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Animal Abuse

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Animal abuse


A well -known type of violence towards an animal especially in Spain, bullfighting, is a tradition was born in Spain and focuses on casting the bull until death causes him. All cultures both western and oriental have destructive elements. Tradition does not justify cruelty. To this some people justify that bulls are an almost religious symbol of the struggle between good and evil and that the bull represents evil. But religious parties should not be used to humiliate animals by a simple symbol. 

Psychologically and according to studies, cruelty towards animals, teaches cruelty towards humans these actions have something deeper: desire or need, of psychologically and socially weak subjects of being great, strong and brave, so they pursue the most creatureweak so that they feel less helpless.

In relation to the above, we mention animal traffic, especially “exotic”, the illegal trade of exotic animals is the third most lucrative traffic in the world and is considered one of the main reasons for the extinction of exotic typesin the world. The surprising thing is that not only live animals are sold, but also dead animals their meat, skin and eggs are sold. The skins, exotic and ivory species are the most lucrative. In fact, it is something scary, but I am not surprised by the existence of these things these days, some mafias trade with human beings, how can they not trade with the animal, who consider it anything in society?


Pastive hunting is a great example of animal abuse, which is done uncontrollably throughout the world, and is always for lucrative motifs, for skins, wool, ivory.

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Africa is considered the continent of countries with more illicit trade in this article. Huge amounts of skins are sold every year, but what is most sold are reptile skins, but the most sold of it is done clandestinely.

Animal experimentation, the use of animals in experiments increases every day referring to the fact that experimentation in animals is necessary, cannot be done by cancer or AIDS investigation without using animals or there are not enough alternatives. Well, for some medicines it has become mandatory to try first in animals. ‘Mandatory’ differs from ‘necessary’. Many animal experiments are made for commercial reasons. In addition, the success achieved with experiments with human beings and other alternatives without animals must be taken into account, we must also notice that people cooperately cooperate and know how to communicate better thus the researchers are forced to be more meticulous when organizing their experiments. The experiments would be safer and more efficient.

Animal possession in a circus. In a circus the natural behavior of animals is not shown, but the tricks that the caregiver teaches them. In addition, the human being is being shown as the sovereign of wild animals, and with it he is damaging them, surely for lucrative reasons. The zoo and the circus are very similar environments whose objective is to cage and damage the animals to attract the largest number of spectators. Those same enjoy throwing garbage and stones at animals. In those environments they are living in an artificial situation, caged in small spaces. Every animal has the right not to be exploited in an artificial environment.

Last but not least, industrial livestock. Animals are the greatest victims of history, and the treatment given on industrial farms to domesticated animals is perhaps the worst crime in history. The term livestock is defined as an economic activity that consists of raising animals for human consumption, livestock in conjunction with agriculture are activities that man has been exercising for a long time. In principle they were carried out for survival purposes, to meet their food needs. But when they saw the success of this trade, they decided to take it to another higher level, they began using all illegitimate or illegal means to increase productivity. 

And the simplest and atrocious is castration. In the food industry, cattle and other animals, they frequently cast them to increase their weight and improve the qualities of their meat, what ignore here are the negative aspects that this process has to the life of the animal itself. When an animal is castrated, it is highly likely to suffer from obesity, duecould cause a decline in the quality of life causing death. This environmental destruction must be stopped whose cause is industrial livestock.


Regardless of the part of the people who abuse the animal in their ugliest forms, on the other side, it must be recognized that over time there is a growing awareness of the issue of animal rights and there are movements of defense of the rights ofAnimals, known as an animal release abolitionist movement, arises with a protective vision of animals. 

It arises that every animal has a nervous system similar to human being, that is, they feel everything, pain, joy or sadness, and that a legal framework is necessary to protect them because animals are weak beings that cannot defend themselves or claim their rights, andAs human beings we must claim their rights, defend them and protect them. Our duty towards these creatures is to begin to understand how a duty of citizenship consists in denouncing the bad praxis and illegal actions of animal traffic we also denounce animal abuse in any establishment that is destined for breeding or the sale of animals. 

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