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Labor And Gender Discrimination In Today’S Society

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Labor and gender discrimination in today’s society

In this I will try to present a central theme of today’s society, such as "discrimination and their types", in order to analyze, reflect and thoroughly synthesize this problem of social, economic, physical, racial, ideological orderWhat happens in most of the planet’s countries, issuing my criteria on it. Helping me the subject investigates clear through different bibliographic sources.

To address the issue it is necessary to raise the concept of discrimination;Discrimination is the act and the result of discriminating, this verb (discriminating), meanwhile, refers to treat unequally or excluding people for gender reasons, religious, political, racial or other. For example: "A young Muslim was a victim of discrimination in a bar", "the Government will promote a new campaign against discrimination", "it is outrageous that, in the 21st century, the woman remains a victim of labor discrimination". Someone discriminates when he does or stops doing something generating an inequality or injustice in accessing an opportunity or an appeal. Discrimination, therefore, assumes that an individual, a community or an institution are harmed by decision of a third party. For discrimination to occur, there must be a sense of belonging. Who discriminates does not recognize the discriminated as part of his group and pretends that the other does not integrate, move away and/or suffer negative consequences for belonging to another community, which is considered inferior or harmful (Porto, 2017).

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Now we will mention the types of discrimination:

So that we can understand the importance of this day, it is necessary to know what is to discriminate. “Ethnic-racial discrimination is all differentiated, exclusive or restrictive treatment based on ethnic-cultural origin (habits, customs, clothing, symbols, life ways, sense of belonging, language and beliefs of a specific social group) and/or inThe physical characteristics of people (such as skin color, factions, height, hair color, etc.) that aims or resulting in annulled or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise of the fundamental rights and freedoms of people in the political, economic, social and cultural sphere ”1. For example, if two people want to access a public place and could only enter one because it has traits accepted as more beautiful by society, this act is racist. It should be noted that a term associated with ethnic – racial discrimination, and that raises more than one mistake, would be racism.  Racism is "an ideology based on the fact that human beings can be categorized in races, this categorization is based solely on physical and/or biological characteristics of beings, and postulates that within this categorization there are some races that are superior to others"1. So, racial ethnic discrimination refers to the act itself. It is also possible to point out that ethnic-racial discrimination is based on a racist ideology (Peru Ministry of Culture, 2017).

Labor discrimination consists of any distinction, exclusion or preference of treatment that, occurred on the occasion of a working relationship, is based on a criterion of race, color, sex, religion, syndication, political opinion or any other that isconsider irrational or unjustified, and that has the effect of altering or canceling equal treatment and occupation. From the definition of labor discrimination that we have outlined, we can point out that labor discrimination can occur both within the employment relationship itself as outside it. On the other hand, discrimination within the employment relationship can translate into multiple behaviors, not only referring to access to employment, but to all aspects related to the provision of labor services, having a wide or extensive field of application, which whichIncludes situations such as working conditions, professional training and training, salary equality for a job of equal value, employment safety, etc. Together with reviewing the concept of labor discrimination, it is also convenient to consider the various stages of temporary development of the employment relationship, which we can divide into three stages: the state prior to the constitution of the employment relationship (pre-occupational stage),During the employment relationship itself (occupational stage) and, finally, once the employment relationship (post-occupational stage) once extinguished. In each of these stages, discriminatory behaviors can be configured (Castro, 2019).

