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Novel Rebellion On La Granja, Personal Opinion

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Novel Rebellion on La Granja, Personal Opinion

Rebellion on the farm is a satirical novel by British writer George Orwell that was published in 1945, he recounts facts about animals from a farm, where they took the humans who exploited the farm animals created mandates where they were not or would be friendly with thehumans and with their way of being, not to have their vices and remember that all animals are equal and must have respect among all equally.

Spring had arrived, but that did not give joy, since poverty was too much and Mr. Jones returns to the farm one night giving their rondines at the same time insulting animals to all of the farm and animals this dislikes them a lot. They agreed a meeting after the farmer fell asleep, the oldest pig and with more years living there was the one they considered the smartest, but he was sick and had to talk to the farm animals before he died. They realized that they were exploited and they never received good things because their effort is when a revolution begins between the people and the animals of the Manor farm, after fighting there were losses, but now the farm was theirs, they took possession of thehouse, but they realized that it was not for them. They put their rules not to be even human attitudes, since for them man was a bad person. Among all the animals they struggled to do all the tasks of the farm that succeeded. They tried to spread what they did and those who did not suffer the same situation because they did not take importance, but those who were exploited listened closely.

Wait! Novel Rebellion On La Granja, Personal Opinion paper is just an example!

Snow ball was a pig that only sought good for animals, but Napoleon wanted all the power for him only so they got rid of snowball. With Napoleon in command they stopped paying attention to the laws written and putting them so that they did not affect the pigs that were the ones to power.

This I believe in humans who came to fight to take away everything they had and exploded their greatest source that was the mill, the benefits were only pigs and the other animals were exploited and they did not have the life that Napoleon hadpromised and gathered more exploited animals united by the same problem which managed to destroy the pig regime.

In conclusion it is a good reference that someone who tries to do things always comes, but someone is never missing and who wants to have all the benefits for him and his circle of friendships that makes workers poor and live very little time andThe laws were always composed so that the ugly things did not look bad that pigs did for wanting to have more power. It is an issue that we have faced for a long time and is still very present because power always ends up corrupting people.

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