in the streets, more radical actions must Free stylization campaigns in charge of responsible personnel and established by the Mayor’s Office of Quito.

In Manta several cats were found and a dog that were poisoned in a neighborhood, this deduction was based on the pieces of meat thrown by the felines before their death, this attitude on the part of some citizens indicates that there is no reference consciousness to the importance of animals and life in general, which is normalizing acts of violence of which are the most defenseless victims that are street animals.

If a human being has been educated with values ​​such as respect and love this will not perform actions such as those found in Quito and Manta.

In spite of the messages of discord by the mayors of both cities, no acts of change have been carried out, that is, the situation remains unpunished and they are not sought to the culprits and those affected are still without receiving a justice

It should be noted that citizens who perform these types of actions do not have any degree of empathy, which results in a problem and others have a very low degree of education which does not allow them to understand the seriousness and consequences of acts of this nature.


Information regarding the damages that can cause child abuse or couple abuse could be found, since they lead people to have violent behaviors with other living beings such as animals such as.

It could also be emphasized that it is a problem that occurs due to the lack of empathy, values, respect and education taught by schools and homes.

The lack of support for nonprofit institutions such as animals shelters were also found, they work independently and do not usually have government help.

Ultimately the lack of commitment from the authorities was seen to clarify facts of this magnitude or to take necessary measures to prevent them from again.


A better education in respect for life and their beings must be established, strengthening the ties of empathy, for which attention should be paid to the life that children lead in their homes since if they have problems they will be reflected in their violent behaviors.

Psychological help should be sought when an individual is detected with these violence problems since they often unleash acts of total cruelty not only against innocent animals but also against other human beings.

An aid to this cause can be support to non -profit institutions such as animal shelters, not having these with the help of the State, more awareness could be created regarding the issue, and with this getting citizens to be more interested in animal life. If a citizen I understand and feel like an animal as a living being, he will not treat him violently and will be able to help in any type of situation in which he will need.

The disinterest by the authorities is a relevant factor and that causes discomfort in citizens, therefore, autonomous actions must be taken and thus avoid waiting for a response and a change in this type of situation, one of these activities could be the neighborhood level awareness by a group of the community interested in teaching talks and in charge of encouraging a better environment for animals.


It is concluded that the preceding acts of abuse by relatives or members close to the person generate a negative response especially in children and this response causes a violent development of moral respect and empathy to others, the first samples of violence are usually towards more harmless beings I know the animals.

By having an ignorant population their actions are reflected in the environment which implies a total ignorance towards the damage caused by them, if it is possible to educate at home and in school appropriately with values, and empathy can achieve a change In this type of behavior.

If infants are educated with love, values ​​and respect will grow to become people who do not cause damage to animals or any living being, since it will understand the importance of life in any of its forms and understand what is empathy And the pain that can cause, in the same way you will know that an act of violence is morally incorrect and is frowned upon by society.

In the same way it is concluded that our system does not work, referring to the misuse of resources by the State and the mayors, which do not carry out actions to change these unfortunate facts for animals, whether prevention or sanctions are measured.


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  • Letters to the Director, "abuse of animals, legislation," the universe, p. October 16, 2018.
  • «Universal declaration of animal rights- ARTICLE 2».
  • «Universal Declaration of Animal Rights- ARTICLE 1,» of 1977. 1. Books a) Physics
  • V. Authors, RAE, Spain: Royal Spanish Academy .
  • El Comercio Drafting, "Ecuador is international news for mass poisoning of dogs in three shelters with donated food," commerce, p. 1, July 15, 2019.
  • The trade, "at least 16 cats and a dog poisoned in a Manabi neighborhood," El Comercio, P. 1, August 2, 2019.
  • M. A. Reyes, "For apparent aging, at least 24 dogs died in three shelters in Quito," El Universo, P. July 1, 2019.
  • La Marea, «Manta shock for 16 poisoned cats,» Ecuavisa, 2019.

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