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Harassment: Barrier Of The Teaching-Learning Process And Healthy Coexistence

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Harassment: barrier of the teaching-learning process and healthy coexistence


Harassment is a social situation in which a student is subjected to verbal, physical, psychological and social aggressions by one or more of his classmates, while the rest of the students of the Group presence of these acts. That is, this social-school phenomenon is characterized by a triad of actors: the aggressor, the victim and the witness. The aggressor is the one who carries out the acts of intimidation and harassment, the victim is the one who suffers the aggressions and the witness is the one who observes the aggressive interactions that occur among his companions (Ortega, 1994).

In 2009, Mexico was positioned in the first place internationally in cases of school violence in secondary education by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) through the First Teaching and Learning International Survey (Talis) 2008 [International Study on teaching and learning]. Position that is ratified in the second TALIS 2013 in which the participation and evaluation of primary education is added, so the figures regarding school and secondary school violence of Mexico are above the average of the participating countries (OECD, 2009; 2014).

Therefore, it is considered necessary to intervene in the aggressive interactions that are created between students within schools, as well as educating to prevent and eradicate bullying. Which should be a permanent task of educational centers in search of the continuous improvement of education, mainly because, as Mena and Valdés (2008) mention, bullying generates a negative school social climate that hinders the teaching and processes of teaching and Learning by creating a stressful environment, which causes lack of interest in school among members of the educational community.

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In the following section, the arguments that support the need to intervene and prevent bullying in search of the continuous improvement of education are exposed.


The Basic Education Curriculum Key Learning for Integral Education, published by the Ministry of Public Education (SEP), proposes a humanistic education that forms students in respect and positive coexistence, which are essential values ​​to generate Promotication environments for teaching and learning. The expenditure profile of compulsory education in the field of coexistence and citizenship proposes that students develop their identity, learn basic rules of coexistence in the house and in school, as well as that they contribute to peaceful, democratic and inclusive coexistence, which It favors dialogue and rejects all kinds of discrimination and violence (SEP, 2017).

Thus, the educational community has an important and urgent challenge to face, since as mentioned, the OECD positions Mexico with the greatest incidence in cases of school violence in international secondary (OECD, 2009; 2014). For its part, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) applied in 2014 the social cohesion survey for the prevention of violence and crime (Ecred), with which they found that 32.2 % of young people from 12 to 18 who attend school in Mexico suffer aggressions from one of their classmates, equivalent to 1.36 million high school and high school students. In the Metropolitan Zone of Guadalajara the reported incidence is 37.2 %, percentage above the national average (INEGI, 2015).

It is worth mentioning that various investigations have found that the prevalence of bully., 2007). In Mexico it is estimated that between 35.9 % and 44.5 % of children enrolled in primary education suffer bullying (Hernández, et al., 2010; Román and Murillo, 2011). So that these figures allow visualizing the magnitude of the problem. However, beyond the high incidence of bullying in our schools, why is it necessary to intervene urgently to eradicate this type of aggressive interactions between high school students and any educational level?

Intervening in bully. For example, the aggressor is said to have low academic performance, it is prone to developing antisocial disorders and criminal behaviors, as well as falling into drug and alcohol consumption. From the victim it is stated that his academic performance decreases, he develops feelings of insecurity, low self – esteem, depression, socially isolates and can reach suicide. While in the witness there is an effect of desensitization to violence and loss of empathy against the pain of others (Garaigordobil and Oñederra, 2010).

In sum, through an investigation carried out by the author of this essay, it was found that bully That they do not feel good health or that there will be no classes for different reasons, so that they allow them 2016). For their part, the media have visible cases of bully.

Based on the effects of bullying in those involved, it is considered that allowing or ignoring the situations of bully. These components correspond to the academic training and personal and social development of the students, where emphasis should be placed on their socio -emotional skills (SEP, 2017). To achieve this, it is essential that teachers together with managers, parents and educational authorities, promote a positive school social climate based on respect, collaboration and peaceful coexistence in classrooms. Situation that is complicated by the presence of bullying.

Likewise, exposed the consequences that bullying can have in students, it is considered that it is necessary to denormalize the aggression among students as typical of their interaction, as a stage of their socialization or as a game between children or young people (Gómez, 2016; Chávez, 2017). Since emotional mismatch, antisocial disorders and desensitization to the violence it causes, cannot be taken lightly when what is sought is to train future competent, responsible, free, informed, informed, reflective, critical, economically, economically assets, economically and, tolerant and respectful of cultural diversity and interculturality that exists in Mexico, so that they can contribute to national common welfare (SEP, 2017).

