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Website Evaluation
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Website Evaluation Resource: Orientation
Who is the author?
This article on sexual orientation was written by David S Reitman a renowned scholar in the health field currently teaching health-related courses in several universities in the United States.
What is their point of view?
David supports the idea that GLB (gays, lesbians or bisexuals) teens are somewhat similar to the non-GLB teens. However, as a result of social stigma or being rejected by the society, most GLB teenagers face quite many challenges, especially in their adolescent years. This in return exposes them to a greater risk of contracting STDs, substance abuse, suicidal attempts due to depression and much more.
Why was the source created?
This source was created with the sole intention of enlightening the society on the importance of treating GLB members like their normal peers so that they do not feel like they are rejected. Furthermore, they are also human just like anyone else.
Who is the intended audience?
The intended audience of this source is the public or else the whole society in general. It will also be of great significance to health researchers in the field of sexual orientation.
Publication and format
Where was it published?
It was published in New York, NY 10014 395 Hudson Street, 3rd Floor.

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In what medium?
The medium in which it was published is the Medscape official website through the Medscape Publishers Circle.
How is it relevant to your research?
This article is relevant to the research on sexual orientation in health as it explains the different theories behind every sexual orientation. It shows how people and more so teenagers develop their sexual orientations. Some become straight while others do not. Therefore this article plays a key role in giving insight on the GLB people and more so adolescents.
What is its scope?
It covers a wide scope of sexual orientations from theories about GLB sexuality, the developmental stages in GLB adolescents, and the role of pediatricians in caring for GLB patients.
Date of publication
When was it written?
The specific date that this article was written is not available. However, the source is usually regularly updated by Medscape.
Has it been updated?
Yes. This source was updated on the 13th of August 2015.
Did they cite their sources?
The sources have been cited. They have cited twenty-one sources.
Who did they cite?
The following are their citations inclusive of the authors they cited.
1. Kinsey A, Pomeroy W, Martin C. Sexual Behavior in the Human Male. Philadelphia, PA: WB Saunders; 1953.
2. Kinsey A, Pomeroy W, Martin C, Gebhard P. Sexual Behavior in the Human Female. New York, NY: WB Saunders; 1953.
3. Diamond M. Homosexuality and bisexuality in different populations. Arch Sex Behav. 1993 Aug. 22(4):291-310. [Medline].
4. Remafedi G, Resnick M, Blum R, Harris L. Demography of sexual orientation in adolescents. Pediatrics. 1992 Apr. 89(4 Pt 2):714-21. [Medline].
5. Igartua K, Thombs BD, Burgos G, Montoro R. Concordance and discrepancy in sexual identity, attraction, and behavior among adolescents. J Adolesc Health. 2009 Dec. 45(6):602-8. [Medline].
6. Bell A, Weinberg M. Homosexualities: A Study of Diversity Among Men and Women. New York, NY: Simon and Shuster; 1978.
7. Troiden RR. Homosexual identity development. J Adolesc Health Care. 1988 Mar. 9(2):105-13. [Medline].
8. Borzekowski DL. Adolescents’ use of the Internet: a controversial, coming-of-age resource. Adolesc Med Clin. 2006 Feb. 17(1):205-16. [Medline].
9. Perrin EC. Pediatricians and gay and lesbian youth. Pediatr Rev. 1996 Sep. 17(9):311-8. [Medline].
10. Frankowski BL. Sexual orientation and adolescents. Pediatrics. 2004 Jun. 113(6):1827-32. [Medline].
11. Office-Based Care for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Questioning Youth. Pediatrics. 2013 Jun 24. [Medline].
12. Bidwell RJ. Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity. 1998. 771-9.
13. Woods ER, Lin YG, Middleman A, et al. The associations of suicide attempts in adolescents. Pediatrics. 1997 Jun. 99(6):791-6. [Medline].
14. Austin SB, Ziyadeh N, Kahn JA, et al. Sexual orientation, weight concerns, and eating-disordered behaviors in adolescent girls and boys. J Am Acad Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 2004 Sep. 43(9):1115-23. [Medline].
15. Paroski PA Jr. Health care delivery and the concerns of gay and lesbian adolescents. J Adolesc Health Care. 1987 Mar. 8(2):188-92. [Medline].
16. Belzer M, Martinez M, Neinstein L. Human immunodeficiency virus infections and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. Neinstein L. Adolescent Health Care – A Practical Guide. 5. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins; 2009. 441-464.
17. Gunn RA, O’Brien CJ, Lee MA, Gilchick RA. Gonorrhea screening among men who have sex with men: value of multiple anatomic site testing, San Diego, California, 1997-2003. Sex Transm Dis. 2008 Oct. 35(10):845-8. [Medline].
18. Reitman, DS et al. Recommendations for promoting the health and well-being of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender adolescents: a position paper of the society for adolescent health and medicine. J Adolesc Health. 2013 Apr. 52(4):506-10. [Medline]. [Full Text].
19. Ryan C, Huebner D, Diaz RM, Sanchez J. Family rejection as a predictor of negative health outcomes in white and Latino lesbian, gay, and bisexual young adults. Pediatrics. 2009 Jan. 123(1):346-52. [Medline].
