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Human Growth and Development

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7th November, 2016
Addressing Development Needs in Children Exposed To Parental Violence
The present case study reflected that John was exposed to parental violence during his childhood. The parental violence stemmed due to the substance abuse habits of Liam (John’s father) and the financial constraints in the family. Amy had a history of post-natal depression. John lives with his mother in an apartment in Dublin. He is separated from his father and exhibits indifference to his mother Amy. John attends a play school and remains withdrawn from other children. Moreover, such behaviour is notable by his school teachers. They also realized that John tries to cope with challenging situations and does not seek help from others. John also exhibits poor cognitive and motor skills. Moreover, John seems to remain independent and do not exhibit fear towards strangers. John is succeeded by two cousins who live with their maternal uncle. The present article reflects the growth and developmental needs of John. The article also elucidates the different strategies that need to be implemented across different stakeholders (who are related to John) for meeting the developmental needs of John.
Strategies for Individual (Amy- John’s Mother)
The case study reflected that John might suffer from underlying depression. The predisposing risk factors for John’s depression could be exposure to parental violence during childhood or genetic predisposition to depressive disorders.

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This is because Amy had a history of post-natal depression. Moreover, Amy herself could be suffering from underlying depression due to her constrained marital life. Hence, before resolving the problems of John, Amy should have to deal with her own problems. Unless Amy is settled, she would not be in a position to resolve John’s problems. Depression might be one of the predisposing causes for her indifferent relationship with John. In fact, the case study reflected that Amy was ignorant about John’s need when he was a child. Such negative behaviour of Amy might be one of the reasons for John’s indifference to his mother. Hence, Amy needs to visit a psychologist or a psychiatrist for the management of her depressive disorders. Amy could also take the help of cognitive behavioural therapy for alleviating the state of depression. If Amy can overcome her own challenges, she would be in a better position to respond to her son’s needs. Amy could also ask her parents to move in with her for the time being. This would provide a support system to Amy and would aid her in responding to John’s needs. Moreover, the parental support of Amy would also help her to spend quality time with John. Perhaps, John missed her mother during his childhood. Amy should try to develop a routine for John to aid him in his daily activities. Such interventions would not only help John to become disciplined but would also provide a perception that Amy really cares for him. Amy should balance John’s routine with learning activities, meals, story time and games.
Strategies at Family Level
John’s grandparents should live in with him and her mother. Association with his grandparents is essential to develop family bonding. Moreover, John’s grandparents would help in providing support to Amy for taking care of John. Paul (John’s uncle and Amy’s brother) should visit Amy and John frequently with his sons. This will also help in developing family bonding. John has witnessed parental violence throughout his childhood. Hence, he should be provided an opportunity to witness healthy relationships in a family. This would help John in understanding the importance of family ties and the implications of healthy social interactions. John’s cousin may help in developing his confidence in interacting with others. Moreover, John may feel secure with more family members around him. Family support would help John to unfold his needs and encourage him to share his concerns with Amy or his grandparents. Hence, family support would act as a buffer for both Amy and John. Family support would help John to overcome stressful situations. Moreover, extended family support may motivate John to share his feelings and ideas that might seem irrelevant by others. Hence, John would be able to express himself without any fear of retaliation.
Strategies at Community Level (School and Society)
The school has an important role to play in aiding John’s development. John should be positively appraised and rewarded for his achievements in front of his peers. Moreover, the teachers of John should extend a helping hand for aiding him to overcome challenging situations. They should take interact with John for understanding his academic and personal needs. Moreover, they should sensitize Amy regarding any sensitive issues that might bother John. The teachers should help John in overcoming his cognitive and motor deficits. They should also take extreme care and must be vigilant that John is not exposed to bullying. Finally, they should help John to achieve academic milestones. They should be considerate to John and must not set ambitious targets that may be hard to achieve. Moreover, they should always enhance the self-esteem of John and must not humiliate him under any circumstances. They should explain their expectations that are achievable. Moreover, the teachers of John should ensure that he is not exposed to stressful situations. If possible, the school authorities may take the help of child counsellors deployed for other school children. However, such interventions should be implemented after appropriate permissions from Amy.
Strategies at Government Level
The Government should develop policies in aiding children who are exposed to domestic violence. They should provide appropriate support systems that would aid in the rehabilitation of affected individuals. For example, the Government should take the help of social workers and psycho-counsellors in rehabilitating individuals like John. They must implement community awareness programs for sensitizing parents and concerned stakeholders regarding the impact of parental violence on children. The Government should take effective measures in addressing parental and domestic violence. If desired, the legal framework should aid Government to intervene in such family matters. The government should take appropriate measures for ensuring the safety of at-risk individuals. Moreover, the Government should also keep provisions for extending financial aid to challenged parents.
Reflection as a Social Worker: Deliverables toward John and his Family
As a social worker my prime endeavour would be to successfully rehabilitate John and Amy. I would implement person-centric care in understanding the needs of John and Amy. Under all circumstances, I should ensure the self-respect and self-esteem of John and Amy. I would try to partner with Amy in meeting the developmental needs of John. Moreover, I should extend a helping hand to Amy in overcoming her state of depression. I would act like a family member for ensuring rehabilitation in Amy and John.

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