However, some studies report that teachers state that they do not have the training and knowledge necessary to act in the face of bullying. Although they say they know about the existence of various prevention and intervention measures, they do not feel prepared to intervene properly in these situations, especially to talk to the aggressors and their family without blaming them or to get them to stop with intimidation (Navarro, Manig and Valdés, 2017; Serrano and Pérez, 2011). So it is believed that it is necessary to properly train teachers in the use of prevention and intervention strategies or to channel cases to the corresponding instances, since they are the first authority contact that students have to resolve any school conflict.

Creating environments conducive to teaching and learning is, in principle, the teacher’s responsibility, however, it is not a task that must be carried out alone, but in this one must collaborate managers, parents and society in general, since it is everyone’s obligation to ensure the integral formation of future generations. In addition, the environment includes in its definition all “physical, social, cultural, psychological, pedagogical, human, chemical, historical elements, which are interrelated with each other and that favor or hinder interaction, relationships, identity, sense of belonging and foster care ”(Castro and Morales, 2015).

So an effective learning environment, among other aspects, requires that interpersonal relationships between students are of quality, characterized by respect and peaceful coexistence. So when the school social climate is perceived as negative, social interactions become tense and stressful, students do not feel safe to participate in classes, there is resistance to learn and work collaboratively, and interferes with conflict resolution Constructively (Milicic and Arón, 2000). Therefore, it is necessary to intervene in cases of bullying to improve the school social climate and thereby improve and facilitate teaching and learning processes.

Based on the above, it can be established that bullying is a social-school phenomenon that permeates and influences the teaching and learning process, as well as the development of students’ social responsibility, since what You learn in the social micro-climate of school and family during childhood and adolescence, regarding conflict resolution and the type of peer relationships will be what future citizens repeat when they are adults from their social position. So the intervention in bully.


As it has been observed, bully aggressors, victims or witnesses, in addition to that all of them may have socio -emotional mismatch that could represent conflicts in adulthood. So the school must act from “its trench” and to the extent of its possibilities to eradicate bullying and promote a culture of peace among students, in which rules of coexistence are established and conflicts are resolved peacefully and democratic.

In addition, as mentioned in another investigation by the author of this essay, it is necessary that comprehensive care be provided with both the aggressors and the victims, since it is thought that excluding the aggressor from the educational environment, as well as allowing self-exclusion Forced from the victim, they are not viable solutions in an educational system that aims to be inclusive. So, it is urgent that prevention and intervention programs are created in cases of bully and victims, as well as raise awareness of the effects of acts of intimidation and harassment (Baltazar, 2018).

This with the aim of improving school social climate and thereby facilitating the teaching and learning process. It is thought that achieving the above, it would be in a position to avoid the consequences of the socio -emotional development of the students, achieving, over time, to guarantee the integral training of future citizens to whom the national education system aspires. Therefore, bullying is a subject to resolve for the search for the continuous improvement of education.


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  • Baltazar, m. (2016). School rejection: social causes and consequences. Mexico: Udeg.
  • Baltazar, m. (2018). Construction of the social identity of the student indicated as a “school aggressor”: study of cases in a primary school. Mexico: Udeg.
  • Castro, m., And Morales, M. (2015). Classroom environments that promote learning, from the perspective of school children. Electronic Magazine, 19 (3), 1-32.
  • Chávez, m. (2017). What children think about school violence. A case study at the Mexican Altiplano. Mexico: start.
  • Garaigordobil, m., And Oñederra, J. (2010). Equal violence: theoretical review and intervention strategies.
  • Gómez, a. (2016). Teacher strategies against school violence in primary and secondary schools in Colima, Mexico. Classroom, 22, 321-339.
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  • Ortega, r. (1994). Interpersonal violence in secondary education centers. A study on abuse and intimidation among colleagues. Education Magazine, 304, 253-280.
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  • Roman, m., and Murillo, F. (2011). Latin America: Violence between students and school performance. ECLAC Magazine, 104, 37-54.
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  • Serrano, m., And Pérez, M. (2011). Mandatory Secondary Education Teachers Training on Bullying. Reop, 22 (1), 58-68.

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