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How To Teach To Care For Abuse Children

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How to teach to care for abuse children

The Ministry of Education has made twelve points that would help the parents of children who are suffering from an abuse or as a way of routine precaution for children:

Knowing the criteria for care, prevention and response to the complaints of sexual abuse that exist in the educational establishment where your child attends.

  • Knowing the places that are frequently, as well as adults present in those spaces.
  • Teaching him that he must be respected, heard and that he has the right to say no, in the face of situations that generate distrust.
  • Teaching him to value, recognize and correctly name the parts of his body.
  • Teaching him that situations or actions correspond to abuse and, particularly, those that are related to sexual abuse, so that he can identify and verbalize these situations. 
  • Teaching him to express what he likes and what he does not like.
  • Teaching you that situations that generate distrust, should not remain secret that they should not be kept.
  • Respecting their limits, do not insist that you embrace or kiss relatives or friends. 
  • Listening to and believing him, generating a space of trust when he speaks, especially if the conversation is difficult or uncomfortable.
  • Before your questions regarding sexuality, answer clearly, clear and honestly.
  • Being attentive to the activities developed on the computer.
  • Stay alert, but do not instill fear with this topic.

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It also provides thirteen essential points that institutional units must take into account:

  • You must give immediate credibility when the child or adolescent recounts that she is a victim of a situation of abuse or abuse. It is preferable to act in the face of suspicion, rather than not performing actions and becoming an accomplice of some kind of abuse towards the minor student. 
  • You must host and listen to the child or adolescent, making him feel safe and protected in order to access the information to stop this malicious act. 
  • You must make immediate contact with the family and maintain permanent communication with it.
  • You must immediately apply the action protocol in situations of abuse, harassment, sexual abuse or stupro, contained in the School Coexistence Regulations. 
  • You must protect the intimacy and identity of the child or adolescent at all times, without exposing their experience in the face of the rest of the educational community.
  • You must refer to specialized institutions and organizations and denounce the crime.
  • You must clarify the child or adolescent who is not guilty or responsible for the situation that affects it. (Ministry of Education, 2008)
  • It must promote self-care and prevention, promote permanent communication with parents, mothers and proxies and favor the trust and reception of children and adolescents to ask for help.
  • Must ensure that the fact is denounced. 


Any adult person who knows a situation of violation of rights has an ethical responsibility for the protection of the child or adolescent, so they must ensure that measures were effectively taken to protect and stop the situation of abuse. 

  • It should not act precipitated or improvised.
  • You should not interrogate and investigate the child or adolescent in the inexperibly.
  • It should not minimize and ignore the situations of abuse or abuse.
  • You should not investigate the facts.


It is not a function of the school, but of the police and judicial agencies. Collecting general background is not the same as investigating a crime or diagnosing the situation. 

Abused profile

The characteristics of children who have been abused or are being abused are referred to their age, their relationship with the outside world and their place in the family. The average age of victims’ children goes from 8 to 13 years, although the complete realization of the sexual act is almost always when arriving at puberty.

As it is about the relationship with the outside world, the experience of incest makes the victim cannot establish deep and trustworthy relationships with other people, for shame and fear that others realize what is happening to himIn your family environment. Within the family, the victim has a double position that has their consequences: it is both the sacrificed referring to abuse and the one that enjoys privileges with respect to the father. 

Sacrificed, because from his silence he protects the close relationship of the family;and privileged, because it enjoys the exclusive attention of the father. Usually, he receives frequent gifts and flattering followed by this, in opposition to the indifference that he states towards other family members. In a nutshell, it can be conceptualized that the hidden phase of incestuous sexual abuse is always lived by the victim in a confusatic and traumatic way, involving clinical symptoms such as: fear of failure, claustrophobia, night terrors, amenorrhea, and also suicidal attempts and anorexia, among others. 

Mother’s profile

According to Perrone and Martínez that, even when there are women who react very firmly and courage when they know about sexual abuse or suspect sexual abuse, usually those who are part of an abuse situation towards a minor, appear as exhausted women, exhausted and very occupied by an external work or manifest symptoms of depression and emotional fragility.

Sexual victimization process

These include two processes:

  • Normal affective contacts are replaced by sexual samples or "the sexualization of interpersonal relationships"
  • The abuser tends to give victimizing sexual responses to maintain control and power before the abused or abused, in a nutshell “the sexualization of subordination
  • Traumatic sexualization in sexual abuse has deep effects on identity and the system of meanings in relation to the different ties that it can have with society. 


There are important differences in the way in which abusive activities are presented both in boys and girls.

Men can actively respond about retrospective visions or flashback (slight memories), through their identification with the abuser, which leads them to the sexualization and abuse of other children, they are mental damage that children acquire therefore seek to do whatsame they have received other children. Girls unlike boys, tend to respond as victims.

On the other hand, the dynamics of the traumatic organization of the feeling of impotence experienced by the victim acts in men by stimulating a dominant aggressive response to anyone, that is, looking for someone who can make them feel their ownhelplessness, fear and courage he feels. 

In girls, the dynamics would be to look for someone who always makes him experience his role as an impotent victim. The sensation of sexual, emotional and physical impotence is overcome for a very short time, but it works as an addiction and contains the germ of repetition and reissue. 

Psychological consequences of child sexual abuse

In the vast majority of cases, sexual abuse causes in victims without numbers of negative sequelae at the level as well as physical, psychological or social. You can distinguish short and long -term consequences. Adima indicates that in the long term, abuses leave as a sequel a significant presence of some of the dissociative personality disorders, such as alcoholism, drug addiction and criminal behaviors, very apart from serious problems related to sexual adjustment. 

Intrafamily sexual abuses are usually more traumatic, since for the child they also suppose contradictory feelings in terms of trust, protection and attachment that is expected and feels in relation to family members themselves. Not all children manifest the same degree of affectation. For some, abuse can mean a trauma for life and for others the consequences can be different. On different occasions, it may happen that the degree of suffering and pain does not relate to the event in which the child has been involved. 

However, children with the greatest risk of victimization are those who have a reduced capacity to resist or reveal it, such as those who still do not speak, that is, small that are not in the development of language and those who show delays in thephysical and psychic development and disabilities. Likewise, children lacking affection in the family are also high -risk subjects, who can initially feel flattered for the attention of which they are possessors, regardless of that this pleasure over time ends up producing in them a deep feeling of guilt. 

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