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Child Abuse A Relational Phenomenon As An Expression Of Violence

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Child Abuse A relational phenomenon as an expression of violence

Child abuse as one of the configuration modes of family violence, is established within the bosom of abuse and contexts where the interrelation between human beings are characterized on the one hand, through communication exchanges of equality, also called also calledsymmetrical in which children and adolescents bidirectionally climb violently with their parents or caregivers, through cholera bursts as shouts or blows, that is, of the expression of violence aggression. On the other hand, interaction patterns take the form of rigid complementarity, called violence punishment. Consequently, the parental holon or those who exercise the functions of care and protection unidirectionally hold power and dominion relationships over children and adolescents, who losing their status as subjects of rights, are faced to retreat without objection or against theirWill to abandonment, carelessness, torture such as locks or any other type of abuse, abusive or alienating interactions, built daily with their primary, secondary or institutional support networks as the case may be the case. These are naturalized or legitimated under the pretext of a discipline formation or the myth of parenting guidelines framed in the hostility and punishment according to belief systems that perpetuate indelible intergenerational traces, not processed from an childhood where they were also mistreated.

Given this scenario of ill -treatment in childhood, Barudy postulates the need to typify them according to the pattern of active or passive interactions that arise.

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In this sense, active abuse, also called violence by action, encompasses behaviors where the use of force is physical, sexual or psychological generate damage to children and adolescents that are involved;Passive violence or abuse by omission refers to negligent behaviors or abandonment by caregivers towards them and them. The interesting thing about his proposal lies in the communicative value of the violent message, so that in the behavior and abuse discourse received by children and adolescents it is possible to recognize three complementary properties;First, the mode of communication for example, blows, humiliating words or gestures of omission and indifference according to the type of active or liabilities that arises;Secondly, the context, referring to the space or public or private place where it takesMaltrate, where his victimization translates into pain, terror, submission and impotence when it refers to active or physical abuse. 

Returning to the case of the Afro -descendant family, it is found that at present, the mother violates her children physical active abuse, the mode of communication being the blows proposed through an instrument, in this case a belt and afterwards the immersion in theWater;Likewise, she perpetrates psychological active abuse through insults issued to children;Similarly, she exercises passive mistreat. Regarding the context where the violent act takes place in this case, it is predictable, emerges in the housing site in the breach of academic responsibilities;Finally the structural state of children or victimization process is the pain for blows and submission.  

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