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Observations And Public Transport Problems

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Observations and public transport problems


The evolution of societies throughout history, has been characterized by economic liberation, increased population in an excessive way, increase in different cities, development of informational and communication technologies. In turn, generating the growth of the automotive park, constantly demanding the “redesign in the management and administration of public transport services” (Celi). From this definition, this observation exercise was carried out in three different types of transport in the city of Quito. 


In the circuit of the Metrovía, which starts from the Ophelia station, to the Marín Playón, the trolebús circuit, which goes from El Labrador station, to the Recreo station, and the Ecovía circuit that goes from Guamaní to Río Coca station. The similarity of transport is a lot, most will say that the same thing that happens in an articulate happens in another, just because they are circuits that provide the same service, but the interesting thing comes from this premise, these have peculiarities that go unnoticed or even more , in the bustle of everyday life we ​​naturalize facts and concrete actions to them.

At the time, to do the observation exercise we find difficulties, among them it is to get away from our preociations and isolate ourselves from the routine, since we are organic subjects of a community. We know that social facts are also based on statistics as Durkheim states “input, social facts seem inseparable from the ways they acquire in particular cases.

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But statistics provide us with the means of isolating them.”(Durkheim). 

So this would also be a problem, since it leaves us outside statistics for the individuality that we are facing at the time of observing. That is, individual actions do not help us to have a clear concept about a collective entity. “Here, then, an order of facts that present special characters: it consists of ways of working, thinking and feeling, exterior to the individual and are endowed by a coercive power, by which, they are imposed.”(Durkheim), since they have different attitudes and more does not represent a community to identify as an object of study. 

Leaving our preocions is complex and more when we experience daily to take public transport for the various activities that each of the human beings has in the day either study, work, leisure, etc. The notions are closer and more within our reach than the realities to which it corresponds, we naturally tend to replace them and make them speculation, we then content ourselves with being aware of our ideas, with analyzing and combining them, in the place of a science of a science of realities. This goes to ideas, not of things to ideas. 

These notions contain everything when they are essential in the real, because they are confused with the real same. While we understand, to the social fact as it is interesting to understand what a thing for Durkheim is not a matter as a matter, but as an external explanation of why and what is the use of. At the time of making our observation we realize that there are various factors, which have been historically attributed to us and we have never noticed them because they have paid us to an action of different relationships or attitudes. 

The clear example is public transport and the factors that are seen within the eco-via, subro and trol insecurity, corruption, quality of service. So, “social life is made up of free currents in perpetual transformation, which the observer cannot fix, it is not, therefore, this side where the scientist can address the study of social reality.”(Durkheim). 

In this sense, the observation is more collective than individual, in this way, the objective realities are presented as modes of action and thought rooted from previous generations, but how do we actually know that it is rooted from previous generations? Taking into account that public transport is actually a phenomenon of modernity. Because it is really something that has been naturalized as it has been given to it, since the need to transport us almost impossible to move quickly to each of our activities as users.

It could be said that the preociations are close to us, that the same realities find at the time of observing, but what prenocions should we really move away? For Bourdieu, in his book "The Office of the Sociologist" defines prenocions such as ‘idols, a kind of ghosts that disfigure us the true aspect of things and that, however, we take as things themselves’ (Bourdieu), in Our case prenocions are believing that public transport is totally bad.

But this is also derived from a series of things in which it entails: assaults, harassment, bad organization, agglomeration and ill -treatment, believing in turn that the public system is plagued by evil facts. But when we actually observe ourselves that things are very different or at least not as we believed, but it is very difficult to really move away something that has already been rooted. "Then we are victims of an illusion that makes us believe that we have elaborated by ourselves what is imposed from the outside" (Durkheim). 

Thus, express that the individual behavior and behavior given in public transport are linked to the exteriority of the social relations between the driver and the passenger group. That is, on Friday morning we have a flow different from Tuesday afternoon, but it does not stop carrying similarity in the behaviors that each person exercises when going up or down an example: when the driver slows sharply and passengers shout or when speakers say "be careful with their belongings".

In their reactions are the similarities being their screams, anger, insults, and discomfort in general, in this case the individual reactions when they are collective are penetrated even if they do not feel these emotions individually. “Other of our propositions have also been attacked and not with less force than the previous one: it is about the one that presents social phenomena as exterior to individuals."As for example, when you get on the bus, keeping an alleged order, paying the passage at the beginning, not finding seats to stand or press bother you from the smell or skin color of the other user.

These are realities whose operation responds to rules and provisions entrenched to conceive the social world (Quito) as an existence of human will or rationality, this refers to what Durkheim explains of exteriority places a social fact as “pre -existing” realities to the realities subject and, in a sense, as conditioning factors of their behavior in society. However, since public transport is a social fact, an institution, where there are hierarchies and a series of procedures, it is also necessary to be renewed to continue fulfilling its function in society.

Something that Durkheim would speak in suicide where the concept of anomy integrates- enters a state of crisis where there are disturbances of the order-, that is, when an institution or social fact enters anomia is when it stops fulfilling its work, in This case of public transport, it would be said that in a certain way it becomes anomic or pathological, in peak hours, where a lot of chaos and lack of control is generated by hurried people to reach their destinations where the physical integrity of others for the rush of the case.

But there is a way to reach the calm again, either by the same people who ask not to be thrown, agents of the order that fulfill the same function or even at the request of the same driver of the unit. On the other hand, the chaos of the peak hours contrasts with the calm and peace of Even more friendly as there is no pressure from getting to their destiny, generating a warmer environment that even seems that people pay more attention to them.


We conclude that working collectively we find that the problem of public transport has not only led us to all the aspects mentioned, but beyond that we understand the individual and collective of each of us, concluding that the problem of the service is bad in the operation of the same and all the problems that are found there, this is a service that should work correctly, since problems, failures and abuse are presented and as a consequence it allows each of the users to act differently in different days. 

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