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Perpetual Chain For Rapists In Colombia

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Perpetual chain for rapists in Colombia


This work will deal with the need to implement life imprisonment to sexual aggressors in Colombia in order to reduce the crime rate of this kind of crimes mostly given in both child and youth population, given an alarming increase in such crimes inIn recent years and the insufficiency of the sentences imposed in these cases by the entities in charge or even for a very considerable degree of impunity to the perpetrators of said sexual aggressions to children and young people.

The life imprisonment has been one of the most controversial and controversial issues in the Colombian criminal system. It was abolished after the 1936 reform and its implementation is currently being discussed, due to the unbridled increase in the crime rate in terms of sexual aggressions, mostly and the degree of impunity present in this kind of crimes by the entities in chargeto attend the same. “The life imprisonment, also known as perpetual prison, is a type of condemnation that is established against a serious crime. It is about the deprivation of liberty for an indefinite time, a period that can imply the seclusion for life ”. (Ecured) The life imprisonment is a mechanism of justice that should be used to sentence the crimes of child sexual assault, and with this reducing or eradicating the crimes of this nature.

Why implement life imprisonment in crimes of child sexual assault?

The implementation of life imprisonment in Colombia seeks to reduce the crime rate in terms of this type of crime, mostly given in the child population.

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According to the newspaper El Heraldo, Save The Children states that: “Two children are abused every hour in the country and, currently, the Colombian Family Welfare Institute (ICBF) has under its custody 23.574 cases of sexual violence against girls, boys and adolescents ”. On the other hand, we have to:

Every year more than one million Colombian minors are victims of atrocious crimes. The Prosecutor’s Office projects that 200 thousand are violated, 850 thousand points out UNICEF are severely mistreated, 35 thousand calculateviolent among others, due to episodes of kidnapping, abuse or sexual violence more than 2.000 a year;children under 14 being the most frequent victims. Only 20% of these crimes are denounced and less than 10% end with firm sentences.

In addition to the fact that there is a large number of these cases towards children more than everything, we have to day a few are the cases denounced and of that minimum amount are even lower the number of reported cases that receive a conviction. According to the perspective of some sectors of society, these sentences are insufficient or contain a series of shortcomings, especially, with the time that the aggressor has to comply, which generates that the complaints towards this type of crime are minimal andthe cases that have been denounced and end successfully, the same. As established by Montes previously.

In addition, we find the high level of impunity in the face of these cases by the entities and/or entities responsible for transparency and impart justice. Well, according to time, Cabrera states that “95 percent of the cases are in investigation, which means that after the complaint nothing has happened. Then an aggressor who understands that he has the 5 percent chance of being judged him, receives the message of meeting him ”. Which means that the country’s own judicial system indirectly incites the aggressor to become a repeat offender in these types of cases, due to the insufficiency of the system to address this type of crime. And therefore, generating an urgency of a tool that solves or decreases the presence of this problem in the country, as would be the life imprisonment.

On the other hand, we have a case of a prisoner called: ‘Curtis Dawkins’ condemned to life impMichigan’s prison, because this made a debut with a book that he wrote where he tells how prison life is, as he affirms it at the forefront ‘The prison is a gold mine to find stories’, in addition to saying:’When I found myself in prison with a long time available, I rediscovered the writing as a fish out of the water that is in a lake again ‘.

