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How To Take Care Of The Environment: Water, Air And Energy

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How to take care of the environment: Water, Air and Energy

The planet Earth is the place where we all live. It is the only planet in the solar system with the ability to sustain life. So if we do not take good care of this and abuse its resources, soon cease to exist. From there comes the importance of taking care of the environment.

All the resources of the Earth: the water, the air, the energy it produces, the plants that grow here, the animals that live here;We all have to take care of them. Therefore, we will show you practical ways in which you can take care of the planet while even from the comfort of your home.

How to save water

Water is undoubtedly the most important resource on the planet. It is interesting that human beings know the water formula, however, we do not know how to create it. That is why you have to know how to save it. We will show you a few tricks so you can use water with prudence.

  1. Use water taps properly. Open them exclusively when you have the need to use them and do not leave them open if they are not being used. Also make sure they do not go dripping, or if they are damaged, change them as soon as possible.
  2. Make sure there are no water leaks at home. If there is any broken pipe in your home, look for a way to fix it as soon as possible, because otherwise a large amount of water will be lost.
  3. Use water in buckets. This is one of the best ways rationing water. For example, you can bathe with water that you have in buckets and, if water is left over, you can use it to make other trades, such as washing dishes or lowering the toilets.

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If everyone at home follows the aforementioned tips, water spending can be reduced considerably at home. That is why it is important to instill water savings to children. Thus, they will be taking care of the environment by using their resources correctly.

How to save energy

Another of the main resources of planet Earth is electricity. It is even the resource most used by human beings, since there depends everything we use. Radio, television, the Internet and appliances such as refrigerator and kitchen consume electricity.

It is very important that we know how to fraction electricity so that we do not end up spending more than the account. Therefore, we have collected some practical actions that we can take so that our electricity consumption is lower.

  1. Disconnect the devices that we are not using. The devices and devices that are connected consume electricity even if they are not lit. Therefore, disconnect them all the devices you are not using. Connect them only when you are going to use them.
  2. Do not use multiple devices at the same time. So you will not be spending more energy than necessary. If there is any apparatus that is on without need, apágalo and distress it. Use each device separately so as not to spend so much energy.
  3. Use saving bulbs. Avoid the use of yellow bulbs. These consume much more electricity, and also last less than saving bulbs. In the end, although saving bulbs cost more money, there will be better than buying thousands of yellow bulbs. In addition, you will considerably lower electricity consumption in your home.
  4. Turn off the lights you don’t need. This is very fundamental. Do not leave the lights on in the rooms where you are not. In addition, if there is enough natural light, there is no need to turn on the lights. Light them only if necessary and gather them when you leave home.
  5. Handle air conditioning and heating well. These devices consume a lot of electricity. But if in the area where you live it is important to use them, you should know how to do it properly. If you reduce the temperature in the heating, it will use less energy;And if you increase the temperature in the air conditioning, it will also consume less.

All this requires that we believe ourselves the habit of using home appliances. Everything together can reduce the monthly consumption of electrical energy in the home in the home.

How to take care of the air

Life on planet Earth depends on the air we breathe this clean. However, current society has not been able to contribute to this fact. Therefore, it is necessary that each of us take action so as not to contaminate the air.

To take care of the air, it is necessary to avoid the creation of carbon dioxide (CO₂). This is generated by the smoke of fires and cars. To avoid the creation of this compound, you can follow the following actions:

  1. Avoid as much as you can use the car. If you have a vehicle that uses gasoline or diesel fuel, do not use it frequently. If possible, use other less harmful means such as public transport or a bicycle. Thus, you will be avoiding the creation of harmful gases for air.
  2. Use electric vehicles. You may depend on using the car to do your daily tasks. Therefore, if it is within your reach, try to buy an electric car. These do not produce harmful gases and are sometimes easier to maintain than conventional vehicles.
  3. Avoid garbage or cause fires. Smoke is the main cause of carbon dioxide production. Therefore, avoid burning garbage or causing fires, to avoid smoke creation.

It is essential that the air is clean so that life continues to thrive on earth. Therefore, it is in our hands to keep the air purified that we breathe. All this will contribute not only to our well -being, but that of all people.

How to avoid garbage creation

The main cause of environmental pollution is excess garbage. That is why we need to avoid as much as we can create waste. For that, you can follow the following recommendations:

  1. Only buy things that are necessary. Do not buy things that in the end are likely to discard. This will not only help you save money, but you will avoid the creation of waste.
  2. Use organic foods in kitchen. If possible, avoid buying canned or snapshots. If you use organic products, your waste will be biodegradable at the end and can even serve as fertilizer.
  3. Recycle everything you can. If in the area where you live there are specific receptacles for each waste, use them in due way. And reuse everything you can so that you don’t discard so much garbage.

Doing this, you will avoid creating waste that in the end can give a negative impact to the environment. If you take action from now on, you can help the well -being of the environment. 

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