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Analysis Of Medicine Data With The Statistical Method

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Analysis of Medicine data with the statistical method


In general terms, the purpose of this research is to understand the definitions, characteristics and phases, both of the scientific method and also of the statistical method, in turn building relationships of differences and similarities between the two methods, we also include a brief analysis of the life of the life of the life of theOutstanding doctor and father of modern epidemiology John Snow, as well as its importance within the history of medicine, this related to the epidemiological area, because due to its ability to observe and research, it could determine the process of transmission of cholera that inHis moment came to cause severe epidemics.


Scientific method, statistical method, research, logic, quantitative variables, qualitative variables, observation, measurement, hypothesis, John snow, cholera and epidemic.


The approach of a question leads us to the search for better alternatives to be able to solve it, which is done through methods, which allow to reach a conclusion in which several procedures or norms are needed, its adequate application leads to obtaining knowledgescientists and are characterized by being universal, which means that it is susceptible to being used by any science, organization or individual, it should be stressed that they can be corrected or develop again to improve and complement each other.


  • Examine the need for the execution of statistics in the professional development of the doctor.

    Wait! Analysis Of Medicine Data With The Statistical Method paper is just an example!

  • Use statistics in medical science to understand the structure and functioning of the different methods comprehensively.
  • Adopt a critical and based on evidence before the problems that could arise during the formulation of the hypothesis.
  • Understand John Snow’s impact on the epidemiological and anesthesiological area.



The statistical method is a set of techniques that are used to acquire new knowledge, which are obtained through processes that include observation or measurement, therefore, it is considered as data science.

This method facilitates the management of large amounts of quantitative and qualitative observations and data through methods of collection, counting, presentation and analysis with the objective of verifying the different hypotheses made previously in the investigation in the investigation.

Types of variable:

  • Continuous variable: variables that can assume any value, for example the height, weight, length, thickness, speed, temperature, among others.
  • Discrete variable: assume only certain values, usually whole.
  • Nominal variables: the only relationship between these values is equality or difference such as: sex, eye color, the field of study.
  • Ordinal variables: between two values of the variable, the relationships’ or ‘less than’ is given, which helps us to know if the variables are similar or different and also if the value is before the other according toA predetermined order.
  • Qualitative variables: qualitative variables are known as attributes which are understood by nominal or ordinal variables. These are not inherently numerical, in case of using numbers they will have no meaning, therefore qualitative data are obtained.


The scientific method is a technique used for information inquiry, which allows us to acquire knowledge and obtain answers through the research and experimentation process. In order for a research process to be called a scientist, it must be based on empirical and measurement, in addition to being subject to reasoning tests.

This must be supported by two indispensable bases, one of them is the reproducibility that refers to the ability of the experiment to repeat anywhere and by anyone, the second is refutability, that is, it must be able to befake or refuted.

The scientific method is characterized by being:

  • Empirical: information can be observed and analyzed.
  • Objective: Clear, precise and concise information.
  • Verifiable or replicable: It can be checked when performing an experiment.
  • Cumulative: it is based on previous knowledge.

Phases of the scientific method:

  • Observation: It consists of analyzing carefully and carefully to any fact, either with the naked eye or with the use of some tools.
  • Hypothesis: refers to the elaboration of an assumption based on previous information.
  • Experimentation: It is the process that develops in order to contradict or confirm the hypothesis.
  • Check: It consists of exposing the data obtained with the objective of knowing whether the product is accurate or valid, thanks to the development of the hypothesis and experimentation.
  • Theory: It is the organized knowledge of data and theories that explain or describe something.

Differences between the scientific method and statistical method

It consists in obtaining, representation, interpretation and analysis of quantitative variables. It is based on a scientific fact, since it is the fundamental pillar to explain an event.

Develop numerical collection and counting techniques which allow us to interpret the required information. Thanks to the use of tools and through scientific procedures new knowledge is acquired.

It is responsible for using both qualitative and quantitative data. It is based on evidence since it would have greater precision when analyzing.

Its classification is based on the different planning and execution stages. It is developed through the phases of observation, hypothesis, experimentation, verification and theory.

It stands out for data tabulation and grouping. It is characterized by being objective, verifiable, cumulative and empirical.

Similarities between the scientific method and statistical method

  • They are methods that make us able to acquire and interpret information.
  • These two methods allow us to obtain true and reliable information.
  • They are characterized by being present within the branches of human knowledge as in health sciences.
  • Guarantee a logical criterion to develop any type of research.
  • They constitute a fundamental part for the integration of knowledge into scientific research.
  • Allows to resolve in the best way the dilemmas that may occur in the future.

Which method is within which?

The scientific method uses several techniques to be able to perform in the most true way and adequate inquiry, therefore, use methods such as defining, classifying, statistical, deductives and several measurement procedures. That said, it follows that statistical methods use the scientific method which announce an analytical procedure to make decisions in five steps:

  1. Define the problem, having clear the object of a study
  2. Create a plan to collect the necessary data.
  3. Collect the data.
  4. Analyze and interpret the data.
  5. Reach a conclusion regarding the data obtained.


What is the most important method for medicine?

Statistics is a very important factor in the decision making of a doctor, the reason is because it intervenes in the analysis of all the factors that could have caused a disease, therefore, the scientific method is of vital importance because it is a mechanism thatallows to obtain new knowledge.

Each process of this method allows the information to be ordered, true, reliable and systematized. In the first step, the individual is observed in an exact way, since it is essential to be very objective with the reality of the observed to avoid errors in the future conclusion. The second step is the formulation of the hypothesis, to achieve this the observer or medical one must have the ability of reflexive criticism and that contains logic to reach a good diagnosis based on all its previous knowledge. Finally, the last step is the verification of the hypothesis that reflects the result of the observations and in some cases through new explorations to be more specific and thus facilitate the verification of the assumption.

In medicine, this process is the most crucial because it allows you to order the information, reflect the case, use the logic when performing hypotheses and finding the solution of the problem based on a process that grants reliable information.

Which method is more used in medicine?

The most used method in medicine is the scientist because this leads to managing information more organized. In addition, the scientific method establishes new theories that modifies existing ones, so that the phenomena that may exist in the individual is critically and logically.

The evidence is important in this process since it will allow the credibility of the research and thus eliminate any suspicion that it has been a coincidence, which characterizes this method is that it is very specific with the details during the analysis of health professionals, on the other hand, it encourages the interpretation of the collection of results. Finally, it can be said that it is effective in medicine, since the patient’s life precautions.


The study of statistics has the critical and logical capacity in medicine in order to carry out research that allows reflective analysis together with evidence obtained.

In this way, several researchers have been able to verify their hypotheses as the doctor John Snow that thanks to his analysis, managed to find the cause of the propagation of cholera in his time. In conclusion, the efficiency of each research work in the area of health sciences will be given thanks to a good statistics management with the research methodology.

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