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Asthma And Its Main Causes

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Asthma and its main causes

Asthma is a bronchial disease characterized by the obstruction of the lungs, often occurs from an early age being difficult to diagnose, however it can affect people of all ages and it is difficult to treatment the factors that trigger asthmamain we have pollen and pollution This is due to the large amount of environmental pollution that currently exists 

Atmospheric pollution is defined as the presence in the atmosphere of polluting elements that alter its composition and affects any ecosystem component. Among the most important risk factors for asthma development include exposure to allergens (home dust mites, animals, cockroaches, polenes and mold) the objective of the treatment of asthma, at any age, is to achieve control of theillness in order to avoid exacerbations and damage. The organ affected by this disease is the bronchi since they are sensitive when inflamed becomes thicker and narrower light, produce more mucus and their muscle fibers contract more. 

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of airways, in which many of mobile wireless cells and elements. "Chronic inflammation is associated with airway hypersensitivity that gives us recurring sibilation episodes, difficulty breathing, chest squeak, and cough, especially at night or in the early morning. These episodes are associated with broad but variable lung air flow obstruction that can be reversible with or without treatment ”.

Effects of pollutants that affect the respiratory system 

The respiratory effects of air pollution depend on the type and the mixture of pollutants, its concentration, the amount of time that is exposed to the pollutant, how much is breathed and how much it penetrates the lungs.

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In general, you must verify the pollution alerts of each day. In winter, avoid walking through crowded streets caused by traffic. In summer, air pollution levels are greater in warm and sunny days, avoid outdoor dynamic activities, or realize them in the morning, when pollution is usually lower. 

Main contaminants

The main pollutants that can be human can be: Ozone or O3 Ozone is a gas composed of three oxygen atoms. It can be beneficial or harmful, locate where they are. Effects irritates the nose and throat, or rest and take palliative medicines if they were prescribed nitrogen dioxide or NO2 nitrogen dioxide (NO2 – one of the main nitrogen oxides present in the air) is a reddish gas of an incisive smellACRE, and is one of the main sources of the SMOG Effects • Increases the incidence of asthma • Increases the risk of death due to pneumopathies • Increase hospital admissions duesoil particles. Man -made particles mainly provide industrial processes, construction or friction of vehicles on. Large particles normally gravitate rapidly, the smallest can remain in the air days or months. • Individuals who experience symptoms must go to their doctor or take a palliative medication, they comment among the main sources of air pollution are:

  1. Natural sources: dust containing biological materials, spores, pollen and bacteria.
  2. Agricultural sources: insecticides and herbicides used in agriculture.
  3. Technological sources: • Industrial processes of all kinds. • Industrial and domestic consumption of fossil fuels. • Motor vehicles.


Triggering asthma factors 

The present case study focuses on allergens (pollen, mold, animal dandruff, insect parts and some chemical substances) and irritating substances (tobacco smoke, dust, gasoline or diesel vapors and chlorine) that can trigger oraggravate an asthma attack in people with augmented hyperreactivity in the airways (CSEM, 2000). The consumption of tobacco during pregnancy, passive exposure to tobacco smoke and other pollutants, in the infant period, are powerful risk factors for the development of respiratory infections, recurrent wheezing, bronchial hyperreactivity, diminished lung function in the periodinfant, many of which are in turn risk factors for asthma and decreased lung function in childhood and adulthood. Respiratory infections and climatic changes were the main factor triggering asthma crises in children under 10 years, prolonged, more frequently, the crisis of more than 48 hours. 

It caught the attention that the factors related to an immune response were only selected in 2.4% children of the 538 children with treated asthma crisis, contrasting with reports from other studies that indicated immunological triggers, such as the most frequent. As a result of anthropogenic activities, carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere have increased which have caused different changes in climate. One of these is the modification of temperature which, according to wide scientific evidence, has impacted pollen which could exacerbate allergic diseases worldwide.

Details of the symptoms caused by asthma 

The diagnosis is made mainly by the clinic in the presence of recurrent respiratory symptoms of wheezing, coughing, difficulty breathing and oppression difficulty that appear with a characteristic pattern, usually related to exposure to known triggers and what happened over timeIn intensity and, often, appear at night, with laughter or crying, during exercise or emotions.

Clinical diagnosis 

  • Wheezing. • Tos that worsens at night, respiratory distress and recurring thoracic oppression. • Symptoms begin or begin in the presence of: exercise, viral infections,
  • Aero Allergens, climate changes, strong emotional expressions (crying or laughing), stress, menstrual cycles. • Symptoms occur or worsen at night and wake up the patient.

Episodic symptoms

In children over 6 years, it is preferableFirst (VEF1) 12% and 200 ml. In patients with persistent asthma, they should try specific cutaneous tests or IGE to assess awareness.

Risk factors and drugs 

Among the most important risk factors for asthma development include exposure to algenos (home dust mites, animals, cockroaches, polenes and mold), occupational irritants, smoked, viral respiratory infections exercise, moods, chemical irritantsand medications (stories such as aspirin, beta blockers and other non -steroid inflammatory agents).

Asthma treatments 

The objective of asthma treatment at any age is to achieve control of the disease in order to avoid exacerbations and damage;Although infants have a low level of loss, they have a high level of risk of exacerbations, some of them tombs inhaled corticosteroids for asthma control in 0-4-year-old children are recommended as a first-line treatment for both the reduction of the reduction in the reduction of theRisk as the risk of exacerbations. In general, its use for 3 months is recommended regularly and accompanied by short-acting beta-2. A clear improvement with treatment and a treatment when suspending it supports the diagnosis of asthma.

Most used treatments

 Inhalers Immunotherapy Monoclonal antibodies Physical training (swimming, elite athletes) 


One of the factors that can inhibit allergic reaction triggered by polenes includes meteorological changes (such as temperature and speed and wind direction), the propagation of plant species and the transport of pollen to large distances, since they can haveIncrease problems in the variables of certain polenes, with the consequent aggravation of the symptoms. Among the most important factors that predispose to asthma we have exposure to allergens such as mites (present in beds, furniture, stuffed animals) Animal dandruff, polenes, environmental pollution, tobacco smoke and chemical irritants in the workplace.


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