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Post-traumatic stress disorder is a physiological condition that develops out of shocking event witnessed or experience in a near past. Military personnel and veterans are always prone to this disorder. PTSD is popular in individuals who make unrealistic, self-inflicted or unreasonable demands that give them stress when they try to accomplish such goals. Additionally, these individuals are overly aggressive, competitive, demanding and sometimes hostile and tense. The symptoms of episodic stress are a ceaseless worry, long period of depression, emotional distress and anxiety disorders. In addition to that, the person can suffer from coronary heart diseases and physical symptom similar that of acute stress. Statistics shows that 2.7 million soldiers are veterans who served during the Afghanistan and Iraq conflict and out this number 20% of these veterans are suffering from depression or post-traumatic stress. Contrary, people calm the effective of the creative problem-solving technique is very essential for PTSD management and physical benefits. The effective of this method as a stress management therapy is quite impressive. PTSD has a negative effect such as illegal drug use, attempted suicide, murder, sexual violation and severe assaults on other people. Social discrimination is another factor that can trigger PTSD breakout.
Keywords: Post-traumatic stress disorder and veterans
Problem Solution Paper
Post-traumatic stress disorder is a physiological condition that develops out of shocking event witnessed or experience in a near past.

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It is not far from normal stress. For instance, Stress is a psychological or physical stimulus that can result in physiological reactions that may cause illness or mental tension. There are many types of stress such as episodic, chronic and acute stress (Fat-free kitchen, 2005). Acute stress manifest itself for a short period much come as a result of work pressure, minor accident, increased physical activity, over exertion, meeting deadline pressure and searching something but you misplaced it. Additionally, the symptoms of acute stress are back pain, rapid heartbeat, headaches, muscles aches, headaches and body pain. Secondly, episodic stress is an acute stress that suffered too randomly or frequently.
Episodic stress is popular in individuals who make unrealistic, self-inflicted or unreasonable demands that give them stress when they try to accomplish such goals. Additionally, these individuals are overly aggressive, competitive, demanding and sometimes hostile and tense. The symptoms of episodic stress are a ceaseless worry, long period of depression, emotional distress and anxiety disorders. In addition to that, the person can suffer from coronary heart diseases and physical symptom similar that of acute stress. Lastly, chronic stress is a severe type of stress that last for a long period. For example, it can last for weeks, months or years. The cause of this type of stress is heartbreaks, poverty, stressed marriages and families. Dangerous illness such as cancer, heart attack, depression, stroke and post-traumatic disorder are caused by chronic stress. The symptoms similar to that of acute stress are present in this scenario. Therefore, Post-traumatic stress is the same as acute stress (Fat-free kitchen, 2005).
Consequently, the issue of post-traumatic stress disorder is very alarming among the military personnel and the veterans. Statistics shows that 2.7 million soldiers are veterans who served during the Afghanistan and Iraq conflict and out this number 20% of these veterans are suffering from depression or post-traumatic stress (Veterans and PTSD, 2015). In a report done in 2004, it extended further by suggesting the men and women fighters who came from the Iraq war at age 18 years the rate of Post-traumatic stress disorder shortly after return from the war was at 9% while those who spend a year after returning from the war was at 31% (Kinchin, 2004). Another research showed that 50% of the veterans who are suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder always avoid treatment (Veterans and PTSD, 2015). Additionally, those who seek medical assistance only 50% are provided by adequate treatment.
Post-traumatic stress disorder always results in traumatic brain injury and research shows that 7% of United States veterans are currently suffering both traumatic brain injury and Post-traumatic stress disorder. It is showed that this stress disorder always causes other social illness factors such alcoholism, and drug addictions. A Study was done using 600 veterans as the key study subject showed that 39% of them were alcoholic, 4% of them were drugged addicts and 16% of them suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (Kinchin, 2004). More ever, the post-traumatic disorder has affected veterans different depending on which department they served. For instance, the rate of post-traumatic stress disorder rate for the veterans who served in different departments is as follow: Marine 14%, Air Force 8%, Army 70% and Navy 12% (Veterans and PTSD, 2015). Lastly, 7% of the veterans who are diagnosed with post-traumatic stress always commit suicide or have a record of attempted suicide (Veterans and PTSD, 2015).
The assumption is that people have the behaviour of not honouring our veterans. For example, in 1995, only 100 people were present to witness the New York City`s Veterans Day Parade that were the fiftieth year of remembering the World War II (Freeman, 2002).
