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Idols Of Contemporary Man And Woman: Money, Vices And Fame

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Idols of contemporary man and woman: money, vices and fame

In the 21st century, culture has experienced drastic changes in a short period of time. In less than two decades, we have seen how everyday practices of both men and women have adapted to changes in society caused by factors such as technology, urbanization and secularism. Others were the times when values, sponsored largely by religion, were a fundamental basis of life in society. These values have been replaced by a series of "idols", which have moved man from a life more attached to good customs. The three most important idols are money, vices, and fame.

Money has existed in human societies for hundreds of years. This has become one of the support of every economy. It would be inconceivable to glimpse a future in which there is no form of money, since it is essential that there is a means of payment so that people can subsist. But the fact that this is necessary does not mean that it has to become the only aspiration of people. In the 21st century the gross and rude accumulation of money is the main objective of most people. True priorities such as own happiness or the formation of a united and stable family have gone to the background through the desire to get and knead money without any criteria. And, ultimately, money is not only necessary in the economic level. But every person must have within their objectives to achieve enough money to provide their family and cover their needs. But unfortunately this noble objective has denatured, by an excessive ambition.

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Second, we have as one of the idols of the 21st century to vices. This is a very broad word, so we have the obligation to be more specific to avoid confusion. With vices I mean drugs, including alcohol, cigarette and other narcotics such as cocaine or heroin. Within our conception of vices we also include those who are addicted to chance games. In recent years, we have seen how vicious addiction levels have seen an exponential increase. The lack of spirituality and stress with which people have to deal in their day to day have caused millions of people to see vices as a solution to their problems. But in reality, they are no solution, but aggravate the problem. Addiction to a substance will never give you the answer to a personal problem, on the contrary, it is a distraction to find a solution to the problem.

Finally, the third vice we could identify was fame. In the 21st century, we have been able to observe how idolatry has proliferated other people (often not deserved). The fact that so many people spend a large part of their pending time to other people’s life leaves much to say. One of the engines of this idol has been the technology and the entrance to the stage of social networks such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. Many thought that being connected was going to be something positive, but sadly it has turned millions of people into true addicts to gossip, rumors and show. This instead creates the obligation in those people that society has cataloged famous, in maintaining a frivolous, striking and hedonistic lifestyle to continue capturing the attention of its followers.

When examining these three idols, I have noticed that both have certain things in common. The three are based on materialism. And really, men and women in the 21st century have an obsession with everything material. This dates back to the loss of relevance that religious values have had. And really, if these values had the preponderance they had in the past, we would not be witnessing the moral deterioration of our society. This frontal attack will continue to wreak havoc in our society. There are those who with Desaira affirm that the battle is already lost, and that it will not be possible to return to a simpler and more simple life. I firmly think otherwise.

Although it is true that a life without money, vices or fame is practically impossible, I think you can have a balance. In life you should not incur excesses. These unnecessary excesses prevent one from concentrating on important things, and leading a life guided by ethics. However, it should be clarified that it is not true that we consider that in the past life in society was perfect and free of problems. But really in recent years we have seen a real deterioration to the social fiber that kept the good customs that we inherit from our ancestors in force. Many can attack and call for reactionaries or conservatives for making these approaches. But one has the responsibility of denouncing what he considers wrong. And, ultimately, the course for which we are not.

In conclusion, we have currently identified what we consider the three most important vices that affect the contemporary man and woman. These are money, vices and fame. Although different, the three have the same sin of origin, which is the obsession that people have with materialism. Until there are no return to those already abandoned values, human beings will continue along the path of this cultural suicide that overwhelms us so much. Aware of difficulties, I decide to remain optimistic about adversity. The return to decency and simplicity is possible.     

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