While the life imprisonment can become a double -edged sword, there are also not -so -dark examples of prisoners that get positive things to be there, and find something that makes sense or a purpose like the one mentioned above, so that, a New component that we would propose to add to the perpetual conviction would be accompanied by an adequate program with the necessary tools for the most prompt stability of the individual due to a considerable period of time of at least 20 years, period of time where the possible possible Citizen reintegration in society again, an example of what can be done to achieve the above is: give them productive activities with the occupy their time, in addition to providing them with the basic comfort and the corresponding psychological help, it would be like a more human life chain in which the prison adequate without any legal hollow that can lead to the corruption of people in charge of said rigorous monitoring. As an example of how well this plus could work, it can be seen evidenced through the case of Norway in BBC News where ‘guards and prisoners are mixed in activities all the time. They lunch together, play volleyball, have fun together … and all that really interacts with inmates, talking and motivating them ‘. Which apparently worked very well so far, since, according to the director of the prison of Halden, Are Hoidal, in BBC News’ since our great reforms, the recidivism in Norway has decreased to just 20%After two years and about 25% after five years. So this works ‘. Which indicates that involving prisoners and presidiaries or the general personnel of the penitentiary to carry out activities or work together contributes to the prisoners to acquire greater awareness, and therefore, have more control of themselves. Enough to decrease at that level, recidivism in Norway.

Why couldn’t the life imprisonment be implemented for children’s rapists?

While we want to eradicate or reduce the number of crimes of such a nature, especially because the majority is presented in the child population through this tool, it is necessary to know that there is a controversy or controversy present around the life imprisonment, sinceIt is deprived of the aggressor of the right to freedom (one of the fundamental human rights in society). Therefore, it is difficult to implement it as a product of a constitutional crisis that prevents its implementation in a certain way. On the one hand, as stated above, it deprives a fundamental right that protects the constitution of our country, which unfortunately also applies to perpetrators, so, “the prevalence of the rights of minors cannot be understood as absolute denialof the fundamental guarantees of the convicted, understanding that is extended to those who barely have the status of accused or defendants and, therefore, are presumed innocent ”. However, we have that these aggressors are supported by a series of benefits established in the legal framework, such as: the expiration of terms, the reduction of penalty for good behavior, house by jail and probation.

On the other hand, we have that, the implementation of life imprisonment for this kind of crimes has been evaluated for many years, but it always falls apart for different reasons apart from the aforementioned mentioned, such as: the infrastructure of the country’s prisons andThe costs generated by prisoners with perpetual chains. This shows us that establishing life imprisonment is not easy, because first that everyone has to change the criminal system and as if this were not little, special prisons would have to be built for this kind of condemnation which would generate more expenses to the country, but everythingThis in order for this kind of crimes to decrease and are eradicated by the strong penalty that leads to this. This same year a reform was filed to give way to this law, which was supported by different political forces, but that despite this, it has not been able to have its first debate in the Senate Chamber and how this is a constitutional reform forContinue alive this project, must exceed four debates before December 16, date on which the ordinary sessions of the Congress end. That is, it is already in a race against time and that it is probably forgotten and archived like the others. Knowing how important this reform would be for the country and more for children and adolescents, we can see that it is not given the importance and priority that it should have and more for the long and slow process for which it must study to get tobe a reality and that apparent.

The Government has been responsible for not making a presence in the matter, knowing how important this issue is for the country for the high rates of this crime that are presented daily in the. "The accompaniment of both the higher and the national government has shone by its absence," said Liberal Congressman Julián Peinado, who added that the reform as is "the Constitutional Court examination does not pass". It takes more government commitment to support this kind of laws than what they would produce is fear in sexual aggressors for the severity of penalties this will dissuade them to commit such crimes.

“In the midst of this discussion, the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute (INPEC) revealed shocking figures: in the last nine years, 16.350 prisoners for sexual violence against minors have been free "by penalty fulfilled". To these will be added 2.875 people, convicted of the same crime, which in the next five years could recover freedom.The situation generates more concern if one takes into account that, according to the Inpec, there are currently 1.380 repeat prisoners for sexual crimes against minors ”. For this reason, what is sought with life imprisonment is to avoid this recidivism because it is very unlikely that these criminals are claimed to society and also what you want to eliminate the reduction of penalties which cover these criminals for goodbehavior by helping them resume freedom long as stipulated in their convictions.

The reform of the law which seeks the life imprisonment for rapists has been only discussions that do not lead to anything and that this year have been resumed but at the moment the panorama is uncertain for this law, which so much so muchHe needs Colombian country and children. 

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