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Definition And Characteristics Of The Food Supply Chain

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Definition and characteristics of the Food Supply Chain

It is well known that the food we consume have always carried out some conservation process, sometimes it is minimal and in others it is more aggressive. This is due to climatic changes and population growth, for that reason; Society demands more and more food. Then, today the transformation processes that begin from the preparation of land for planting were used, until the food reached the consumer table. This is confirmed, the authors Claudia Nieto Orozco, Alyik Chanin Sangochiana and Nataliatmborrel Signoret; who assure that, currently; Food patterns have migrated from traditional food to processed foods. And that 58% of the calories consumed by Mexicans are made up of food and packaged drinks. (Nieto Orozco Claudia, 2017)

And FAO says that; due to the abuse of food prosecutions; A risk factor for chronic-degenerative diseases, which are cardiovascular, diabetes, and different types of cancer has been unleashed. Now, with this change in food there is a prevalence of malnutrition that favors malnutrition, overweight and obesity. This is in rural areas of the country, where children under 12 have been the most affected; And again it is said that the causes are, the diets rich in sugars, products of animal origin and fats, from highly processed products. It is said that Mexico is first, for sale of highly processed products. (FAO, 2019)

Author Peter Fellows says that the diet rich in carbohydrate and fat does not favor health, and on the contrary, he says that rural populations, and in general; They need a diet based on cereals or edible roots that provide carbohydrates and starches and a source of animal or plant proteins, such as meat, milk, fish, beans; also the vitamins and minerals provided by vegetables and fruits or nuts.

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(Fellows, 2004)

Now, conservation methods are in their peak, because it was and continues, the only way to preserve food. And Peter Fellows confirms it, saying that food is mostly seasonal crops and there are periods of abundance; and others in which there is scarcity. It is here where, he signs the conservation methods either to preserve abundance or mitigate shortage, and for that reason there is stored food, which have conservatives, therefore, help food security.

According to the opinions of the authors, they believe that if food must be submitted to conservation processes. Where I think there is no agreement, it is the ultra pasteurized process because unfortunately they are highly processed foods, rich in carbohydrates and in animal fat, and the population that consumes them is high. This brings effects on food safety.

Now the trend is to look. Then the authors Camacho, Marlen and Arauz say that organic agriculture is a production system that makes its possible to maximize the resources of the farm, and the use of non -renewable resources, not using synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, to protect the Environment especially human health. This does not do it with processed foods.

So, if there is another tool to ensure food security, this is organic foods. FAO confirms this data, saying that organic products are better assimilated by the organism, for its process and production technique, because they are free of toxic waste. These foods are considered organic why they have good practices, from the preparation of land, where there are no fertilizers, but use plant waste, green fertilizer, cattle or fertilizer, excrement of composted animals, including poultry manure, domestic waste assorted and composted or fermented mineral potassa and mineral extraction potassium salts.

Consuming these organic foods has their benefits, because they are free of pesticides, antibiotics, synthetic hormones and contain their nutrients naturally, increase the level of health we have immunity. And these foods are identified because their production. They carry out practices to conserve the earth and its nutrients, they have a current certification that endorsed them.

There are many benefits in organic foods, but like all foods, it is necessary that they be subjected to conservation treatments to give them more life, FAO, gives us tools that are used especially for organic foods, which goes from manipulation , storage, transport, elaboration and packaging, the integrity of these products will depend on the techniques used to each food. And in its elaboration, mechanical, physical or biological methods can be used; such as fermentation or smoked, and for packaging, biodegradable containers will preferably be chosen. For storage and transportation, it must be monitored that organic foods are not mixed with non -organic; and that there is no contact with chemical materials and substances, the labeled ones must be seen clearly, and for the storage areas and containers used for the transport of organic products, they must be cleaned with methods and materials allowed in Madamas production.

In conclusion, comparing the opinions of these four authors, they make it clear that food cannot be without any conservation treatment. But they give us alternatives to ensure food security. And to my point of view, organic foods are the ones with the best quality standards; because they take care of every detail of production, transport and storage. And what is better, foods maintain their nutrients, organic products, which carry very strict quality control, there is no cavity for OGM or biofertilizers.                 

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