The theory in post-traumatic stress is based on the cognitive model that involves the process of appraisal of trauma and the nature of the memory. In the appraisal of the trauma, stage suggests that PTSD patients are known by idiosyncratic negative appraise. In this state, the patient views the world as the most dangerous place to be (In Ritchie, 2015). Additionally, the PTSD patient may view himself or herself as incapable of achieving significant goals in life. On the other hand, the Secord stage is the nature of the memory that results in cognitive behaviours such as antisocial behaviours. In detail, antisocial behaviour is the aggressive action against peers, teachers, siblings, parents or adults. The aggression may be bullying, hitting, destruction of property, verbal abuse, vandalism, theft and fire-setting. In PTSD patient’s cycle, antisocial behaviours are seen through alcoholism, drug abuse, noncompliance, lying and destroying of property. Antisocial behaviour is influenced by coercive social interaction within the community, family and educational environment. For instance, it is developed by the PTSD patient irritability and temperament, exposure to violence, cognitive ability, a deficit of cooperative problem-solving skills and the level of involvement with a deviant peer.
Contrary, the persistence and development of antisocial behaviour are control by factors such as neurobiological, environmental and genetic stressors. PTSD affects cognitive development that is the development of the ability to understand things and critically think on your own.
Far from that, the best recommendation for PTSD patient is to enrol in stress management programme. Stress management involves many activities such as discontinuing on caffeine, relaxation, regular exercises, having enough sleep, setting a realistic expectation, engaging in humour conversations, discussing the problem with people, reforming the issues, having leisure and avoiding over believing in something. Alternatively, creative problem- solving is the best- known therapy for ending stress. This is primary because the best time to be creative is the time when you are extremely stressed. Contrary, the feelings of happiness are directly linked with the ability to be creative. Therefore, poetry, music, art, fiction, architecture, photography and pottery can all be perfected if a person is mostly frustrated.
The creative process occurs in two parts namely primary and secondary creative process. The primary creative process is the origin of views. Secondly, the secondary creative process is the manipulation strategy to bring views to live. Maslow stated that the process of creation was interesting and enjoyable. The great feeling produced during creativity is called euphoria or peak experiences. Additionally, creation process involves the use of both right brain and left-brain function. Therefore, when all the hemispheres of the brain are working they significantly assist creativity and help in coping with stress (Coursera, 2015).
Creative problem solving is an available tool in stress management therapy. The processes involved in creative problem- solving are new ideas, awareness, new courses of action and evaluation. Alternatively, they are components of coping techniques. The stages of initiating creative problem- solving are in five steps. For instance, this method is a coping technique that uses individual creative abilities to describe the stressful problem and manipulate it in generating ideas. Through meditating, ideas flows as the mind analyse and evaluate the data leading to innovation and creation of new ideas.
The first stage of the creative problem- solving is to write the problem down stating it by giving it a history and studying it from a different angle. Secondly, the second stage is to produce idea based on memory from previous experiences. The third stage is to understand that not all of our view will be perfect, and we need to rank, play, order, circle and line up the views to see which one of them are best. Once the views are selected, refine to see if you need people or material to get started. The fourth stage involves strategy and gameplay. It involves taking the idea and running with it. Lastly, through using a bit analysis to determine if the problem is solved. Therefore, the steps involved creative problem- solving are describing the problem, generating ideas, select and refine answer, implement the solution and evaluate the effusiveness (Coursera, 2015).
Creative problem- solving relies on divergent thinking and the capability of developing many ideas and principles to solve the problem. For instance, this can be achieved through short lectures, creative building exercises and reading the individual creates both an understanding of creativity and boosts their creativity. The uses of the creative problem- solving are countless depending on the objective of using. For instance, this method is used to achieve exception performance in many tasks. The essential objective of the method is to find a solution to the problem. The term problem means any form of discrepancy between a present ordeal and the desired future ordeal. Therefore, finding a solution to the opportunity is from the problem- solving (Coursera, 2015).
The method can lead to innovation and invention that will improve our desired future. Creative problem solving was used in past by the world greatest thinkers such as Leonardo da Vinci, Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison. For them, they did not wait for the creative view to striking them but they became creative just by solving unclear views in mind. Because they were highly creative these individual just break down the problem into the situation to understand it. They then brainstorm on better ways of solving and evaluating the problem.
