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Conflict and Interpersonal Communication

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Conflict and Interpersonal Communication
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The paper discusses the benefits of interpersonal communication in a close relationship. Interpersonal communication refers to the interaction between two or more people in an intimate relationship. Interpersonal communication can be transmitted through verbal or non-verbal communication. The climate of the interaction defines the emotional tone in interpersonal interaction. The emotional tone in a relationship helps in predicting whether the people in the relationship are happy at each other or in any conflict. Interpersonal conflict in relationships involves disagreement due to differences in opinions and other factors. This type of conflict is universal and inevitable in close relationships. Such conflicts can help relationships grow stronger if managed well. Interpersonal conflicts can be solved if the people are strong enough to separate problems and their partners. The people in a relationship can resolve conflict through incompatibility, expression, interference, and interdependence. Therefore, interpersonal communication helps in solving disputes between persons in close relationships.
Conflict and Interpersonal Communication
Interpersonal communication involves interaction between two or more people in a personal relationship. Usually, there is affection in relationships. Personal connections help people accomplish some basic needs. The communication between people includes the act of sending and receiving messages.

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The needs that people look for in interpersonal interactions include control, affection, and inclusion. Verbal or non-verbal transmission of a message during communication can help identify the tone of the relationship between the person who sent the message and the receiver. The perception of the message as either positive or negative effect how people feel about one another on a daily basis. According to Alder (2009), communication climate is the emotional tone of any relationship expressed by non-verbally or verbally. It means that by understanding the environment of communication, one can know what their other partner feels about him/her.
Interpersonal conflict occurs when there are real or imagined opposing opinions, scarce resources, or discordant goals. People express such conflict verbally or non-verbally. The non-verbal can be in the form of unnoticeable cold shoulder or a verbal one that can involve an outright blowout. However, some people mistake interpersonal violence for interpersonal conflict. Interpersonal violence is a total abuse that shouldn’t happen in interpersonal relationships. Interpersonal conflict is inevitable in every relationship and sometimes has an adverse emotional effect on the people involved. Even though the conflict might have a negative impact in a relationship, researchers have proved that it can be rewarding at times. Hendrick (2002) argue that disputes have satisfactory and rewarding benefits to relationships when managed well.
Interpersonal communication helps one understand how to communicate and interact with others. It has benefits in having effective communication and having minimal conflicts.

Adler, R., Rosenfeld, L., Proctor, R., & Winder, C. (2009). Interplay: The process of interpersonal
communication. Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press.
Hendrick, C., & Hendrick, S. S. (Eds.). (2000). Close relationships: A sourcebook. Sage.

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