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Human Rights And Democracy

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For the development of this research on human rights and democracy, it should be considered that it is a recognized regime in the world for defending the sovereignty and rights of the people to be able to choose its rulers, it is also one of the basic values and principles ofthe United Nations and for many of Ecuadorian households.

This relationship requires a set of means necessary to fulfill its duty, since it occurs through a way in which the people exercise the authority of sovereignty, either through direct mechanisms or by controlling the election of the choice ofIts rulers, which indicates that periodic elections are necessary. The duty of these elections is at least to give some formal equality that allows the people to participate,

Democracy is also a means to protect and defend human rights, because democracy develops more in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which is the basis of many political rights and civil freedoms. It is based on democracy, where sufficient freedom begins to guarantee political tension for free competition. This ensures that we freely choose the governor through the guarantee of the existence of the rule of law.


In the Universal Declaration of Human Rights they explain important regulations and norms that have to do with democracy and human rights. One of the articles of this regulation says “the will of the people is the basis of the authority of public power;This will will be expressed through authentic elections that will be held periodically, by universal and equal suffrage and by secret vote or other equivalent procedure that guarantees the freedom of the vote ”(Declaration of Human Rights, 1948).

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The document is very important since it has a greater impact on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, which allocates a new constitution of political rights and civil freedoms that are key to the base of any democracy.

In recent years, 3 events that have resulted in a new way of understanding the relationship between democracy and human rights have resulted. Recent protests in several countries contribute to a political change and a new vision of what democracy is, but also demands a new construction of laws for democracy and human rights.

Thanks to the United Nations, a broad agreement has been made on the close link that unites democracy and human rights to complement its efforts. Although the regulations and conceptual parties are clear, they are contrary to political statements, and the practice has turned out to be difficult for academic debate. Participants who analyze in the round table.

Definition of the case study

In Latin America several countries are in a socio-economic crisis but the one that prevails and highlights is Venezuela, most countries do not recognize the current government as legitimate due to the speculations that an electoral fraud was carried out and that the government of the current ruler, President Maduro does not comply with what he has promised during his electoral campaign, so within the country the requirement of an interim president who sees for the interests of the people and the overcoming of the current situation where 1 in 3 Venezuelans has been submittedIt does not have access to water, food, basic services, among other physiological needs to reconcile a dignified life.

Therefore, citizens who live in a situation of extreme poverty, who do not get food and do not have the necessary resources to subsist deciding to emigrate to the neighboring countries of Latin America, including Ecuador;A country through democratic processes has concluded that foreign people, national residents, and others are considered citizens of the country.

Venezuela’s immigrants declared that although Ecuador has always been a host country for refugees, the response of the Ecuadorian government during this emergency has been fragile and inconsistent with the Venezuelan people reflecting the complex political tensions and institutional challenges facing the country. The Government of Ecuador has improved its efforts to implement the most advanced human rights, immigration and asylum laws of the region to regulate the state of refugees, however, there are still cases of injustice and abuse against migrants.


Through the Ministerial Agreement No. MINEDUC-MINEDUC-2020-00027-A, of May 6, 2020, the Ministry of Education asks all the educational institutions of the 2019-2020 Sierra-Amazon regime, of fiscal, municipal, fiant and particular support, in all itsDays, modalities and offers, “Develop the evaluation process for the degree exam of third -year high school students through the development of a project”.

Demonstrate the impact that human rights has within the democratic context, taking as an example for investigation the case of the mishandling of the Venezuelan government and the impact it has on its inhabitants.

Case study objectives

Know, show and develop adequate methods that lead us to a better coexistence in the use of technological tools within the education of the Sierra region with the new provisions taken that are developed to achieve continuity academic activities and take care of the people involved. Resulting in full and optimal coexistence generating that knowledge is clearly captured by students and student community at the close of the 2019-2020 school year, thus leaving precedents for future generations.

Specific objectives

  • Collect information about the relationship between human rights and democracy and perform a descriptive analysis of it.
  • Reinforce the concept of the relationship between democracy and human rights from a more global point of view.
  • self-aware of the human rights that belong to me from the day of my birth and how they influence at the time of participating democratically in society.

Case study development

Conceptual framework

The term democracy comes from the Greek ‘demos’, that is, the people and ‘krato’ means power;Democracy can define how the reason for the ‘power of the people’: a way of governing that depends on the will of the people. There are many different modes of democratic government worldwide, sometimes it is easier to understand democratic ideas from the point of view of non -democracy. Therefore, democracy is not an autocratic or authoritarian government. And it is not an oligarch, only a small percentage of people will do so. Correctly understand that if democracy means completely ignoring the interests of minority groups, it should not even become a ‘majority system’. Democracy, at least in theory,

Human rights

Human rights are the inherent rights of all people regardless of their race, gender, nationality, ethnicity, language, religion or any other condition. Human rights include the right to life and freedom;no slavery or torture;freedom of opinion and expression;education and work, etc. These rights apply to all without any discrimination.

