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Effects Of Bullying In The Country Of Colombia

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Effects of bullying in the country of Colombia


Bullying, also known as "bullying", refers to the aggressive behavior of a person, or a group of people, who abuses and/or mistreats both physical and verbally to a victim or victims, through expressions ofHate, oppression, harassment and intimidation used to highlight their "weaknesses" or "defects". Bullying or harassment is a behavior that can be given in any space, it can be given at home, public places, in labor environments. This is to violate the victim by attacking their self – esteem through insults or contempt, either because of their differences, ethnic, cultural, economic, social, among others, among others. thus affecting the way the victim develops socially, he is even able to hurt by applying physical violence.

According to UNESCO, “one in three students (32%) has been intimidated by their classmates at school at least once in the last month and a similar proportion has been affected by physical violence, according to the publication. Physical intimidation is the most frequent in many regions, with the exception of North America and Europe, where psychological intimidation is more common. Sexual harassment* is the second most common in many regions. School violence and intimidation affect both students and students. Physical harassment is more common among boys, while the psychological is more frequent among girls. In addition, they also increase harassment online and mobile phone, says the report.

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In this essay it is planned to cover bullying specifically in Colombia.


Harassment in Colombia

With regard to Colombia, this is one of the countries with the highest number of cases of schoolOf every 5 children are a victim of persecution by their classmates. The International NGO "Bullying Without Borders", conducted a study on bullying in the country, as a result, between October 1, 2017 and October 1, 2018, 2 were recorded.981 Serious cases of bullying. According to the “Classrooms in Peace” program, in the last study conducted by the Saber tests of 2014, it concluded that 37% of children in fifth grade said they were victims of bullying and in ninth grade 22% said the same.

These figures and statistics are not simply numbers, but reflect and evidence, a large number of children and young people who live as victims of violence, intimidation and exile in the stages that should be joy, learning and socialization, in which they develop as they develop asimportant members of society.

In these cases of bullying, both the perpetrator, as the victim have profiles or characteristics of them, which are:

Victimary: Generally, people who exercise harassment over others, in the case of physical violence are men, approximately 45%. While in the case of acts related to psychological aggressions such as rumors are women, and their actions are more subtle and delicate than those exercised by men, which are usually more direct. The personality of the aggressor is influenced by an impulsive and aggressive temperament. Manifest a deficiency in social skills, to communicate something, negotiate your needs or desires. It shows a lack of empathy or ability to put into another person’s place, assume their situation, and manifests a feeling of guilt. He is unable to control his anger and hostility towards others. These people often try to hide their defects, their insecurities and their bad self – esteem in the form of a retaliation towards other people who cannot defend themselves and that are usually inferior to them, socially, they are people who have adjustment problems in their relationships withThe others interact in a difficult and aggressive way. It has been seen that a high percentage of perpetrators is constituted by repeating and disapproved students, so, in some cases, their school integration would be more complex and difficult. Victimar students have a great capacity to make nicknames, ridicule, intimidate, push, hit or damage the belongings of other students. They need to dominate other people to feel superior. Its temperament is easily affected, they are very impulsive and with a low frustration tolerance. They like to be challenging before adults, especially teachers, who are also usually victims of this bullying. They are seen by others as evil, immature, and little condescending people with their victims. They can participate early in activities that demonstrate antisocial and negative behaviors such as theft, consumption of alcoholic beverages and vandalism, which they can lead to exercise not only against their classmates, but also against authority figures as teachers, and even their parents and family. They show a negative attitude towards school and consequently towards studies.

Victim: Considering the victim’s personality, it is weak, insecure, anxious, sensitive, calm and shy, with low levels of self – esteem, and sense of inferiority with respect to everyone, usually they are usually rejected people, without friends, so they have a lot of effort to make friends. Taking into account the family field, the victims spend a lot of time at home with the family, or locked in their room without having contact with anyone. He has a lot of overprotection from his parents, which makes these children very dependent. In the vast majority of cases they are less strong and smaller than the aggressors, hence they take advantage of them when they see them lower. In addition to this, in their behavior they demonstrate uneasiness, anxiety and insecurity. Two types of victims could be considered: the active or provocative, which changes their attitude of anxiety with the aggressive reaction, that is, they can face the perpetrator directly (less frequent victim type). and the passive victim, who are insecure subjects, who quietly suffer the attack of the aggressor (type of victim more frequent).

Consequences of bullying

The consequences of bullying occur for both the victim and for him victimizer. In the case of the victim, this is the one that becomes more drastic consequences, since its situation can end with a failure not only social, but also school and even with physical or psychological damage, either with the fact of becomingdamage or even want to take his life, due to the context of exclusion, loneliness and inferiority to the one that he carried him victimizer. Among the various consequences, the following can be mentioned: Feeling of lack of protection and humiliation, fear of school and the entire school environment, isolation attitude, anxiety states, depressive paintings, school dropout, neurosis and hysteria, rejection of oneself, and possibleSuicides. Now, in the case of the aggressor, this can use to achieve its objectives through pressure, violence and extortion. In this way he approaches and familiarly with a type of criminal behavior, which can lead to the entry of this person to commit crimes in major scales in the future. Likewise, it can be greatly negative talking about the future possibility of pairing when moving their behavior with the victim not only to other students, but also their family, or their partner, as is the case that some women suffer. Likewise, for people who are spectators of these cases of harassment, although they are not directly related to him, things can be evidenceAvoid them, reinforcement of individualistic and selfish positions, which means something very dangerous, by assessing and considering as transcendent and respectable violent behavior and attitudes. Exercised towards other people who are not them, a progressive desensitization, acquired through the repeated and passive contemplation of the suffering of the victims, remaining neutral without doing anything for them, to avoid this situation.

Measures taken against bullying

Bully. In Colombia, a law was created in 2013 to control bullyThe prevention and mitigation of school violence ”, by this means, the Colombian government promotes the detection, protection and prevention of cases of bullying when they are denounced to the competent authorities. This standard includes different types of violence and harassment, from teasing, blackmail, offenses and verbal intimidation, to physical attacks such as blows, push -ups and more extreme cases that imply sexual abuse, so that all these signs of bullying can be detained and punishedOnce the coexistence committees are attended that must exist in the school instances throughout the country.


According to the data and information shown above, we can show a big problem that is in the educational environment regarding this type of school academ, since it is at this stage where the student is formed as a person and determine their future, then thanks toThis problem would have the perpetrators on the one hand, which if they are allowed to continue exercising this type of harassment, can be truly criminals and a danger to society, while for the side of the victims when treated in this wayAnd grow in this environment will not only have social and labor difficulties in generating, but can mean death itself for this. Or also to disch.

In addition to this we can currently evidence as both legal and educational control mechanisms are not very efficient when avoidperpetrators, which has meant in a considerable number of students who take their lives, and an increase in the number of criminals. Therefore, not only new legal and school control mechanisms should. In addition to the above, more control should also have a new type of harassWhat let’s say.

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