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Drug Trafficking In Australia

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In an article that appeared on the ABC news on 28th of December 2017, an Australian woman escaped the death sentence in Malaysia for drug trafficking. The sitting judge released Maria Exposto on bond. Although she was caught with around 1.1kg of crystal meth, at Kuala Lumper International Airport coming to Sydney from Shanghai, the charges against her were cleared. Nevertheless, she has been detained for more than three years, and the judge ruled that she unknowingly tricked into carrying the drugs (Harvey, 2017, 12). However, the drug trafficking is not a new concept in Australia. It has been on the rise in the past few years. The country is being viewed as the fastest growing hub for international drug traffickers in the world. Some of the illegal drugs include; ice, cocaine, and speed. It is surprising to note that most of the people involved in drug trafficking in Australia are Mexican. This notwithstanding, the trade has several players from foreign countries as well as Australians.
The Illicit Drug Data Report (IDDR) by the Australian Crime Commission provides statistics view of the drug trafficking arrest and an interception. In 2017, the authority seized 3.3 tonnes of cocaine, 2.1 tonnes of crystal meth and undocumented amount of Heroin. Of the arrest made, 86.1% was through the border anti-drugs authorities that accounted for only 5.9% of the total weight of drugs. On the other hand, at least 80.

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1% of the drugs were intercepted in the sea. More than 50% of the drug trafficker was going to China while Hong Kong, Canada, and Thailand also being the other destinations. When these statistics are compared to what is reported in the media, they appear to be less. For instance, it was said that the total amount of cocaine seized was around 5 tonnes while the official report state it as 3.3 tonnes (Harvey, 2017, 12). Therefore, it becomes increasingly hard to understand the real numbers behind this menace of drug trafficking in Australia. Sociologically, boredom is being seen as the main reason why drugs use and trafficking has been on the increase in the last few years in the country. It is believed that most of the users are either to idle and, therefore, they indulge in drugs and substance abuse or in the business of selling drugs to earn some money.
Harvey, A., 2017. Australian Maria Exposto found not guilty of drug trafficking in Malaysia, escapes death penalty. ABC, p.12.

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