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Madame Bovary And Gender Inequality

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Madame Bovary and Gender Inequality


How do the authors Miguel Riofrío and Gustave Flaubert expose gender inequality in the protagonists of their works Emancipada and Madame Bovary? Within this study, the plot is something essential to examine, since with this, a critical approach to gender inequality that the authors will. The work Madame Bovary is one of the most characteristic of realism, this was published in 1856 and whose author is Gustavo Flaubert. The novel begins with the narration of the life of Charles Bovary, son of an authoritarian father and a mother who consented to him too.


Him’s mother gets a wife, widow Heloise. Charles visits a patient The Monsieur Rouault, whose daughter Emma falls in love, time takes romantic illusions about his future and wishes a life full of luxuries. When getting married with Charles, these illusions collapsed and he realizes that his life is not as he had imagined. Emma when already pregnant, the couple moves to Yonville, when they arrive at the new home of her Emma meets León a young woman handsome.

Emma carries her pregnancy carelessly and in the face of the frustration of being a woman who is limited to life, she hopes that her son will be male, when her day’s childbirth arrives, Berthe is born a daughter. León, who fell in love with her, does not dare to tell her, because he sees her unattainable, León decides to go to Paris to finish her studies, from that moment Emma is again plunged into sadness in the sadness.

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A Yonville arrives a wealthy man named Rodolphe, he looks at Madame Bovary and decides.

Madame Bovary always in her romantic universe falls in love with Rodolphe and imagines a future with him and proposes to flee, Rodolphe in such a situation, convinces that she will not do it, Emma again sad tries to suicide. One day Charles and Emma travel to Ruan to attend an opera and meets León, who had already returned from France. Between Emma and León an intense idyll begins between them. To hide his meetings Emma lies Charles with the purpose of visiting León in Ruan, Madame Bovary was indebted because she lived delivered to her passions until one day a letter of embargo arrived, Emma goes to her creditor, so she can forgive her But this rejects it.

Look for León and even Rodolphe but the two deny his help, now Emma more than the debt hurts the disappointment, he goes to the pharmacy and takes arsenic, when he arrives at home Charles awa process of his death, Mr. Bovary later finds the love letters that Emma kept and discovers that he was unfaithful. After a while Berthe finds her father dead from her taken in her hand a strand of hair who had been her wife. This work was published in 1863 by Miguel Riofrío, and is known for being the first Ecuadorian literary work.

The emancipated tells the life of a young woman named Rosaura, who lives with her father, she has an authoritarian attitude, she maintained her studies in a nun school, Rosaura has a suitor named Eduardo, she is a distinguished young man and lover of literature, The two young people are deeply in love, but unfortunately, Father E Rosaura opposes this relationship; One day Rosaura’s father together with the father of the parish have planned plans, they want to marry a wealthy man, a landowner named Anselmo. Rosaura finds out of this news refuses.

His father because of this decides to hit many of his employees of the hacienda, which causes Rosaura a feeling of guilt, causing this to accept the commitment to Don Anselmo, the wedding is agreed for the month of January. The day at last comes, Rosaura goes to the church dressed in white with an attitude of courage and courage that amazes many, but very inside as her heart is said very vulgarly, after finishing the ceremony, Rosaura decides to leave the church , thus demonstrating its emancipation, whose referent exposes the name of this work, after this Rosaura’s life seems to make no sense.

Taking her to live a complete life of debauchery and without any control, after a while they find Rosaura dead, and after performing her autopsy, they found some letters from her. The works to be analyzed from the beginning of their narration expose gender inequality, which is supposed to be a great problem during the authors lived; situation that manifested both in France and Ecuador; What surprises the reader most during reading is the similarity of both writings, since they transmit the same message through their characters, a clear example of the aforementioned is reflected in the following Flaubert quotes.

He mentions that: "Uncle Rouault would not have disliked him to release him from his daughter, who served him little in his house". While Riofrio announces that: "The woman is delivered as merchandise to the whims of an owner, whom she serves as utility or entertainment, but not as a wife". All this holds that the woman was not seen as a human being, but that she was compared as an object or tool for free use for any man capable of possessing her, being offered to individuals much greater than them, but who had enough money to content the father or relative by the woman.

It is worth noting main data of the authors of these novels, since these will be essential within the analysis, because they, through their works narrate facts that have marked their lives, starting with the author of Madame Bovary, then, of the writer of The emancipated. Gustave Flaubert was born on December 12, 1821 in Rouen, Normandía (France). He died from a cerebral hemorrhage on May 8, 1880. He was 59 years old. He was one of the greatest exhibitors of French literature. Him’s father Achille-Cléophas Flaubert, who was a famous surgeon of French origin was described by Flaubert as an authoritarian person, instead his mother.

