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Domestic Violence-Spousal/Partner Abuse

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Domestic spousal abuse is a series of behavior that one uses to endow control and power over the other by injecting fear and intimidation. This disastrous act has caused a led to a lot of suffering, homelessness, poverty, rejection and to some point fatality in the society globally. When talking of such, Chico does not stand as an exception. The below article is to discuss the presentation of spousal abuse in California and other two countries in relation to Chico and how the citizens in the stated state and countries respectively feel and go about it.
As stated above, spousal abuse has led to a lot of drawbacks but the painful part of the issue is that an ultimate solution has not been found yet, the circle of the violence is still large on both sex. The rate at which women experience the problem is gradually lowering as contrary to men who nowadays experience much of emotional, psychological and sometimes physical torment from their partners. The catalyst is a non-profit organization that has committed itself to addressing the needs of victims of spousal violence regardless of their gender identity, religion, sexual orientation, citizenship or language. In a research that was conducted by my organization, the statistic showed that out of every 4 women 1 had gone through spousal abuse in her lifetime, this doesn’t mean that men are left out either since out of 12 men 1 confirmed to experience emotional or psychological abuse from their partner (Firth, 2008).

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The total number of volunteers was 48, during the conduction of the research, it was noted that most women were victims of sexual, economic, emotional and physical abuse. This shows that men still tend to be more superior and intimidating to their spouses.
In the effort to curb down spousal abuse, Butte County came up with the following solutions; to start with, the government enforced laws that render the act as illegal, people with common interest on the matter came together and formed non-profit organizations, for example, the catalyst who came forward to reduce the incidents of spousal abuse through provision of contingency intervention services, promotion of healthy relationships, safe housing and finally community education (Hamberger). The above solutions were as a result of research that confirmed that most of the abuse was conducted indoors hence rendered home being the most unsafe place for the victims.
California, which has a per capita income of $29,527 and a total population of 38.8million just like Butte County is greatly affected by spousal abuse with a countless number of stalking, beatings, battering and forced sex. Butte County has a per capita income of $23,787 and a population of 224, 241; if compared with California it shall be true to say that Butte County is a typical case. The state of California is economically and socially affected by act of spousal abuse, to start with, a lot of resources are directed towards law enforcement, mental health treatment and medical facilities. Children are most often than not forced to live without their parents this is a clear indication of future crime and other social evil.
The general public is not in support of partner abuse, as indicated in a recent survey that was conducted in California, it was noted that major part of the public believe that the violence can happen to anyone, furthermore, they supported the idea of introducing spousal violence prevention and healthy relationship programs in schools, this is a pleasant and the most effective move in the fight against spousal violence, this suggestions support the fact that the public is not pleased by the act (Hamel, 2005 ).
Domestic violence against men and women is not an exception in the US. The total population of US is 318.9million and a per capita income of $53,750. In the US, women are more vulnerable to partner abuse with 85% of domestic abuse victims being women and 15% being men. Women encounter in US and Japan encounter physical abuse, financial abuse, emotional abuse or worse the combination of the three. Cases of forced sex, beating, rape, battering, stalking and threatening of one’s life are not a surprise to women in both countries. In the US it was estimated that 22.3% of women and 14% of men have experienced severe physical violence by their partners, the same research brought to light that an estimated 19.3% 0f women had been raped by their spouses (Renzetti, 1992). Unlike Japan that has for a long time kept the issue within the walls of silence, US has in the past campaigned against spousal abuse based on the growth of the figure of the victims and through this she has managed to come up with several solutions to the problems.
Japan has a per capita income of $36,221.81 and a total population of 127.1 million with 51.35 being women who also take the big share in cases of spousal abuse. In a survey that was conducted in Japan on 3,544 respondents, 11% of the women confirmed that they had received harassment from their spouses compared to 4% of men. In a total of 49, 533 people affected by spousal abuse, 46, 252 were women, and 3,281 were men. Men have also reported issues of assault like pushing, slapping, grabbing and hitting. Similarly, men in Japan face the challenge of beating from their prominent spouses who want their commands to be followed on time and to the latter without any complaint (Shea, 2011).
This act of spousal abuse is perceived as evil in both countries, as part of the remedy, both countries have stopped being quite on the issue that was once a rooted culture and have managed to make and enforce a tough law to bring the act to a lower count. To start with, both countries have managed to educate its citizens on the identifying the signs of spousal abuse and healthy relationships. Secondly, both countries have embraced domestic violence intervention services and have also enforced laws that render spousal abuse as illegal, perpetrators found guilty of breaking the law face a jail term, Japan has anti-spousal abuse project that is still working on finding a lasting solution to the problem.
From the article above, it is clear that this pathetic act of spousal abuse has derailed the community not only socially but economically too, the biggest share of the cake is taken by women, and this is so unfortunate if we consider the fact that everyone came from a woman. The idea of enacting the law, introducing programs in schools formation of organizations is a perfect idea to kill spousal abuse; despite the above remedies, perpetrators sometimes buy their freedom through corruption. This makes them even more stubborn; in order to come to a perfect solution, corruption must be at a zero count.
Firth, L. (2008). Domestic abuse. Cambridge: Independence.
Hamberger, L. (1996). Domestic partner abuse. New York: Springer Pub.
Hamel, J. (2005). Gender-inclusive treatment of intimate partner abuse a comprehensive approach. New York: Springer Pub.
Renzetti, C. (1992). Violent betrayal: Partner abuse in lesbian relationships. Newbury Park, Calif.: Sage Publications.
Shea, J. (2011). Abuse: Domestic violence, workplace and school bullying. Cork, Ireland: Atrium.

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