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animal in captivity

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Animals in captivity
Animals are always subjected to captivity by human beings. They at times treat them as pets while others keep them in their homes just simply for food. Animals do have their rights, and this is something that human beings have always tried to make sure that they get to avail to the animals. Captivity of animals takes place in a simple format such that humans get to store animals in their lands; though they could be kept solely for them to be food or rather just to be a friend of humans.
Positive impact of having animals in captivity
Protection of endangered species in captivity
Captivity of animals is usually more advantageous to the very species of animals. This is usually so because when they are in captivity, they have a guarantee of a home, meals and even a security guarantee. This way the animals can reproduce and even remain secure to live longer and maintain that rare species on land for longer as such.
The species of animals always require to be secure to avoid being hunted by poachers considering the increase of the habit of poaching across the globe. They are sure that they will be secure in the hands of the host. Animals of this nature are usually secure whenever private individuals host them since they will be making sure that they undergo the best conditions of security that is possible. Animals are usually interested in making sure that at any one point they are secured by the humans. The Animal Welfare Act and the Human Slaughter Act are simply legislations that are all intended in making sure that animals are very confident in their capacity.

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These laws were only created just merely to grant the animals space for them to be able to operate. The rules have given the animals all the rights that obligate the hosts of those animals to make sure that the animals that they are having in custody are very secure as such. Animals that have been kept in captivity are even surer of their everyday meals as compared to those that are not in captivity. Man will always make sure that his animals have food available. It has been witnessed that animals are usually healthier when they are in captivity as compared to when they are simply free from the care of human beings. Any person that inhibits animals on his home has the responsibility in law to make sure that the animal that they are having in their custody does access food and is living in a healthy manner as such.
The rare species of animals are usually guaranteed a home when they are in captivity. They are more than sure that they have a home when they are in custody as compared to when they are in the jungle and they are not sure about the same. When these rare species are in captive they usually healthy also simply because they are not subject to cold and other harsh environmental factors. It is the legal responsibility of a person to make sure that his/her animals have shade. Just like human beings they also have the right to have a shade on them and be prevented from the hazardous environmental effects such as cold. The Animal Welfare Act requires that any person who is breeding any animals should not subject them to any form of environmental threat; thus meaning that the person should simply give those animals a particular shade that will prevent them from such effects. This law is an English law but it so clear; the same law has been copied by several other countries all in the name of trying to make sure that they get to protect the rights of these animals.
The species of animals always require to be secure to avoid being hunted by poachers considering the increase of the habit of poaching across the globe. They are sure that they will be secure in the hands of the host. Animals of this nature are usually secure whenever private individuals host them since they will be making sure that they undergo the best conditions of security that is possible. Animals are usually interested in making sure that at any one point they are secured by the humans. The Animal Welfare Act and the Human Slaughter Act are simply legislations that are all intended in making sure that animals are very confident in their capacity. These laws were only created just merely to grant the animals space for them to be able to operate. The rules have given the animals all the rights that obligate the hosts of those animals to make sure that the animals that they are having in custody are very secure as such.
Adverse Impacts
1. Cruel treatment of the farm animals- Farm animals are usually subject to very cruel treatment especially on the basis that they are being bred all for food or for a resource that they do get to produce. Animals that are in custody are usually denied the freedom of movement, as they would wish actually to enjoy (Mason et al., Pp. 15-18). These animals are there to make merely sure that either the human being is satisfied or even secure (Young, Pp. 10-12). They are denied the freedom to be moving around as they would have done when in the jungle. In the homes, they are subjected to some rules that involve not just to only roam around at their wish but rather to listen to the instructions that they are given. Their movement is then restricted either way by the man who claims that this is a form of trying to make sure that the being is very secure as such. There is nothing more that is important to the animals than actually to have some freedom over which they can rely upon to make sure that they move as they would wish. It is only normal for them to be feeling appalling that they have been restricted and then the basis of the claim is that man is trying to make sure that these animals are very secure as such. Animals also have the same right to access their freedom to be moving around as they would wish to move about (Young, Pp. 23-25). Furthermore, these animals are also overworked all in the name of paying for what they are consuming; for example the domesticated donkeys are usually given heavy loads to carry and even beaten heftily all just because they are in captivity as such.
3. Subjection to mental stress and physical abuse for the sea world – Just the basic fact that they have been subjected to psychological stress means that they will be on a mental stress (Petfinder). Domesticated dolphins do not enjoy the same conditions that all other dolphins are in while in the sea, they automatically miss the company of the group; this is just a development of the mental stress as such. When some sea animals are taken into captive, they are not guaranteed that they will also be moving with their mother. Animals also have some emotions, and thus it will be typical for the animals also to have to be faced with some mental stress (Petfinder). Some of the sea animals when they are in captive they are also put subject to physical stress. They are not treated so well physically and at times they are even slaughtered at a premature age as compared to when they are in the sea and they are bale to hide from the fishermen until they get to a certain age as such.
The management of wild animals in captivity. Chicago University P., 1964.
Mason, G., Burn, C. C., Dallaire, J. A., Kroshko, J., Kinkaid, H. M., & Jeschke, J. M. (2013). Plastic animals in cages: behavioural flexibility and responses to captivity. Animal Behaviour, 85(5), 1113-1126.
Young, R. J. (2013). Environmental enrichment for captive animals. John Wiley & Sons.
Petfinder,. ‘Legal Rights For Animals – Petfinder’. N.p., 2015. Web. 19 Nov. 2015.

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