The person most similar to Gustave throughout his life was called Anne-Justine-Caroline, demonstrating this an attitude of rebellion before man and society, but always limited to some extent as a woman and wife, Caroline directly influenced the character of His son, which is why he challenges his father, moving away from the stereotype of his family last name; denying his title in law by a novelist career. Gustave Flaubert is known as one of the most significant novelists in the history of France, in the same way he is one of the most influential, within literature, since with his expressiveness.

Break with the literary current of romanticism, to boom and enhance realism, an important role in improvisation was not allowed, he had to control everything before sending his works to the printing press, he worked scrupulously the style of his prose, denaturing Any flash of exaltation or sentimentality, wanted nothing to be unreal in his works and did not allow himself to spread his own opinions, he wanted to remain in the text as God, hidden and always visible, omnipotent and ubiquitous, everywhere and in no. Each of his works is elaborated with a great creative effort. 

For example, he did not consider "San Antonio’s temptation" until he had rewritten three times. What stands out most in Flaubert’s life, is his frustration by being born in such times, since this cadence of greatness and mediocrity abounded. He saw the twilight of the aristocracy, the rise of the new ruling class of the bourgeoisie, to which he belonged, but with whose values ​​he did not identify. Gustave provides its interpretation of the social situation between the nineteenth century. Flaubert, g.He states that: “A democracy of well -managed workers and peasants, with a minority bourgeoisie that saves and corrupts, and officials passing narrows that are waiting for ascent.

The State has a plan: suppressing the great destinations, the amplitude of sights, any inheritance and any aristocracy, share everything, produce large amounts of semi -course and semi -newly, get that fifteen to twenty million individuals are passably happy ”. Miguel Riofrío was born in the Ecuadorian Sierra, in Loja, Ecuador in 1822 and died in Peru, in the city of Lima in 1879, he studied law at the Central University of Ecuador and was a companion of Gabriel García Moreno, who years later would become In President of Ecuador, Riofrio was an Ecuadorian writer, journalist and lawyer, this author held diplomatic positions on behalf of Ecuador. 

The genres that he develops were narrative and poetry. His father is José María Riofrio and his mother is Custody Pedreros, the source of inspiration in his works are based on his family life, since, in his home his mother suffered in his own flesh the abuse by her husband, thus demonstrating the inequality between both genres. In his journalistic and literary career, he founded some liberal newspapers, the literary criticism that Riofrio used the nomination as the greatest exhibitor of Ecuadorian reality during the nineteenth century, highlighting gender inequalities, which were imposed by religion, society and society The culture of the time. 

The novels that highlighted their prose writing were "the emancipated" and "Maria", which demonstrated so crudely the social problem that dominated in those times, exposes beautiful women and opportunistic men, who only seek status and debauchery, without fear of Criticism. Although these two works were revolutionary, the best known worldwide, is the emancipated written in 1946, but published in 1963 in the Ecuadorian newspaper, La Unión. "The characters reveal the author’s face". To some extent the life of the authors clearly reflects the being of the characters.

Since these are usually created from the emotions that the person feels, generally inspired by actions and decisions made It was dominated by his father’s wishes, but to some extent he tolerates him, thus causing a somewhat rebellious attitude, which would influence the author’s behavior. On the other hand, Rio Frio, like Gustave Flaubert, creates his protagonist, based on her mother, who was from the beginning mired in inequality, first for being an indigenous and also for being a woman.

She is her throughout her life was dominated by her husband’s dominant power. Emma Bovary is one of the characters that has developed and changed the most throughout the plot, begins as a simple woman, who kept her studies in the convents, under the mantle of religion, but after the death of her mother, she It becomes undisciplined and takes a depressive attitude. Emma like all the women of the time was responsible for caring for her house and her parents. Although she was having high levels of study, she could not exercise them because she did not allow her right. The situation that most transcends and changes the life of a woman in this work is forced marriage.

That she was reflected at Emma and Charles’s wedding. Gustave Flaubert mentions “at home, he sewed, washed, watched the workers, paid the accounts, while, without worry remained smoking next to the fire, spitting on the ashes ”. Riofrio creates this character inspired by the life of his mother, who only limited himself to household activities, although he had advanced studies could not exercise them because he was not allowed and had the obligation to take care of her husband and their children.


Thus snatciling the decision of her emancipation, since she was tied by her offspring s. Charles Bovary is a simple character, that is, we cannot perceive an evolution throughout the work. He holds us at the beginning of the work as an insecure and not very insightful child, and he closes the novel dying in the same way. Despite not being the protagonist of this work and of not presenting very often, Charles is the most important after Emma. From him, we are presented to Emma and in a way many Emma behaviors are thanks to him. It is also important to keep in mind that Charles is the protagonist of the first chapter, in which Flaubert tells us the biography of this character. 


Flaubert, g. (1856).Madame Bovary. France: Editorial La Revue de Paris

Riofrío, m. (1863). The emancipated. Ecuador: Free Editorial

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