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Excess Of Aesthetic Surgeries In Women Transforms Into Obsession

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Excess of aesthetic surgeries in women transforms into obsession

Aesthetic surgeries are born as a "divas" whim, they are a type of elective surgery that serves healthy patients who request the aesthetic improvement of areas of their body;for considering them antistnetics or improvable. These surgeries "perfect or restore" the appearance of certain parts of the body, which leads to a better quality of life of the individual, to an increase in self – esteem, and consequently, to the confidence in itself and to body harmony.

Gaspare Tagliacozzi (as cited in Riva, 2012) we restore, repair and return to those parts of the body that nature gave, but that misfortune has removed, not so much as to delight the view. But, enough to raise the spirit and help the mind of the afflicted.

However, over the years becomes more accessible and more acceptable, because it ceased to be only for rich and famous, and passed to all social segments. The media have played an important role in the idealization of aesthetic surgery, through social and programs networks, which show celebrities to have more vitality with these surgeries.

Today people believe that their life will be easier and more successful if they fit cultural norms, since they often get carried away by beauty stereotypes established by society. Beyond whether or not they are happy with their bodies, the opinion of others has more weight.

For these reasons, the number of people who decide to go to the plastic surgeon to correct small or large aspects of their physique that they consider as imperfect increases every time.

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But what happens when the excess of these surgeries leads to very harmful consequences in our health, to the point that it usually becomes an obsession.

Initially, small surgeries are carried out to look good before themselves and society. However, in certain cases, the desire of these people to achieve "perfection" makes them addicted to aesthetic surgeries. Since after having performed surgery, people begin to look more and more in small imperfections to the point that they often resort to multiple operations as a momentary solution to their obsession or as an alternative to eliminate their imperfections.

Fiorela Fernández affirms that the media, advertising and society are of great influence for the population, especially in relation to appearance. For example, studies show that people who are more attractive tend to have better jobs, salaries and be much more sociable than the least attractive. (Anonymous, Welfare 180, S.F.)

These obsessions are directly related to the uneasiness that generates the person the manifestation of defects in his body, and therefore this person will feel shame, guilt or loneliness. What can lead to social and work isolation.

That is, these mental disorders (obsessions) present themselves in the way that people notice their own body, when negative comments of themselves are given, since they get carried away by the "perfect" appearances of the rest of their environment in their environment. They are characterized by the extreme concern they give to their physique, whether real or unreal;What causes an end level of anxiety.

These factors lead him to want to modify or retouch the defects he thinks, but the problem is that he will never feel pleased. He will continue and continue to undergo a host of surgeries and in each of them he will find one and another imperfection, so much so that he will end up hating all his appearance.

In Latin America it is easy to suffer from this disorder, since it is considered common that women of this society wish to look beautiful and desirable. However, if you look in the mirror, you see something you do not like, and do everything possible to hide it with a good amount of makeup, or if you do not agree with your age and submit to these surgeries just to give a more imageYoung, you can suffer from this type of obsessions.

An important point that must be taken into account are the irrigation that lead to all aesthetic surgeries such as difficulties with anesthesia;infections;the blood clots or bruises that can occur in the surgery area;the inflammation and pain that are caused by the accumulation of liquid;bleeding or bleeding that in some cases lead to a transfusion or blood drain;numbness or sensitivity in the place of surgery, where the patient can remain with a temporary or permanent numbness sensation. Dr. Sergio Korzin, specialist in Plastic Surgery and medical director of Lasermed, explains:

That there are three fundamental axes to take into account before performing plastic surgery: the choice of an ideal professional who will perform the operation, the place where it will take place and the physical and psychological preparation of the patient. (Ingrassia, 2010)

There are also psychotherapy treatments, in cases of greater serious in terms of these obsessions.

Some of the main objectives to consider for these cases of obsession are to modify obsessive thoughts around concern for physical image;Promote change towards a more positive perception of the body itself;Acquire personal tools and skills to face the problem differently, thus reducing the impact on the daily life of the person.

This obsession that becomes a disorder can be avoided with the recommendations that different specialists manifest in several articles: in advance of surgery, the patient should be performed a psychological test to establish whether the patient is suitable or not;Surgeons should not perform aesthetic operations when the patient abuses them or wants to exercise unnecessary;And finally if the subject has a negative vision of himself or told him that he is starting to abuse these surgeries he should deal with a specialist.

In short, obsessions or addictions for aesthetic surgeries are born when the concept of beauty is not clear, since this is in many shapes, sizes and colors and colors. However, the over concern about body image, the idea of perfection that does not leave it calm, "imaginary ugliness", nonconformity with the results after surgery, the exaggerated perception of a physical, imaginary, mild and even defect defectinvisible to others and the obsession with "beauty" itself;They have been induced by advertising, media and social networks that bombard with images of impossible, slender and sensual women who appear to have everything. Although it is known that the photos are retouched, they represent an ideal, of course unattainable.

The aforementioned brings terrible consequences for the body and mind, since these factors lead millions of women to undergo cosmetic surgeries, who not only threaten their lives, but also affect daily life and self – esteem, such as social anxiety, and other serious such as depression.

Keep in mind that it is not negative to perceive any characteristic that does not like it and correct it, the harmful is that after surgery should feel cheerful, but not feel as if there are still defects to solve;So, if you feel like that, it is possible that you suffer from an obsessive disorder. For this reason we must not let these thoughts aggravate or increase, since there are many experts who can help it.

It is sad that for women it is so important to see themselves in a certain way, that it undergoes physical pain, the weeks of limited mobility, the risks of infection and even death, which represents surgery, just to show off according to a standard ofbeauty. It is sad to see the number of women spending much of their time and money to transform to look like someone else. Instead of developing internally and being happy with themselves. (Suescum, 2018)

It must always be in mind that the body of all people is beautiful as it is and it must be understood that beauty is to have confidence, love and be able to project it, it has nothing to do with measures or standards imposed by others.


  • Anonymous. (s.F.). Welfare 180. Obtained from https: //
  • Anonymous. (s.F.). Welfare 180. Obtained from https: //
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  • Ingrassia, v. (December 16, 2010). What are the biggest risks after plastic surgery. THE NATION.
  • Martínez, d. Yo. (s.F.). Dr.José Ignacio Ortega Martínez Plastic Surgeon. Obtained from https: // = cache: 7fwstyzixogj: https: // cd = 4 & hl = es & ct = clnk & gl = ec
  • Riva, n. X. (2012). History of plastic surgery. India: International Journal of Current Pharmaceutical Research.
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