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Compulsive And Mental Health Disorder In Chile

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Compulsive and Mental Health Disorder in Chile

The obsessive compulsive disorder, better known as TOC, is classified within the DSM IV (diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders) considering an anxiety and also chronic disorder, in addition to being one of the five most frequent psychiatric diseases inPeople, and according to WHO (World Health Organization) is one of the 20 disabling diseases. This usually occurs during childhood and/or adolescence prevailing in your life, it manifests itself as a product of a significant event for the person either, losses of some close, separation of parents, a childhood hard or rather by some trauma.

This disease causes repeated behaviors directed to reduce anxiety, even so these actions constantly interfere with the daily activities of people who suffer from it producing a very low quality of life since, this condition is mental and physically exhausting. Prevailing only 0.8% of the adult population and, in children and adolescents 0.25%.

The first indications of this pathology were announced in 1838 in literature through Jean Etenie Dominique Esquirol, the work I do on this was of great importance in the study, since I implement a law where all kinds are reflectedof care, management and guidance that people should be given with some mental illness. Then in the twentieth century, psychological theories made by Sigmund Freud acatando that was related to obsessive neurosis, in the 50There is talk of an obsessive-compulsive spectrum as such and relate it to a set of syndromes and disorders.

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In spite of the technological and scientific advances it is not yet possible to know with complete accuracy what causes it but, according to Guillermo Gaber “the TOC is the recurrence of one or several ideas that invade the patient’s life” (Gabller, 2018). Even so, many researchers reach different results from each other, without reaching something concrete.

In Chile, only 2% or 3% of the population is affected that equals 500,000 existing cases in the country, many of them are inconsistent just because they are ashamed to recognize it as such, letting the consequences that this cause, one of theMore frequent toc in the country is that of the need for order and symmetry, which is based on the concern to dispose and order things perfectly. Many of these individuals suffering from this disorder are linked to substance abuse (23% to be exact) either, drugs or alcohol, which provides them with a feeling of relief. Once these effects disappear their thoughts and anxiety become strong.

Also many of these people end up seeing self-medication as an alternative since, the consultation of a psychologist or psychiatrist is away from the pocket and reality of many, as happened to the visual artist Carla Martínez, which Piemporeal pointed out “he stopped attending thePsychologist because he spent a lot of money on each session ”(Tiemporeal, 2007). This implies that if at that time it was difficult to access a treatment, today, it makes it more difficult to increase the value of health and even when such a disorder is not considered within the boom plan (universal guarantee access in guarantee inHealth).

In the last time there have been several changes in the way of understanding mental health and, thanks to him National Mental Health Plan and psychiatrist, a model based on the attention inserted to the community was established, this was allowing the social inclusion of theUsers. Our country has also achieved several progress on the incorporation of policies towards mental health by extending an extensive network of integrated services but still, it is not possible to facilitate the access of medicines to people. However, for more facilities to be able to access treatments, they are not always effective but in the same way, psychologists choose to resort to psychotherapy that is based on promoting changes or modifications to behavior, health, integration and integration andwell -being of people, addressing the different disorders that it can present. When such treatment is not effective they resort to the complementation of medicines generating in the individual sensations of relief and tranquility. There are also psychologists who choose to occupy or implement a procedure called “response prevention” that tries to inhibit the performance of acts or rituals that anxiety comes to cause in these cases or, cognitive-behavioral therapy that focuses on identifying and solvingTogether with the patient, the problems and, when the disorder becomes really inappropriate for the person who rejects all treatment they have at hand, psychocirugia that corresponds to a neurosurgery is used in order to treat mental illnesses.

Keep in mind that TOC is not a curable disease and that any treatment performed is only to reduce any act and feeling that it causes, implying that if it is not treated, it comes to take away what for one is really essentialAs, the joy of living life, of sharing with their loved ones or simply the experience of knowing new things, also this disorder ends up becoming secrets never revealed and only their compulsive behaviors will highlight in sight.

In a nutshell, this makes us understand that being a frequent disease it is not yet possible to give guaranteed access to treatments and that in Chile it is not given the importance it should have, taking into consideration any consequence that does not deal with theTime disorder, we must also consider the few psychologists and psychiatrists in the country contrasting it with the high demand that they generate due to the large percentage of people with some mental illness.

Realize that, the best health should not only focus on the private area but that it must also be implemented in the public sectors, thus guaranteeing that people can access a treatment without the need to react their budget that often notIt reaches and that it is real of importance to try so that it does not continue to get worse and avoid that in the long or short term it becomes a nightmare as much as for the person and for the family.


  1. Gaber, g. (October 4, 2018). How many people have Toc in Chile? Obtained from the third: https: // many-people-touc-en-en-chile/341807/
  2. Real time. (November 6, 2007). Toc caricaturization in Chile. Obtained from time: http: // www.EDEC journalism.CL/TIMOREAL/2017/11/06/LA-CARICATURIZACION-DEL -OC-CHILE/
  3. Author Sonia Kodysz text, entitled “Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (T.EITHER.C.), extracted from http: // www.psi.UBA.AR/ACADEMIC/CARRERASDEGRADO/PSYCHOLOGY/SITES_CATEDRAS/Elective.PDF
  4. Author text Álvarez A. Juan Pablo, entitled Jean-étienne Dominique Esquirol, Alieniste, extracted from https: // www.Elsevier.It is/es-real-refisting-medica-clinic-the-condes-202-articulo-iean-etienne-dominique-esquirol-alieniste-S0716864012703620
  5. Text by authors Pierre Pichot, Juan J. López-Ibor Aliño and Manuel Valdés Miyar, entitled Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, extracted from http: // www.MDP.Edu.AR/PSYCHOLOGY/PSICO/CENDOC/ARCHIVES/DSM-IV.Spanish.nineteen ninety five.PDF

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