Gender discrimination translates into the unfair treatment of a person from their kind. This problem affects both men and women. It is evident in work situations where there are preferential treatment according to the gender of employees, or some employee receives a lower salary or less work responsibilities due to gender prejudices and unfair stereotypes. Gender discrimination also exists in sports, in educational institutions and in political organizations;You can also experience when people are looking for a home or request a loan. There are several effects and consequences of gender discrimination, especially in employment. Gender discrimination in the workplace generates an increase in employee rotation and creates a hostile work environment. Gender discrimination also promotes harassment and possible violence in work Ábito. The victims of this problem have the right to present judicial demands to recover from the damages they suffered as a consequence of discriminatory practices. There are various state and federal laws that prohibit gender discrimination and offer solutions for those who are working in the workplace, as well as in educational and financial institutions. The Civil Rights Law prohibits discrimination based on gender. The Salary Equality Law promotes equality between men and women who perform the same work functions in the same workplace. Diversity and inclusion policies also serve to remedy gender discrimination by promoting equality between sexes (Scott, S.F.).

When something as personal and intimate as beliefs, of any kind, are violated and become a reason for exclusion and/or abuse before other people or other societies other than our own, then we are facing a problem of discrimination. No religion can be classified as better than another, the fact of having religious beliefs does not imply that they must be imposed as the only possibilities.  Everyone has the right and freedom to believe in what seems best and nobody must violate that right. “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion;That right includes the freedom to change religion or belief, as well as the freedom to express their religion or their belief, individually or collectively, both in public and private, for teaching, practice, cult and observance ”thisArticle refers to both the freedom to choose a religion, and to the freedom of ideology and thought, both issues sensitive to discrimination in societies. Religion is usually instilled in the family according to social customs, but to the extent that people grow and develop greater awareness, they have the ability to choose their ideology and in the same way to choose their religion, which means that they canor not keep believing in the religion that was instilled since childhood. When they are or rather "collide" the religious beliefs of people resulting. We are facing the presence of attitudes of discrimination. In more extremist countries, religious differences can generate conflicts that result in imprisonment and/or murder. The states of the world ideally should remain out of religion and not take sides with any particular, they have the obligation to prevent this discrimination at all levels of the State itself and society. And not only them, but any institution, whatever their item, must take measures to guarantee in practice that anyone enjoy the same rights and obligations regardless of their religion. It is popularly said that in order not to generate discord with the people of the environment, they should not speak of politics, or football, or religion since in all of them a personal position and any thought that goes against them is taken is considered apersonal offense, and should not be like that. Knowing how to listen and be open to different opinions is also the key to a happier and more quiet life. Also thanks to the diversity of opinions, beliefs and cultures, interesting things always come out and society is strengthened. Tolerance must be present in the discussion not only of religion and thoughts, but in practically all aspects of our life. We must remember that we are not equal, but we are worth the same (Private University of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, 2014).

In conclusion, discrimination has been a broad issue that throughout history has shown us facts that should not happen anymore;It is necessary to leave them in the past and begin a route that leads to humans to understand mechanism of respect and freedom of human rights essential to achieve world peace in particular I believe that belief in God will give us eternal peace, of thethat we can all enjoy. I will finish my essay with some thoughts of prominent men in the history of our planet

We can change this situation. It is only a matter that one, just one, decides to make an important change in our society to raise awareness in all and thus be able to improve the situation of the country and make it progress.

It must be taken into account that discrimination is practically taken as a crime, and yet there are still people who have the cruelty of subjecting others to the humiliation that this entails.

It is important to take into account of us depends on the change to build a more just and more human society. Thank you.


  • Castro, j. F. (2019). Discrimination in the. Chile.
  • Peru Ministry of Culture. (March 22, 2017). Ethnic-racial discrimination in Peru. Obtained from Peru Ministry of Culture: https: // alertacontraelracismo.PE/DISCRIMINATION%C3%B3N-%C3%a9tnico-racial-in-the-per%c3%ba
  • Porto, m. M. (2017). DISCRIMINATION. Obtained from definition.From: https: // definition.of/discrimination/
  • Scott, s. (s.F.). Gender discrimination: causes, effects and solutions. Obtained from La Voz: https: //
  • Private University of Santa Cruz de la Sierra. (May 21, 2014). Discrimination by religion. Obtained from UPSA: https: // blog.UPSA.Edu.Bo/?P = 3204

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