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Consciousness About Abuse And Cruelty To Animals

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Consciousness about abuse and cruelty to animals


For centuries, the world has been experiencing notable changes with the environment both with its flora and its fauna, many ancestors ago they appreciated the flora and fauna so much that they worshiped, took care of it and tried to match it, thus converting it, thus convertingto animals in gods for them;such as the Jaguar who was a very important God, a unique species, and very beautiful in those times.

In those times there was no overexploitation or hunting of species, for our ancestors the animals were the most glorious that could exist, they took great care of them, but all this changes from the year 1600 that was the historical period in which people beganto hunt the animals excessively by pure fun, thus reaching 800 species of animals among them the Dodo bird, the moa, the imperial raven, the black rhino, the dolphin of the Chinese river, the java tiger, the tiger ofTasmania, El Bucardo, etc. The main consequence of doing this is the imbalance of the environment, affecting animals and humans, they did this only to have skin, horns or heads of hung animals decorating a wall.


After this year the cause of the extinction of the animals was no longer only to hunt, but some more were added such as the overexploitation of the land and the animals that lived there, the entry of invading pests to habitats that were alreadywhipped by hunting or that would not easily resist these pests, pollution, since in these years people begin to create machines that produce many substances that damage the environment and finally uncontrolled trade and inappropriate treatment towards animals, everythingThis contracted that very beautiful, unique animals were extinguished and that they help the planet;as were the giant turtles of Pinta, etc.

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Thanks to our evolution, humans have allowed usExtinction for many reasons are panda bears (for destruction of their habitat and hunting), the elephants (for the trade of their fangs), the whales (for their trade in their meat and fat or oils to produce creams), the rhinoceros(for their illegal trade of their horns), the few jaguars that remain on earth (for hunting, destruction of habitat and illegal trade of their fur), and many more.

Today it is very sad to know that there are still people who still try to end the few species that remain alive just to earn money in the black market, but it is even sadder to know that there are countries that still support the sale and buyof animal products as extinction as is the case of China, Japan, etc., The idea of hunting for seasons, selling or "caring" animals in deplorable conditions or that people feed on them, the damage we are doing to the world is very serious we are not realizing that this affects us all in general,causing our own death slowly and can already be seen with the pollution we are creating.

We as a society are very selfish because we cannot share a planet with animals;We do not respect them, we treat them as if they had no feelings, we used them as if they were work machines forcing them to transport very heavy things for them, we use it as if they were a source of monetary resources, etc. We have done inhuman things with animals for example when some people have atrocious acts with animals only for fun or because they are "stressed" thus producing new diseases, viruses and with this ending and extinguishing species, humans and leaving our generationsincurable diseases.


It is time to be able to save the species that are in danger of extinction and in general to any animal that needs help so that we can continue to keep them alive on earth and thus to balancing nature, but if we do not want to do anything to realize andArriving some solution about the damage we are doing to Mother Nature will be too late and we can no longer bring them to life or save them and even a ‘simple cow’ or a ‘simple rabbit’ will no longer exist on earth;There will be extinct for our lack of awareness, our destruction and ignorant.

I maintain that the more helpless a creature is, the more rights it has to be protected by man against the cruelty of man. I must still perform many personal purifications and sacrifices to be able to save those helpless animals from a sacrifice that has nothing sacred. Constantly beg to God so that some great spirit, man or female, on in divine piety, is able to get rid of our horrendous sins against animals, save the lives of innocent creatures and purify the temples on this earth and purify the temples.

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