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Gender Violence During Quarantine

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Gender violence during quarantine


Starting the health crisis, many countries began to implement in their territories measures to maintain control over pandemic and reduce the number of infected by COVID 19 (also called "flattened the curve")). This measure (and the most common) was the quarantine, which consists of staying in their homes locked up until new notice, said by the government. As a result of this call to stay in their homes, it brought with it an increase in calls to emergency lines on cases of gender violence, which is a reality often silenced in various parts of the world, but for a long time before thiscrisis.

According to Chilean law (Law 20.480), a femicide is the murder of a woman made by who has been or is her husband or her cohabitant. This crime is the most extreme way of violence against women and demonstrates that in today’s society they still believe that men have the right to exercise strength or manipulation about women and their life. The sentences for those who have committed this crime in national territory range from fifteen and one day to life imprisonment.

Going to the definition indicated by the resolution of the UN Human Rights Commission 2001/49 tells us that:

Any act of violence based on membership to the female sex that has or may result in physical, sexual or psychological damage or suffering for women, as well as the threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of freedom, both bothIf they occur in public life as in private life, and including domestic violence, crimes committed by honor issues, passion crimes, traditional practices harmful to women, including female genital mutilation and forced marriage .

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[…] Violence against women constitutes a violation of the fundamental rights and freedoms of women and undermined or annuls their enjoyment of these rights and freedoms (2).

This definition by the UN is considered that gender violence is also a violation of the human rights that the affected woman has, that is, it is not a problem of a private or isolated sector, but an evil that affects society inyour set that requires a state solution as soon as possible. Thus, granting themselves in a fundamental way in this matter is the State, which through their means must guide their intervention to the prevention, repression and protection of victims. So in our Chilean reality, what is the solution that gives us?.

The data that the Government gives us so far are that the complaints of domestic violence have decreased between 12% and 20% since the beginning of the pandemic. However, calls to orientation 1455 have increased by 80% in the same period according to the Ministry of Women and Gender Equity. Although this reality is not only Chilean, there are data such as help lines have increased 91% in Colombia, 60% in Mexico, 40% in Australia, 30% in Cyprus, 20% in the United States and inSpain 10.5%. In France, police interventions for domestic violence increased 30% in a week. It should also be noted that in Spain the same thing happened with complaints, which was reduced by 40%.

The cases of the number of this crime are not encouraging, currently in Chile 14 consumed femicides and 39 frustrated femicides are recorded in Chile. Which is not an encouraging figure and also quite worrying for the safety of women after the quarantine statement. This confinement can increase the behaviors of violence and control of the abusers, to social isolation. The limitation of physical mobility considerably increases the vulnerability of victims who suffer from this. In addition, access to protection and support systems can be limited. For example, many times the first way out for women is the health service. But in the current sanitary emergency situation, the effective detection of gender violence and exacerbate the overload of these services before the crisis may considerably difficult for gender.

The State has launched a specific contingency plan for victims, which says “[…] seeks to protect each of the women in our country that are exposed during quarantine, since, it could increase the risk of suffering situations of violenceby their partners or cohabiting ”(Ministry of Women and Gender Equity). Making it clear that the offices of the regional secretaries throughout the country are active at the respective schedules, with hygiene measures implemented and performing telephone and face -to -face shifts. Among others, the reinforcement of shifts to the 1455 care, coordination with the business guild for a violence implementation in which organizations deliver complete support to workers who could be victims of domestic violence, creation of channels for channels,Silent communication (such as Web Chat 1455 and WhatsApp), and two of the ones that have been most named: the "Mask 19" and campaign "do it for them".

The "Mask 19" is a government proposal so that all women who are in a situation of danger to their physical, psychological and/or sexual integrity, can go the closest pharmacy and through this phrase, the pharmacist in charge would contactOrientation phono 1455 or Carabineros de Chile. This measure was adopted in the country just for this virus crisis and seeing that it works successfully in other countries. As the government itself says:

The measure has been successfully implemented in countries such as Spain and Argentina, and consists in increasing the channels that all women have to ask for help, […] the international experience indicates that in situations of stress and pressure, […] women havemore likely to be victims of aggressions by their partners.

Now cooling to the #HazloporLlas campaign, calls citizens to involve the prevention and eradication of violence against women, alluding that a third party can also report said abuse, guide him in the procedure and always accompanying the affected. On this same website, how to support a woman who lives violence, where you can report, which can be done if she is a witness, and makes a call for reflection for the entire public, that this is a national reality and even calling her "The other pandemic ”and that it is very important to make the proper complaints and called.

Internationally, similar measures have also been taken to that of the Ministry, as in the United Kingdom that I prepared “CORONAVIRUS Guide: support for victims of domestic abuse”;in France that reinforced the telephone number on information on gender violence;In Italy, additional 30 million euros for the struggle of domestic violence was provided;In Argentina, 22 telephone lines were incorporated to meet these complaints and campaign “Barbijo Rojo” to request help in pharmacies. All these measures implemented after the quarantine in these countries and increase the rates of domestic abuse in them.

With all these measures, good results are expected and, if possible, be able to eradicate at least a percentage of these abuses. That have been to a measure transferred from a conservative and misogynistic society to current times (it should be emphasized that to a lesser extent considerably), since in these times it was a controversial and taboo subject that remained secret these violations of the rights to women. That is why it is important that from an early age they are taught infants about respect and education that they must have not only with women, but with society and the general environment, a healthy and tolerant coexistence of it. Change attitudes that have been rooting from the previous generations to evolve and develop better as citizens. Also, for a future in which new generations finally discard these violent attitudes towards gender and not regret the losses of loved ones or sexual abuses and traumas of them.

Finally, after all these measures, what will happen when the crisis ends? This is a question that accompanies us, what will happen later?, Will we change a lot?,Will we create a better and gender abuse society?, As a result of isolation, will near relations share in the same way?, Will all these measures work? Perhaps in little (or in a long time) we will know how the results are giving and if effect or not, analyze their studies and know if they were fruitful. Also, learn from this quarantine and reflect the reality that each one lives, including their environment, their social company (speaking of virtual communications) and of being able to help witness abuse and/or aggressive behaviors within the community environment. Taking advantage of remembering the importance of all the medical professional who contributes with advances, studies and contributions to the world population to face the adversities he suffers, both of the coronavirus, and of the Violence of Geno. To soon finish this crisis of the two nature and get to reflect, analyze and learn from the experience that I live a quarantine. 

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