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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Writing Prompt

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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Writing Prompt.
The project entails in-depth definition of the obsessive compulsive disorder. The project further involves the means in which individual suffering from the disorder can get aid and thus seek treatment. The symptoms are clearly stated as outlined in the plan. The causes of OCD that includes; the family, brain problems, experiences and personality are greatly discussed. The efficient recommendations of crucial support from other relevant groups are availed.
Obsessions are images and impulses that occur recurrently and are felt out of person’s control. The individuals are having such disease feel the thought and such habits disturbing. The obsessions are often accompanied with disgust, fear, uncomfortable and intense feeling of dissatisfaction.
Symptoms of OCD
An individual suffering from OCD has various compulsive behaviors and thoughts.
Getting help for OCD
It is prudent to understand that people with OCD have a continuous reluctance to seek help from relevant groups. They often feel embarrassed or ashamed. The condition does not mean that an individual is suffering from any disease, it is healthy. However, the individual with OCD can be assisted by sharing information with the person concerning the problem. It is very efficient to let the person understand the condition and seek help from the physiotherapist if the condition persists.
Treatment for OCD
There are several means of treatment of the condition to reduce the impacts of the condition.

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The primary treatments are; Medication- in which individual is given antidepressants that reduce the effects of chemicals in the body. Psychological therapy- is formed in which it helps the individual to face fears and the critical obsessive thoughts.
Causes of OCD
OCD is caused by several factors such as the family history, differences in the brain, life events, and personality. If a member of the family has had the condition, it is thereby inherited. Some individuals may have experienced abuse, neglect and bullying thus individual develop OCD.
Support Group
Living with the condition is quite challenging in the society. It is therefore recommended to contact the support groups or other persons living with the condition for psychological and information support.

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