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Freedom relates to, liberty or other self-government or independence. To be free means that, it is at your discretion to make decisions on vital issues that affect your personal life. Freedom also results from the absence of someone’s detention or infringement of a particular right. Freedom relates to equality for a country like France that has lived slaves, for them to know freedom well is to be free from slavery. Therefore where there is freedom, there is equality and equality is very vital in the life of a man, like it’s the first need of any man. To be free calls for full enjoyment of human rights and having avenues of self- expression, owning property and any other benefits that accompany liberty. To proceed, somebody being free gives him the opportunity to be heard even by his government and when we look at France initially before the coming of revolution, the people of France weren’t free as per say. They didn’t have any sought of freedom. And lack of Freedom calls for the relentless and severe quest and fight for liberation as witnessed by series of revolution in France.
Freedom signifies self-independence and being free from despotic regimes as clearly brought out in the reading. This means that there have to be some revolutions so that a nation can be free from colonial powers or government, and this happened in France when a group of revolutionist stood firm to fight for self- determination of France. Just to mention a few, we have Thomas Paine who stood for rights of man, (Blaisdell 85-89), where he outlined various rights of man and this made French nationals advocate more for their rights.

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Another active revolutionist was Camille who through his speech live free or die, and influential pamphlet Revolution de France fought for Independence of France (Blaisdell 67-69), where he outlined the difference between monarchy and republic. Camille brought an issue that democracy is the brainchild of freedom, and therefore democracy is a good indicator of freedom.In this course of the revolution, the revolutionist questioned about French citizens living in slavery, toiling in the sun and only to make the few people at the helm of power beneficiary. Thomas through his article of common sense talks about the nature of new Europe and specifically France and he compares this to the creation of the new world through Noah’s stories (Blaisdell 60-61).George through his speech to French nationals dubbed “Dare, Dare Again, always Dare” encouraged the French citizens always to dare to go ahead in their quest for liberation (Blaisdell 90-91). One of the revolutionists saw the quest for liberation being betrayed by the government of France and formed a body that fights for equality and human rights in France. He came up with some analysis which included, nature giving everybody equal rights to enjoyment of goods, the role of society is to defend equality. He further talked of oppression when a section of society is exhausted by labor while the other wallows in abundance, and the French revolution aimed at ending inequality just to mention a few (Blaisdell 96-97).
Now the end of Revolution was freedom and equality which was seen in France which ushered in independence for France. This came after revolutionist laid down accusations against the colonial regime to United States Representatives which had merits like, refusal to assent laws, abolishing English Law System and imposing taxes on citizens without their consent. Not to forget many revolutionists lost their lives, some shot dead others being stabbed in their bathtubs. After all this France gain their independence and this came with many benefits like respect to human rights by the government.
The National Assembly of France debated upon some rights that would uphold humanity respect for human and of the citizens. Therefore there were benefits that accompanied freedom in France and that was recognition of Rights of citizens as per National Assembly. The declaration which constituted the following; every man to be presumed innocent till convicted, the law ought to prohibit actions only harmful to society, the existence of public force to give security to rights of men and, right to own property, (Blaisdell 80-81).Thomas Paine also talks of rights of man that come with liberation, which included right to resistance from oppressions, (Blaisdell 85-89). Liberty also promoted France’s sovereign prided as a nation and improved her independent decisions as compared to under colonialism where the colonial government made most decisions arbitrarily.
Now real concerns for freedom are equality and respect for human rights and entitlements. The absence of liberty causes an infringement of these rights. For a nation like France, abuse of human rights during this era raised concern for liberty, and that is what awaken the revolutionists like Paine and the likes.
In conclusion, freedom is essential and not collateral for the existence of humanity since it carries close to100%of average human operations. Liberty comes with more benefits to an individual like freedom of expression, association apart from just political one, freedom to a fair trial before a jury and entitlement to access of attorney, presuming of innocence until proven guilty by a court of law. Finally, freedom to a nation also improves her sovereign pride and promotes her independence in her operation.
Works sited
Blaisdell, Bob. The Communist Manifesto and Other Revolutionary Writings Courier Corporation, 2003.

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