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Microorganisms in food Introduction When we treat a food we must apply appropriate technologies to achieve its conservation, one of them is scalding technology that, due to a therm...

Mental health: decisions in the health context This article expresses a transformation of a paternalistic model, based on authorities that previously possessed a therapist doctor t...

Media, access information with a click   The media from their appearance are very useful in our fastest interpersonal communication society. From its emergence, until today the me...

Marketing and new sales strategies   As a consequence of the complexity of an increasingly global environment, companies require developing the ability to adapt and communicate wi...

Main challenges of reading in Mexico in the Internet era Introduction Reading is a compression process where its objective is to promote learning, three definitions for reading hav...

Magnetic levitation: advantages and disadvantages Introduction It is based on levitation through electromagnetism, which results in the possibility of traveling at great speeds ove...

Leadership and decision -making Complexity based on recurrence Regarding complexity, this has impacted on the context of the interactions of human beings: education, interpretation...

JUSTICE AND SOCIAL CRITERIA Introduction According to Pareto's criteria, so that an action is unobjustably good from the point of view of social efficiency, no one should lose. Thu...

Instagram's impact on body image Globalization is a very broad concept with an still very ambiguous definition, since it is many things in one word. That is why globalization is......

Influence of social networks on young people at a psychological level Introduction The Internet era has long arrived, and with this a new way of relating: the social network, which...

Influence of capitalism in the population and the Mexican economy In Mexico there are about four million companies, of which about 97% of them are considered microenterprises. Howe...

Inflation in the goods and services of the economy of a country Introduction This essay starts from inflation, since it is a general increase in the prices of the goods......

History of Environmental Accounting: Advantages and Disadvantages According to author Pahlen Acuña there are 3 great periods in which we can divide the evolution of accounting: th...

Fundamentals of Management for success or organizational failure Summary The opinion that prevails is that managers are responsible for success or organizational failure. This pers...

Fashion as a means of expression Introduction Fashion. Is it that it is only clothes, shoes or anything that is novelty in our lives? Will it impact something else?, Does......

Exploration in clinical cases of dentistry Introduction During the intraoral exploration, the dentist, observes that the patient suffers from bruxism, that is, it brightens the tee...

Explanation of reasoning and its origin of thought The formal word comes from formal logic, the science that studies reasoning from formal analysis according to its validity, and e...

Computer networks: characteristics and uses It is important to know that computer networks are a fundamental part of a equipment, that is, they are composed of those computers and ...

Climate change and the effect of gases on the atmosphere Climate change refers to the meteorological modifications that time has globally, the study of fossils, marine beds, air bu...

Chronic pain management and treatment Introduction.  All people once in life have consumed some anti -inflammatory. The purpose of these is the decrease in the inflammation proces...

Characteristics of vegan diets: advantages and disadvantages Introduction For many people, meat is a product of animal origin that humans intentionally prepare alterations in it, h...

Changes and competences of the organizational environment Introduction In the following test, the organizational environment will be discussed and the change verifies that it will ...

Capitalism and socialism, advantages and disadvantages Richard Cantillon and Adam Smith are representative characters in the history of capitalism which states that the State shoul...

Amazon the Company number one Introduction Amazon is a company created in the United States in 1994, it is in charge of electronic commerce and cloud services for computers. It......

Alan Gracia Pérez and Existentialism  Our Peruvian State always surprises us with its actions, but there is something that we do not get rid of which is the corruption that......

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet and Social Networks   Etymological origin The word Internet derives from the English language constituted by the prefix "inter&qu...

Advantages and disadvantages of immigration Introduction To start this work I will describe that it is immigration and then I will proceed to develop the issue that corresponded to...

Addiction to social networks as a social problem Social networks arrived in the era of the Internet, and these were a radical change for the way people related, and now......

3D printer, revolutionary tool Introduction 3D printers are a great invention and scientific advance for humanity since it is capable of printing in three dimensions, but as well a...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Accidental Sampling Introduction Accidental sampling is also referred to as convenience sampling. It is a form of non-probability sa...

Name Instructor Course Date Use of More White Boards than Blackboards TO: THE CHAIR, ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT UC DAVIS FROM: HEAD OF STUDENT WELFARE DATE: 21/1/2018 For many decades bla...

Student’s Name Professor’s Name Mountaintop Removal Date Introduction Mountaintop removal is one method of mining which involves removal of mountain summit by use of explosives...

Article Review Name Institutional Affiliation Date Article Review In the article titled One Productivity Problem: We're Only Human, Tyler Cowen expresses his opinions on how the hu...

Delivering Healthcare in America Name: Institution: Delivering Healthcare in America Health policy refers to the aggregate of principles, defined and undefined, that characterize t...

Classic Motivational Theories Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Classic Motivational Theories Theory X and Theory Y are classic motivational theories which are applicable ...

Strategic Planning Student`s Name Institution of Affiliation Strategic Planning Introduction Planning is the most significant aspect of an organization. It doesn’t matter whether...

Name Instructor Course Date Text messages are becoming pervasive in the workplace. What advantage and disadvantages do text messages create in terms of clear, understandable, and a...

Partnership and Corporation Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Abstract Entrepreneurs have several choices to make when starting a business. One critical decision is the kind...

Human Behavior: Name of student: Name of institution: Abstract The genetic, situational, biological, and predisposition behavior of human beings are influenced by the changes in th...

Name Instructor Course Date Public Administration Question 1- Explain the role of production, bargaining and opportunism costs in relation to assessing public policy initiatives. P...

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