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Criminal Justice
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AbstractResidential treatments are forms of drug rehabilitation programs that maintain a long-term recovery for drug addicts. Residential centers employ multidisciplinary approaches to assist victims in recovering from addiction. Both Mega City One Therapeutic Community (MCOTC) and Mega City One Prison Therapeutic Community (MCOPTC) are long-term residential drug treatment programs that offer counseling, cognitive behavior therapy, management of withdrawal medically supported detox, education, vocational programs, mental treatment and other elements that help individuals recover from addiction. The initial research conducted on the MCOTC by the Honorable Joseph Dredd could have provided results that are far from the truth about the effectiveness of community-based drug treatment because of failure to meet all the ethical standards of a drug research. As such, Judge Dredd requests another research to be conducted on the MCOPTC for comparison with the earlier research to determine the extent of drug reduction amongst participants who complete treatment in the two treatment settings. This short proposal, therefore, highlights the research design based on ethical principles that will be used in carrying out the actual research.
Research Design
Ethical practices in medical researches play a significant role in deciding the accuracy of results. Researches that involve human subjects require a formal informed consent from all participants for justification of the research (Zhai, 2015).

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Participation in a drug research should be a voluntary act and participants must be allowed to ask questions before they can fully commit to the research. According to Dredd, the establishment of MCOPTC does not restrict drug addicts seeking rehabilitation from attending the MCOTC since forcing people into a research study is unethical. However, individuals convicted in Mega City One Prison have no option but to receive drug treatment in prison. On behalf of Judge Dredd, this proposal is designed to compare the effectiveness of MCOTC and MCOPTC in drug abuse treatment for participants who complete treatments. The objectives, study questions, hypothesis, and methodologies will form the main parts of the outline in preparation for the actual research.
To determine if the MCOPTC is comparable to the MCOTC in reducing drug use among participants who complete treatment
Research Questions
Is the MCOPTC more effective than MCOTC in reducing drug use among participants who complete treatment?
MCOPTC is more effective than MCOTC in reducing drug use among participants who complete treatment
MCOPTC is not more effective than MCOTC in reducing drug use among participants who complete treatment
Quasi-experimental Method
The quasi-experimental method shall form the best design for this research. The method is concerned with the selection of a group where a variable is tested without randomizing the selection process (Zhai, 2015). This is because the method is very useful in generating and analyzing results in this kind of research where the experiment is conducted on participants who already have the problem being investigated. This method will be suitable to gather information from the therapeutic centers since all individuals in the centers are proven victims of drug addiction through pre-screening. This will reduce expenses that researchers would incur in pre-screening selected participants for the study. Specifically, the research design will focus on pre- and post-study of the participants as the best method to determine whether they exhibit signs of improvements after drug treatment. The study is aimed at comparing the degree of improvement between two community-based rehabilitation centers, and this will be achieved by determining the state of the groups before and after drug treatment period. This selection is the most appropriate for the research questions and hypothesis because it provides a difference of results in the beginning and the end of the study.
This research aims at employing non-probability sampling techniques where random selection will not be used. Obviously, the study population has a common problem and is the target for the study which provides certainty in representation and generalization of the data collected. One of the effective probability sampling techniques that would be used is snowballing where individuals who meet the criteria for inclusion are identified, and then they can be used to identify others whom they think have similar problems (Zhai, 2015). This method will assist in gathering more information including information concealed by victims who will not be willing to take part in the active research or those who might provide false information. This Particular study targets a sample size of a hundred participants from each therapeutic center. Non-probability sampling is appropriate for the research question and the hypothesis because it is possible to estimate the confident range in the statistics.
Operationalization and Conceptualization of Independent and Dependent Variable
The study to determine the effectiveness of drug treatment in two different residential treatment centers shall use the differences of the values obtained from independent and dependent variables to justify the claims about recovery from addiction. If the value obtained from the difference between drug abuse level at the start and at the end of the therapy at MCOPTC is smaller than at MCOTC, then there is a reduction in drug abuse among participants who complete the treatment at MCOPTC. If the value obtained from the difference between drug abuse level at the start and at the end of the therapy at MCOPTC is larger than at MCOTC, then there is an increase in drug abuse level among participants who complete treatment at MCOPTC. A reduction in drug addiction among participants at MCOPTC would mean that the center is more effective at rehabilitating individuals as compared to MCOTC. The results would also imply that the community prison setting is more effective in rehabilitating drug addicts than the MCOTC setting. Conclusion
This research design has laid a foundation for the actual research that seeks to unveil the cause of differences in two rehabilitation settings. The research design has set the objectives and methodologies that would be effective in conducting the research on the variables. This outline will make the primary research exercise easier, time-saving and cost effective because of the organization of methodologies and idea. It had provided a clue about the nature and the expectation of results of the study. Data analysis and interpretation will also be easier because of the design outline, and this will enhance the level of accuracy of the research.

Zhai, J. (2015). Research Design and Methodologies. In Teaching Science in Out-of-School
Settings (pp. 37-62). Springer Singapore.

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