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In employment law, a BFOQ (bona fide occupational qualification) refers Purposefully sharing and passing ideas and information from one person to another systemically through semiotic rules and signs is called communication. All through the ages, humans have needed to connect with each other, and it all begins with proper communication. Even animals in the jungle and those domesticated have some way of communication; it is primitive, but it is there. Human beings are more evolved creatures, and so their modes of communication have seen tremendous changes over the years; from drawings in caves to fully formed languages. Even with the evolution of communication methods which has indeed improved our lives, there are many challenges faced when communicating (Cohen et al., 1986). There being so many languages, the language barrier is the primary cause of poor communication, but other equally destructive communication barrier is aggression, when communicating we not only share ideas and information, but we also share our feelings and perspective on different issues raised. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of aggression in communication has in the healthcare industry.
Aggressive communication is expressing your needs and desires without pausing to think of the other people’s well-being. At other times, aggressive communication is done with the pure intent to hurt others or carry out revenge on someone for something wrong they did.

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Recently, it was established that healthcare employees experience the most intense verbal and even physical aggression than any other profession (Cohen et al., 1986); it is quite uncommon to associate healthcare with any violence since it is considered the refugee when anyone requires medical attention. Verbal aggression in health care has existed for a long time with abuse, yelling and cursing at each other. Medical practices and healing treatments to cure illness either natural or psychological are carried out in a healthcare facility. In healthcare proper and safe communication is known to facilitate recovery and healing of any patient yet there are others who consider it a hindrance to attaining good health (Bosher and Smalkoski, 2002).
There are various aspects of aggressive behavior. First is physical abuse; it is when an individual gets physical and uses his or her physical power to intimidate the victim (Cohen et al., 1986). General abuse is any behavior that shows a lack of respect or dignity and humiliates someone else. In other instances, bullying can happen where someone intentionally repeats a cruel act with the malicious intent of undermining someone else (Bosher and Smalkoski, 2002). A research conducted by Budd (1999), in Britain, shows that healthcare workers are second after the police at risk of aggression and violence episodes. Aggressive episodes are in danger of increasing with age(younger), gender (male or female), working hours (night or day shifts) and their occupational status (nurse) (Nadzam, 2009).These factors predispose health workers to aggressive behavior.
Any form of aggressive behavior ultimate affects the victim intensely, reduces their self-confidence and they become withdrawn because of the shame that comes with the humiliation. If the perpetrator of the offenses is a person in power or a boss, the working environment becomes unsuitable for personal growth and career advancements. Some of the factors that cause a person to develop aggressive traits is like been abused as a child that leaves a lasting psychological wound that comes with anger and thoughts of revenge (Nadzam, 2009). Being humiliated or inappropriate treated by a boss and cause bad blood and the mistreated employee can seek revenge and thus develop aggressive traits. For others, it is merely out of ambition to be ahead, and they intimidate, bully and dominate others to get ahead in their career or professions.
Handling occurrences of aggression is a delicate and tricky matter altogether. Both the victim and the perpetrator are interestingly seeking something from each other be it an apology or go to prison to pay for the crime committed (Nadzam, 2009). When solving this situation, ensuring there is a responsible, neutral third party involved, just like in marriage counseling when a couple is fighting and cannot seem to find a common ground, is imperative. Each party must be given a chance without any interpretations to air their concerns. When meditating over this situation, the mediator should not take any sides unless it is a criminal offense that requires the involvement of the authorities. Like if it is a situation involving a sexual assault such as rape then it should be reported, and the perpetrator should be arrested to answer for his or her crimes. If it is mediating a case of bullying, helping them find a common ground so they could find the cause of the aggressive behavior and solve it appropriately is crucial.
Aggressive behavior is both verbal and physical, so avoiding situations that would lead to bullying or harassment is critical. For nurses, it is hard because patients have to be under their care, and some of the patients can be aggressive putting the nurses at risk of aggressive behavior and abuse. Providing counseling session for burnout nurses will help a lot as well as giving them time off from work to relax and rejuvenate will help improve their performance. 
Bosher, S., &Smalkoski, K. (2002). From needs analysis to curriculum development: Designing a course in health-care communication for immigrant students in the USA. English for Specific Purposes, 21(1), 59-79.
Budd, T. (1999). Burglary of domestic dwellings: Findings from the British Crime Survey.
Cohen, L. H., Sargent, M. M., &Sechrest, L. B. (1986). Use of psychotherapy research by professional psychologists. American Psychologist, 41(2), 198.
Nadzam, D. M. (2009). Nurses’ role in communication and patient safety. Journal of Nursing Care Quality, 24(3), 184-188.

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