20. Ryan C, Russell ST, Huebner D, Diaz R, Sanchez J. Family acceptance in adolescence and the health of LGBT young adults. J Child Adolesc Psychiatr Nurs. 2010 Nov. 23(4):205-13. [Medline].
21. Kipke MD, Kubicek K, Weiss G, Wong C, Lopez D, Iverson E, et al. The health and health behaviors of young men who have sex with men. J Adolesc Health. 2007 Apr. 40(4):342-50. [Medline]. [Full Text].
Communication in Relationships
Who is the author?
This article was written by Tony Robbins, the CEO of Robbins Research International, Inc.
What is their point of view?
The author’s point of view is that communication plays a very significant role in any relationship. As such, he affirms that any people having a relationship should ensure that they communicate regularly and more often.
Why was the source created?
The source was created with the sole intention of giving an insight on the importance of maintaining constant communication in a relationship. It serves as a relationship guide.
Who is the intended audience?
The main audience for this source is partners or people who have a relationship. It can be thus deduced that this audience consists of adults, those who have begun having serious relationships and even those who are already in one or else married.
Publication and format
Where was it published?
It was published in 6160 Cornerstone Court East/Ste. 200 San Diego, CA 92121. This the head office Robbins Research International.
In what medium?
This article was published in the Robbins Research International, Inc. website.
How is it relevant to your research?
This article is relevant in the research on communication in relationships as it pinpoints its importance in relationships and more so between partners.
What is its scope?
The article covers a wide scope ranging from the six fundamental needs that all human beings share, i.e., certainty, variety, significance, connection and love, growth and contribution to how to break communication when it goes awry. In short, it features the importance of communication in relationships.
Date of publication
When was it written? Has it been updated?
The specific date that this article was written has not been given. However, this website is usually updated regularly
Did they cite their sources?
This author of this article did not cite his resources.
Who is the author?
This article was written by Jill Sheffield who is the founder and president of Women Deliver and Katja Iversen who is the CEO.
What is their point of view?
The authors’ point of view is that the access to contraceptives goes a long way in improving the lives of not only girls and women, but also men and boys as well as the society in general.
Why was the source created?
The source was created to advise and enlighten people on the importance and benefits of using contraception.
Who is the intended audience?
The intended audience of this source is primarily mothers and fathers who are supposed to use contraceptive methods so that they can control the rate at which they give birth. However, the society, in general, is also a favorable audience as we have seen that using contraception assists everyone not only girls and women.
Publication and format
Where was it published?
It was published in Johannesburg, South Africa.
In what medium?
It was published on Devex which is a media platform for the global development community.
How is it relevant to your research?
This article is relevant to the research on using contraceptives as it gives insight into the reasons why people should use contraceptives.
What is its scope?
It covers the five most important benefits of using contraceptives.
Date of publication
When was it written?
It was written on 26th September 2014.
Has it been updated?
It has not been updated, but the website is usually updated regularly.
Did they cite their sources? Who did they cite?
The authors did not cite their sources.
Who is the author?
This article was written by Judith Lothian who is a childbirth educator in Brooklyn, New York.
What is their point of view?
The author’s point of view is that nature’s plan makes sense when it comes to childbirth. He affirms that women have an inherent capability of giving birth, has a deep inner instinct on birth and as such should be supported and freed to find their comfort so that in the end they can deliver without suffering r any medical interventions.
Why was the source created?
The source was created to enlighten the society on the importance of normal childbirth.
Who is the intended audience?
The intended audience of this article is particularly mothers since they are the one who gives birth. They are advised to keep away from unnatural ways of giving birth unless advised by a professional in the health field. The general public is also an audience as anyone could be interested in knowing why natural birth is better than other unnatural ways of delivering.
Publication and format
Where was it published?
It was published in Rockville Pike, Bethesda MD, 20894 USA.
In what medium?
It was published by Lamaze International in the Journal of Perinatal Education.
How is it relevant to your research?
This article is relevant to the research on health as it details the importance of natural childbirth while also highlighting the drawbacks of relying on unnatural methods to give birth. As such, it is significant in the research on health and particular childbirth.
What is its scope?
The paper details what occurs in normal birth and nature’s plan in child delivery.
Date of publication
When was it written?
The actual date it was written is not available, but it was written during the fall of 2000.
Has it been updated?
The source is regularly updated though the actual date it was lastly updated is not available.
Did they cite their sources? Who did they cite?
The author cited two sources. These are Injoy Productions. 2000. Celebrate birth! [Video]. (Available from Injoy Videos, 1435 Yarmouth, Suite 102-B, Boulder, CO 80304; also available from Lamaze International Media Center, and Jarmel M, Schneider K., (Producers). 2000. Born in the USA. [Video]. (Available from Fanlight Productions, 4196 Washington Street, Suite 2, Boston, MA 02131)
Berkeley Library University of California. (2018, February 20). Library Guides: Evaluating resources: Home. Retrieved February 21, 2018, from

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