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Parameters Of The Law In The Face Of Violence

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Parameters of the law in the face of violence


Domestic violence is a worldwide problem that crosses the limits of socioeconomic class, age, religion and ethnic origin. In fact, it is estimated that in Ecuador 8 out of 10 women they have suffered from some kind of violence, the severity of this situation forced the authorities to promulgate in 2007 the National Plan for the Eradication of Gender and Domestic Violence,as an attempt to end this problem through a multidisciplinary approach. In this context, Law 103 against violence to women and family conceptualizes domestic violence as “any action or omission that consists of abuse, physical, psychological or sexual executed by a family member against women or othersmembers of the family nucleus."


First we have to recognize the forms of violence to undertake the appropriate actions in each case. Forms of violence. The aforementioned law recognizes 3 types of domestic violence: Physics: It is all made of force that causes damage, pain or suffering to the assaulted people, whatever the means used. Psychological: any action or omission that causes damage, pain, emotional disturbance or psychological alteration to the attacked family. Verbal violence, intimidation, blackmail and threats are included. Sexual: It is any action by which a person is forced to have sex through the use of physical strength or coercion of any kind.

The doctor as a sentinel. Given the nature of our profession, the doctor is usually the first to detect the signs of physical and sexual violence, however, it is a common scenario that their response to these acts is limited to healing and medical examination.

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Therefore, neither the victims receive the appropriate or the aggressors the timely punishment, then the situation is prolonged with fatal results on some occasions. Victim Attention Protocol. The art. 10 of Law 103 rules that health professionals who had knowledge of punishable facts of domestic violence.

They are obliged to report them within a maximum period of 48 hours, or else they will be considered cover -up. Therefore, it is important that the doctor knows how to act when he is facing a case of physical violence. In the first place, the calm must be preserved, the victim’s attitude or confront the aggressor should not be criticized;It must be understood that at a psychological level the dynamics are quite complex and the victim’s responses can be very varied. In addition, the victim should not be left alone at any time, even if the aggressor is not present, he could try to self-harm. 


If the victim decides to denounce, the process must be facilitated by calling the competent authorities immediately and if he decides not to do so, the notification must be done and try to retain the victim as long as possible until the authorities arrive. It should be noted that the doctor under no circumstances must minimize the seriousness of the injuries and must be properly consigned in the patient’s medical history and in the forms that the protection organisms supply. It is essential that the victim receives legal, psychological and group support in order to get out of the situation.   

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