Declaration of Human Rights

This document marks a milestone in the history of human rights. The declaration was written by representatives of different legal cultures and traditions around the world, and was declared a common ideal in Resolution 217 of the UN General Assembly held in Paris on December 10, 1948. All countries and countries. For the first time, it established basic human rights that must be universally protected. Since its approval in 1948, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been translated into more than 501 languages.

It is the most translated document in the world and has inspired the constitutions of many recently independent countries and many new democratic countries together with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and its two optional protocols based on the International Pact of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights andIts optional protocol, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights formed the so -called International Charter of Human Rights.

Electoral fraud

Electoral fraud is an illegal interference in the electoral process, whose objective is to prevent, abolish or modify real results by increasing the number of votes in favor of candidates, reducing the votes of opposition candidates, or both. The reasons for electoral fraud vary from one country to another.

Electoral laws prohibit many types of electoral fraud, but others violate general laws, such as laws that prohibit assault, harassment and defamation. Although the term technically covers only those illegal acts, sometimes it is used to describe legal acts, but is considered morally unacceptable outside the spirit of the elections or when it violates democratic principles. Elections only by performance are sometimes classified as electoral fraud, although they can meet legal requirements and are considered a referendum.


The International Organization for Migration (IIM) defines immigration like any person who moves outside their usual place of residence or who has crossed international borders or has moved within a country, regardless of:

  • Your legal status.
  • Voluntary or involuntary nature of displacement.
  • Reasons for displacement.
  • Time of your stay.


Immigration refers to people born or coming from other places that enter a country or region. Represents one of two options or alternatives to the term ‘migration’. The term applies to the movement of people from one place to another, and these displacements require temporary or permanent changes in the place of residence. The two options for this migration movement are: immigration, where people begin from a country, region or place to another place;and immigration, where they enter a country, region or place from another place. . In this way, immigrants can consider immigrants in the country or place of arrival as posterior immigrants.

The refugees

(As defined in article 1 of the United Nations Statute Statute on July 28, 1951) they are people outside the country of origin or normally reside by the following reasons: race, religion, religion,nationality, belonging to social groups or political opinions and good reasons for persecution, these people cannot or do not want to demand protection for their country to return.


The Government is the main pillar of the country;The power to guide, control and administer its institutions consists of general political actions or the exercise of state administrative power. In this sense, it is generally understood that said institution, the Constitution or the basic rules of the country give it administrative functions or powers and exercise this function. The political power of a society. It can also be the agency that leads any political community.

More precisely everyone, ‘government’ refers to ministers, that is, synonym for ‘Cabinet’. What they are is the official definition of government, but a government contains a series of vital interests that it exercises and defends through permanent national objectives. This is a standard or standard of immutable conduct in the field of governance, such as territorial integrity. The effectiveness, or the division of power in three branches, generally within a period of four to six years, determining the current national objectives will lead to the effectiveness of important interests, regardless of the ideology and philosophical orientation of the ruler.

Methodological framework

Our methodological framework is based on easy and explicit strategies to understand the news that most Venezuelan migrants live in Ecuador to investigate the problem faced by Venezuelan citizens in their country.

To carry out this chapter, an online survey will be executed because we are in pandemic times and perform this procedure in person can become a danger situation due to the risks that involve seeing us exposed to a contagious environment both for the respondentas the pollster and avoid devastating consequences for the health of individuals. These surveys will be used only in order to carry out the degree project. The information collected through the survey will be totally confidential between the interviewer and the interviewee, because the situation of migrants in our country is delicate and only a census is sought on the situation of Venezuelans preventing participants from feelingaffected or interrogated.

What is an online survey?

An online survey is a study in which researchers use Internet as a means of communication to obtain data from a series of questions, which, such as traditional surveys, are directed to a representative sample of people to understand trends and opinions. Online surveys are increasing.

The realization of online surveys is a faster and more economical way, and also avoids the discomfort of having to design on paper and then distribute it among all respondents. The results are also easier to interpret because they show them clearly and orderly (through graphics, comparisons, etc.) so that they can be analyzed, shared, written reports, etc. Online surveys can reduce costs to a large extent because it is enough to perform online surveys and send surveys by email, facebook, twitter or even link surveys from your website.

The advantages of online surveys are

Disseminate the instant survey by email, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram;It is not necessary to know the identity of the person who responded to this survey, you get the result immediately, significantly reduces costs in sheets of paper, spheres and time, the response time is shortimmediacy of the results, it is free, easy to interpret graphics.


The survey had a range of 15 people of Venezuelan nationality who are migrant and immigrant refugees in Ecuador, are over 21 years, 11 of those 15 are male, and 3 correspond to the female generation.

The survey results indicate that approximately 80% of Venezuelans who are in Ecuador have fled their country due to the disputes in it, and also, because they do not have their physiological needs covered. Because of this they have migrated to find a host country that provides employment opportunity where they can work and get money to survive, while others only cross Ecuador to have a break from their trip since Ecuador is considered a country of rest in this emergency.

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