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The sad and cheerful American multicultural nation    When I begin to enter this field there is an intense mixture of emotions and nuances that I want to reflect in......

The McDonald's brothers as villains Introduction The founder is a film that tells the story of Ray Kroc, a Illinois seller who met his brothers Mac and Dick McDonald in......

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Mazda 6 in its history In such a compound and so perfectly organized world in the industrial level, there is the car industry and there is talk of a special,......

The influences of Walt Whitman Walt Whitman is considered one of the few great poets that have existed. He wrote multiple poems but seems to be the most famous for......

The independence movement of Mexico Introduction In independence several important people arise to whom we consider heroes so we will talk about two Miguel Hidalgo and Agustín de ...

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THE HISTORY OF MARIGUANA IN MEDICINE FROM ANTIGUITY Despite the general perception of the “innovative” use of this bush during the first part of the 21st century, evidence on m...

The history of colonization in America The colonization of America began at the end of the 15th century, when Christopher Columbus arrived in American territories in 1492 with the ...

The history and origin of the Spanish language In this work I will present the history of the Spanish language, all for what had to happen to know what we......

The great capacity of the Sarda Shark Introduction The strangest thing is this. Sarda sharks have the capacity (which do not have other sharks) to live both in salt water......

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The expansion of imperialism Hobsbawm indicates that the term nationalism began to be used in France at the end of the 19th century, to refer to right -wing ideologues. These......

The correlation between race and power The racialization of human beings, has been used as a tool of inferiorization to population groups to justify, and preserve a political and e...

Speech of the State of the Union before the American Congress by Monroe The Monroe doctrine is considered one of the foreign policies exercised by the United States, promulgated in...

Slaves yearning for the word freedom, without knowing its meaning Freedom? Slaves knew the word freedom, but not their meaning. Slavery is one of the greatest events in the history...

Simone de Beauvoir's life and work Introduction. Simone de Beauvoir, the writer, teacher and militant feminist who achieved her worldwide fame after publishing Le Deuxième Sixe in...

Piracy and smuggling on the island of the Spanish Introduction Everything begins with the decision of Spain to commercially monopolize the market in America and control its commerc...

Piano, evolution of this musical instrument over the years This musical instrument has had a very important role in the history of music, since its invention and creation, the grea...

Navigation minutes between England and Holland Introduction This work will focus on the navigation records, tools through which England demanded its dominance over maritime trade w...

National Tower of Canada, a tourist adventure Introduction The National Tower of Canada, also known as CN Torre - in English CN Tower - is a Canadian self-supporting broadcasting t...

Mardi Gras: History and celebration Carnival is the subversion party in which ‘social roles get down, the categories are mixed, the opposites are associated and the disorder is e...

Literature at Amazonica State University Introduction The story starts with the public trial of Hester Prynne in the Plaza de la Boston incipient and Puritana of the mid -seventeen...

Lazarillo de Tormes and his criticisms of religion Lazarillo de Tormes was published by an anonymous author in 1554, although there are many speculations about the true author for ...

Jungs plants in the world Introduction Throughout the world we can run into wide diversity both in fauna and in the flora, however, we must highlight the renowned jungle, this......

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John Stuart Mill: Individual freedoms as a basis for society Individual freedoms as the basis of nineteenth -century society  In today's world it would become unthinkable to speak...

International Court of Justice and Sovereignty of Nations The sovereignty of nations The sovereignty of nations is a very long and complex issue in the whole history of humanity. W...

History of the Spanish Language: Pre -Roman period Introduction The history of the language originates in the pre -Roman period, since these leagues exerted influence on Hispanic L...

High level of deforestation in Paraguay   Doesn't it bother you when you have to use tapaboca all the time thanks to a bad cold? Or when you wake up......

Haiti: The cost of an independent nation Introduction On a small Caribbean island, a heroic and surprising revolution was imposed. The Haitian revolution was the only triumphant sl...

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Gothic architecture in England Introduction In England at the end of the 12th century, the ancient style of Romanesque architecture, known as ‘Norman Architecture’, was gradual...

From Jewish migration to arrival in America From the migration of the Jews to their "promised land", until the arrival in America of a group of Europeans, ambitious and d...

Ecuadorian Art and Culture: Contribution to American Literature Introduction Before defining when Ecuadorian art appeared, I want to emphasize the emergence of art. I consider that...

Conquest and colonization of Costa Rica and America: Vision of the American native. Introduction In the process of conquest and colonization that occurred between 1502-1570, the Eu...

Conflict for oil between Saudi Arabia and Russia Introduction Currently, the oil price of the OPEC quote at $ 22.83. Price has increased significantly from $ 17.63 to 22, $......

Colonization in America by the Spaniards Colonization throughout America in Latin America at the end of the 15th century a fleet led by Cristóbal Colon would arrive in America in....

Changes and growth growth Introduction The City of Buenos Aires followed the principles stipulated by the laws of the Indies and was raised with the criteria of foundation of Spani...

Caste system and the Spanish empire Introduction. Over three centuries, it is important to mention that a division of social classes in the Indies of America was maintained in the....

Capitulations of Santa Fé and Cristobal Colón In 1480 Christopher Columbus lived in Portugal, in the Madeira Islands, and by marriage he was part of the Portuguese nobility. Colu...

"Black woman" by Nancy Morejón the identity problem "Black woman" by Nancy Morejón The identity problem The poem "Black Woman" written by Nancy More...

America submitted to Spanish slavery Slavery was a method widely used by the great empires where affected individuals ceased to be free to be available to their master. This system...

American identity and nationality Introduction In these articles the formation of the nationality process and the term Hispanic or Latin America is known. We can point out the impo...

A lot of noise in traffic lights and few nuts Introduction At the national level, the main cause of work -type disease is hearing loss according to the Chilean Society......

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