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Current Shared Knowledge And Historians

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Current shared knowledge and historians

Shared knowledge often changes over time. Does this fact decrease our trust in current shared knowledge? As time passes, shared knowledge will always change and tends to become more accurate, although this does not seek to indicate that it is an absolute truth;However, personally I think that there are situations such as doubts, the questions and research in what has been learned, such as: theories, experiments, among others, that make shared knowledge refreshing or transforming, where technology manysometimes he plays a very important and preponderant factor.

A reality that I live day by day when attending classes, where educational unit and teachers every day give us a teaching path;But, as we go from course year after year, we are nourishing and enriching with new knowledge and even much of our knowledge tends to become more accurate since we learn more about the same topic. Artificial intelligence or new technological tools, today they help us or contribute to expand learning or knowledge, even reaching some beliefs and theories have been renewed. Many areas of knowledge such as: natural sciences, history, religious knowledge systems and indigenous knowledge system, have also been supported by artificial intelligence and have been able to renew.

In order to obtain a better understanding, this essay will focus on two areas of knowledge: History and indigenous knowledge system. Forms of knowledge will also be used: reason, language, memory and intuition.

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Through communication we get shared knowledge to expand, this is because when exchange information, history, mathematics, etc., We are nourishing and enriching new knowledge and even breaking paradigms that may have prevented us from knowing or experiencing new things. The accumulation of knowledge, learning or past experiences that every human being has obtained represents our current knowledge and this leads to knowledge being divided into "personal" and "shared".

The quality of this knowledge is that they intertwine with each other, because without shared knowledge there would be no current knowledge;Therefore, as time passes, knowledge changes either evidencing that there is an error in a shared knowledge or becoming more accurate knowledge through the questions that human beings cause us, for this reason my current questioningIt is to what extent the credibility in history and culture can be affected by technological advances ? .

As we indicated above, shared knowledge is changing as time goes by without reducing our trust and is improving so that knowledge is even more accurate. Focusing on history, for example, historians discovered important historical events through their intuition since it allowed themdrawings or findings that human beings of that time left. This work took them a long time as the historian Charles Freeman states in an interview where “the studies investigated the texts that remained in Greek and Latin, and after the decipherment of the hieroglyphs in the 1820s, in Egyptian.”(Dombrowski, Rotenberg, & Bick, 2015). At present, with the help of technology they have been able to rewrite the history, the computer and researcher Xavier Rubio-Campillo and his team carried out a “study that shows that computers are able to shed light on the blurred pages of historyworld or even disassemble theories that were believed definitive.”(Tree, 2013). This technological advance has caused a great impact since historians have more precise information and not only memorize discovery, facts and history.

However, our trust can decrease over time because information and theories have been denied. These false information are due to the fact that historians adjust the versions to reality change the perspectives of the facts so that people do not ignore. The conjectures of the past are sometimes influenced by the form of knowledge of the imagination of historians for this reason, “historians, as novelists, produce literary texts that have their own internal requirements of coherence, plausibility and integrity, and their own justificationsDecision derived from where to start and finish … Some fiction writers say that historians have a broader canvas to paint than them, because the truth is more strange than fiction ”(Griffiths, 2009). It is likely that certain information has been altered by historians through imagination or what they tried to think that it had happened, however, due to technological advances, the reality of events by means of the historical evidence that has been discovered has been discovered. For this reason before an affirmation, an absolute truth cannot be evidenced. Shared knowledge has been improved with the passage of time through historical revelations, experiments, research through the technological tools that exist today.

Likewise, as the previous example, the changes that the shared knowledge has are favorable without causing any damage to our trust. Another example is the indigenous that through memory shows traditions, customs, rituals, dances, among others, also because of language because of their only way of transmitting information through oral language such as songs anddance, at the same time by that means they have practical teachings and shared work. Indigenous knowledge allows the human being to develop his sensory perception very well as is the case of a member of a New Guinea tribe that can identify 70 species of birds for his song, another case is from a Amazon shaman who can reachRecognize many species of plants and preparations that will enhance their chemical effect on the human body (Black, 2012) . This polished human intelligence throughout his life in nature has allowed him to learn through many individual observations, reflections, experiments, intuitions, refinements of art, experience and communication. The culture of indigenous people are very different from those of a daily person.

A palpable example are scientists who have verified and experiment that alternative medicines are sometimes the best, but this is because they have extracted or obtained information from indigenous knowledge. The knowledge that indigenous people have is holistic since they look at the human being in the world as part of their processes but not as observers. This example presents us with the importance of improving knowledge because there is knowledge without explorNaturlaes.

On the other hand, currently UNESCO has created a project in which it helps that indigenous peoples around the world can create their own resources in order to have an efficient means of communication. (Dombrowski, Rotenberg, & Bick, 2015).

Indigenous people are few and many of them still remain isolated from today’s world. These people living in a place without a cell phone, without internet practically without technology, makes them more vulnerable since they do not know to what extent a daily person can arrive, but this fact that everyday and indigenous people do not intervene among them frequently does not causethat the trust they have before something in common decreases, because that depends on the perspective of each human being.

In conclusion, shared knowledge if it tends to change over time, but sometimes it improves knowledge for this reason the current trust is not affected since knowledge can be changed, but not forget because the human being decidedretain him in his memory either out of curiosity or interest. As time passes, you can change all shared knowledge and reduce our trust, although in this way it helps human beings learn to self-educating us to correct wrong knowledge with true acquaintance. The current shared knowledge is the one that allows the human being to investigate more than he knows to affirm the truth of such knowledge and if it comes to be wrong, he discovers reality, leading him to self-preparation since he looks for verified data, however they can change.


  1. Dombrowski, Rotenberg, & Bickk. (2015). Theory of knowledge . United Kingdom: Oxford University Press .
  2. Tree, m. R. (September 20, 2013). BBC News. Obtained from rewriting history thanks to technology: https: //
  3. Griffiths, t. (2009). History and The Creative Imagination. Australia: Monash University Press.
  4. Black, c. (January 13, 2012). Occupy Your Brain. On Power, Knowledge, and The Re – Occupation of Common Sense. Obtained from Occupy Your Brain. ON POWER, KNOWLEDGE, AND THE RE – OCCUPATION OF COMMON SENSE: htpp:/schoolingtheworld.Org/Occupy-Your-Boin/
  5. Geographic, n. (s.F.). National Geographic. Obtained from Disappearing Languages: http: // travel.National

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