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Brexit’S Impact On Sport

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Brexit’s impact on sport

When we hear about Brexit, the focus rests on economic, social and, above all, political issues. However, the controversial project would also strongly impact the sports field of the European Union.

While these consequences are not at the center of attention, they should not be surprising. It is not the first time (and surely it will not be the last) in which political resolutions are reflected in the dynamics and structure of sports, especially what it says regarding administrative issues.

And it is that politics, far from being limited to the decisions taken in a parliament, is fully integrated into the daily reality of an entire society. With its particularities and eccentricities, the sports field is not out of the present, but is expectant for the possible consequences of Brexit.

But, first of all: what is Brexit?

The central issue of Brexit is clear and simple: it is about the departure of the United Kingdom from the European Union. In fact, the name ‘Brexit’ comes from the Union of Great Britain (Great Britain) with the term ‘Exit’, which means departure. How will it affect Spain?

For many, the idea that one of the most influential countries left the most powerful block in the world, seemed unthinkable. However, the initiative was launched after being approved by the majority of the British population through a referendum made in mid -2016.

Since then, we can verify that the result of this ‘divorce’ is much more complex than the central idea of Brexit.

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The United Kingdom is currently considered, as the fifth largest economy on the planet. Almost half of its imports and exports are carried out within the EU field, in addition to being an important US partner.

Any movement of this ‘heavyweight’ rumbles not only in the EU, but in all countries. And although it will be deactivated, Brexit is already a reality required by much of British society, including many of its political representatives. With this, its failure would generate so much (or even more) uncertainty than its effective application.

Now how does Brexit impact on the sports world?

In practice, although there are Brexit supporters in the sports field, there are many who care about the changes in immigration policy derived from this separation.

If we take a look at the Premier League, for example, we find more than 50 Spanish and French players defending the English club shirt. Not to mention athletes and coaches from other EU countries, from the American or African continent, which clearly provide added value to what is the most lucrative championship of world football.

More sports next to football

But the possible obstacles derived from Brexit would not impact only on the football universe. In a sport such as formula 1, where mobility is the essence of its competitions carried out several continents, the changes in the United Kingdom immigration policy after EU exit could end up being a limiting factor.

Great teams such as McLaren, Renault and Williams set their operations center in the United Kingdom. However, their work teams are global, giving employment to professionals of different nationalities;many of them from the more than 20 countries that make up the EU.

Something similar could happen in the equestrian world, with the extra difficulty that involves competition animals through borders. Even more if we consider that the United Kingdom has always been one of the pragmatic and rigid countries in migratory issues and with the entry of animals.

In summary…

Brexit confirmation can cause serious obstacles in sport, whose equipment and structures are increasingly globalized. The end of special agreements on economic matters, but especially in immigration policy, tends to become more complex and expensive almost everyday procedures today.

As examples of the procedures that would be affected by Brexit, there is the case the hiring of athletes and foreign coaches. Also in the transfer of materials, equipment and even animals for competitions in the equestrian or cinophilia field.

If the United Kingdom imposes stricter migratory conditions, this would not only impact the budget balances of the clubs;but it could also be harmful to the sport itself, negatively impacting the competitiveness and diversity of the teams.

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