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Gang Violence
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Part One
According to Howells and Griffiths, youth gangs remain a great menace within American communities. The book offers a grounded approach to the increasing youth violence. More importantly, the book focuses on the foundation of gangs, that is, their origin and categories. Also, these authors critically analyze the issue of prison gangs, gang patterns and the probable consequences of gang violence. The authors also go extensively in uniquely analyzing the political stand towards combating the future of gang violence and involves arresting and prosecution, or in some cases, outright killings during brutal gang attacks (Howells & Griffiths, 2015).
Howells, J. & Griffiths, E. (2015). Gangs: In American communities (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Part Two
The authors of this article focus majorly on the risks attributed to involvement in gang violence. Some of the risks highlighted include drug abuse. Most individuals engage in drug abuse after gang membership as this is a common practice that cuts across almost all gangs. Other risks include poor education and employment capacity and neglection from the community due to their practices hence minimal attachment to them. Also, individuals involved in gang violence are subjected to death risks as all their activities are illegal and inhumane (Esbensen et al., 2009).
Esbensen, F.A., Peterson, D., Taylor, T.J., & Freng, A. (2009). Risk factors for youth violence and gang membership.

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The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology.
Part Three
According to Theriot and Orme, gangs poses a great threat to student safety in learning institutions. Therefore, learning institutions have focused on bolstering security by hiring more school resource officers. Some of the risks gangs pose at schools include armed robbery, killings, and rape of female students. Although these SRO’s are tasked to improve security, the perception towards this is different amongst students. For instance, victimized students felt to be at a greater risk while those with a positive perception towards the SRO’s felt safer (Theriot & Orme, 2014).
Theriot, M.T., & Orme, J.G. (2014). School resource officers and students’ feelings of safety at school. Journal of Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. Web.
Part Four
In this article, Goldberg L and Goldberg W analyzed a group formed by former religious cults who are assessed to confirm voluntary exit from the cults they were formerly engaged to. The authors of this article focus on describing their main objectives and the structure of the cult. Three post mind control levels (initial post deprogramming, re-emergence and integration) are highlighted as the members propose interventive techniques within each stage. These cultists hold their discussion of past experiences within a non-judgmental and supportive environment (Goldberg & Goldberg, 1982).
Goldberg, L. & Goldberg, W. (1982). Group works with former cultists. Social Work.
Part Five
The adverse effects of gang violence have sensitized the world on the need combat this menace. Various strategies have been devised in aid of this issue. For instance, according to a YouTube video “Gang Prevention,” idle youths should be engaged in after-school recreational programs in various youth centers such as sports so as to reduce their possible chances of being lured into gangs (Washington Recreation & Parks Association, 2011).
Also, according to the video” A Toolkit for Preventing Youth Involvement in Gangs” communities via community leaders and service providers can implement various ways of combating youth absorption into gangs, or help the already gang-affiliated ones in quitting (British Colombia, 2013). According to results obtained by interviewing several youths, it was discovered that most youths were ignorant of the efforts in stopping gang violence hence the need to sensitize them. According to another YouTube video “Youth Speak on Gang Prevention,” most youths had no idea of a previous gang prevention conference. With gangs constituting of almost pure youths (Around 35% of gang members are teenagers), these videos are highly helpful in understanding gang violence and the need to eliminate it from our societies (Schulman, 2011).
Washington Recreation & Parks Association. (2011, January 10). Gang Prevention [Video file]. Retrieved from
British Colombia. (2013, November 28). A Toolkit for Preventing Youth Involvement in Gangs [Video file]. Retrieved from
Schulman, J. (2011, August 25). Youth Speak on Gang Prevention [Video file]. Retrieved from
Part Six
Combating the gang violence menace has recently become a common goal across the world. Such efforts include advising gang members to quit, engaging teens in youth centers for events like sports and legal actions against those involved in gangs. From the YouTube video “Gang-related tattoo removal at Homeboy Industries” the role played by volunteer doctors from Homeboy Industries in this epidemic is significant. For instance, these volunteer doctors use the green laser to trace and erase tattoos of various ex-gang members in an approach to transform them fully to productive people (UCLA Daily Bruin, 2013). Several other volunteers have also engaged in free programs as an intervention to gang violence. From the YouTube video “Cure Violence, 2014” several Chicagoans such as Schatz have combined efforts to combat gang violence (Schatz, 2014). These people work in collaboration with outreach workers, community, and government. The YouTube video “Don’t Shoot, I MUST Grow Up – Treating the Violence Epidemic” a team focused on investigating gang violence in Chicago due to its quick up rise in the area. The aggressive members engaged mostly youths in open discussions in an approach to mitigate gang violence in the state (Columbialinks123, 2012).
UCLA Daily Bruin. (2013, March 10). Gang-related tattoo removal at Homeboy Industries [Video file]. Retrieved from
Schatz, L. (2014, April 10). Cure Violence, 2014 [Video file]. Retrieved from
Columbialinks123. (2012, November 21). Don’t Shoot, I MUST Grow Up – Treating the Violence Epidemic [Video file]. Retrieved from
Part Seven
The video “Receiving Phase of Marine Corps Boot Camp on Parris Island” discusses an approach to transforming potential gang members to US Marine Corps. The training is meant to transform these recruits to psychologically, mentally and emotionally disciplined to be reliable civilians. This approach is a milestone as these individuals transform from being threats in their societies to productive people in the society. This approach helps in minimizing the potential number of youths susceptible to gang membership in their communities hence a great step in combating gang violence (Parris Island Videos, 2015).
Parris Island Videos. (2015, July 28). Receiving Phase of Marine Corps Boot Camp on Parris Island [Video file]. Retrieved from”
British Colombia. (2013, November 28). A Toolkit for Preventing Youth Involvement in Gangs [Video file]. Retrieved from
Columbialinks123. (2012, November 21). Don’t Shoot, I MUST Grow Up – Treating the Violence Epidemic [Video file]. Retrieved from
Esbensen, F.A., Peterson, D., Taylor, T.J., & Freng, A. (2009). Risk factors for youth violence and gang membership. The Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology.
Goldberg, L. & Goldberg, W. (1982). Group work with former cultists. Social Work.
Howells, J. & Griffiths, E. (2015). Gangs: In American communities (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE.
Parris Island Videos. (2015, July 28). Receiving Phase of Marine Corps Boot Camp on Parris Island [Video file]. Retrieved from”
Schatz, L. (2014, April 10). Cure Violence, 2014 [Video file]. Retrieved from
Schulman, J. (2011, August 25). Youth Speak on Gang Prevention [Video file]. Retrieved from
Theriot, M.T., & Orme, J.G. (2014). School resource officers and students’ feelings of safety at school. Journal of Youth Violence and Juvenile Justice. Web.
UCLA Daily Bruin. (2013, March 10). Gang-related tattoo removal at Homeboy Industries [Video file]. Retrieved from
Washington Recreation & Parks Association. (2011, January 10). Gang Prevention [Video file]. Retrieved from

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