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Gender And Manifestation Of Violence

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Gender and manifestation of violence


Gender violence is one that is exercised, for Beltran about women by their partner, these and due to the inequality that exists between both sexes, in which the objective of the aggressor is to produce damage either physical or psychological inYour partner for Jorge this type of violence can be given in several ways by producing damage and causing emotional and mental instability in the couple . This type of violence has been developing through several years.

In Latin America its indices have increased in a very significant way having serious consequences in society although it is still expected that with awareness companies this type of violence that does not make it only causes harm and in some cases not only harm themselves will be eradicatedamong them but affect the people around them


Gender violence currently represents a serious problem for humanity and affects all countries and millions of people. The World Health Organization (WHO) points out that gender violence is a priority problem in public health, and requires joint interventions from all educational, social and health fields

For itself, gender violence in adolescent is a great problem for humanity although it is not only a problem for Latin America although there is more generalized that is to say are for all countries and it has several causes

Types of violence

Physical violence, which is the intentional use of this force, being able to use weapons, in order to harm the woman.

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Psychological violence, controls, isolates and humiliates them.Economic violence denies access to basic resources, .Sexual violence .which is the behavior by participating in women in an unseeled sexual act;do it with an incapacitated woman, or under the effects of substances.

Violence indices in Ecuador

The war of the sexes is not a war, it is an occupation in which the occupant army has sludge the media, even the most weak man has centuries of patriarchal oppression that have done the dirty work. They have disarmed women from the idea that there is the possibility of fighting. Fight not only as an obligation to maintain an inviolated body, as if it were the sanctuary that must be offered to a more or less chosen male.

A sexual struggle is duly corresponding to the oppression that has been suffered through years and only for women or for women but also for men a fighting struggle is for both of them, demonstrating who is stronger. Women are not an object and that they are the ones who choose who to deliver their life and their well -being

To have a vision of why? There is gender violence and the most affected part is women because women are violated by the simple fact of being women women in this way, it is subject to the criteria, will and desires of the male, being controlled by him, that you have to account for your activities at the time you consider convenient. In short, the man wishes to keep the woman under her control, overcoming her resistance and removing power, to achieve her submission and psychological dependence, so that violence becomes a resource of direct and exemplary domination, because it produces panic in a wayanticipated, paralysis, control or damage, according to its intensity 

In gender violence, the most affected part is the woman for the simple fact of belonging to the female gender for not being or not having the faculties that a man has and that for that fact women must be submissive to a man you endure violence,abuse because ‘they send’ but this can end if women had more value to defend their ideals and their integrity as a woman and if they gave respect, it should be emphasized that this is not generalized for all is more for the percentage of women who suffer fromaggression or violence

Gender violence produces chronic health problems such as fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal disorders such as irritable and gynecological colon syndrome such as sexually transmitted diseases, as well as post -traumatic stress disorder, anxiety and depressive disorders, among others. The probability that battered minors or witnesses to their mothers are very high, whether they are in turn mistreating adults in the home and / or violent in the social environment, violence is largely a learned behavior and one of the first opportunitiesin which an individual observes and learns violence is at home.

Violence between gender becomes serious sequelae in society for both women who is assaulted with psychological traumas and physical damage and for people around them and that one thing leads to the other is to say that if the womanThey have children those learn to be aggressive as the father and if it is a girl, he will learn to be submissive to what the breast is doing well and that it is normal for the man to overcome the woman demonstrating her domain in an abrupt way and thus thewoman will have to be quiet first of all. This is a sequel to violence because those children are the future of society

Then a wide number of solutions that can be implemented by civil and state actors in the light of this expanded definition are considered. It is argued that a deeper approach to this concept is the best way to combat violence in all its forms. Citizenship and academic community in general. Women policies are the ones who are most directly affected, but studies conducted by suggesting that incidents of violence leave demoralized women 

The best solution for this social problem and eradicating violence would be to study more depth the concept of violence than those who suffer from gender violence realize what they should do to get out of that world and it is immediately to attend a psychologist whoIt helps them to raise their self – esteem and realize that they have lived under a world of violence


To finish gender violence, it also refers to psychological or physical abuse also called abuse in which the most affected individual is the woman for being a woman, the indices show that the damage they cause are severe not only personally but for society, since this abuse infers in children around them causing them to take those same behaviors thinking that it is normal when it really is not, violence has made the woman feel inferior to a man who thinks he must beAlways under his hat, to obey him and be submissive to him, when in truth to eradicate this, the concept of violence should be studied, forms of eradication campaigns, and thus realize that he is living under a martyr of which he cango out and live with more freed and if abuse


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