Lastly, they find the most suitable solution to the problem. This method was used for invention and innovation. Currently, people cannot just find solution directly as the genius did in the past. Hence, the have to learn the process of creative problem solving before they can find an effective solution to the crisis at hand. For example, normal people have to draught a SWOT analysis that will guide them to find a solution. By looking at the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats people can find a solution to any form of crises such as financial, organisational, health or security crisis. Alternatively, it is used in reducing stress since during problem-solving it offers a distraction from an emotional problem. In addition to that, if someone gets to answer hard questions your excitements level increase. Hence, this reduces stress level. In short stress management programme especially the creative problem-solving will benefit veteran not only by prevent PTSD but also making them more creative and occupied most the time.
Exposure therapy is another method of reducing PTSD. This involves assisting individuals to control their fear through facing them. For instance, the patient is exposed to the same environment and same trauma they faced in safe strategy. This incorporates the use of writing, excursions to the places there experienced the fear and mental imagery. Hence, this helps PTSD patients to cope with their fears. Finally, inculcation stress training is aimed at reducing a person rate of anxiety. It assists individuals to look at memories in a more positive and healthy perspective (Shiromani, Keane, & LeDoux, 2009).
Ethical PTSD has very negative effect on the society. This is because PTSD triggers cases such as drug abuse, suicide, serious injury, murder, sexual violation and severe assaults. Besides, it has been recorded that 35% of veterans are charged for cases such as illegal drug use, attempted suicide, murder, sexual violation and severe assaults on other people. This is vital in the society since many people see veteran as a threat to their security.
The society has a responsibility of caring for our veterans and the military as well. Offering them physiological support and motivations that are aimed at honouring and encouraging them will help them overcome PTSD. Through co-operating social responsibility different business, entities can help motivate the veterans and military at large (Freeman, 2002). For example, the World wrestle entrainment is always proud of country`s military. To show their appreciation, they always offer a free ticket to any U.S military official or veteran of the Army such as Marines, Nary, Coast Guard, Air Force and National Guard. The free ticket is mainly for any SmackDown and WWE RAW events, but it excludes WresleMania. So any military personnel are required to provide military I-D so as to enjoy these privileges. Additionally, World wrestle entrainment is working handy with Armed Force Entertainment that is aimed at entertaining US Military officials. The programme is referred to as Tribute to the Troops. The main purpose is to show that WWE superstar has great gratitude and respect for the country`s Armed men, sailor, marines, national guardsman, soldiers and coast guard. This programme was started in 2003 to honour the men and women who were fighting in Iraq war.
The programme was also aimed at providing motivation to the troops for creating a positive relationship between the troops and the superstar. Additionally, WWE is involved in military health care, involves giving operational care and counselling programmes. During these tours, the superstars stay, eat and sleep with troops hence creating a close relationship that will positively influence the troop’s morale. Concerning this, in 2004, WWE was awarded by Legacy of Hope first ever award in acknowledging the support they have shown in promoting and the USO’s Operation Care Package programme and the troops. Washington presented the award. WWE has also helped veterans by help them to find a job. In addition to that, WWE uses its popular platforms such as TV, social media, live events and digital to raise funds for Army (Copeland, Adam, Steve, Kane, Shawn, H Triple, and Dwayne, 2012).
Traumatising experience of the battle life is not the main cause of PTSD in veterans. Social discrimination is another factor that can trigger PTSD breakout. For instance, if a veteran retires from the force and he or she are subject to the social cruelty of discrimination such as gender stereotyping, sex orientation profile, racism, culture and economic discrimination can induce stress to this veterans. The United States Supreme Court has allowed homosexuals marriage in the entire 50 States. Hence, bring a light towards ending sex orientation discrimination. Veterans are sometimes offered a job to serve as police officers. The Civil right movements that are based on encountering racism are always harassing police officer when conflict case involving two different races are involved. For instance, civil right movements may have hindered democracy because nowadays African-American individuals are misusing this movement. The racial atmosphere has evolved from one of fighting for real equality to that of preferential treatment based on race factor.
Ever since the death of Martin Luther King Jr 45 years ago, there has been a progressing racial undertone that had been slowly disappearing. However, the electing of Obama into office in 2008 made the racism agenda go from the quiet whispers of the backroom to the cautious entry into the daylight. For example, it has been reported that some black individual involved themselves in criminal activities but when they are arrested they claim it all about racism. Even though, they are the ones on the wrong side of the law. This is way civil right movement are currently being misused by people. So, when the veterans are found in this situation the investigations always leave them with stress because they test his or her judgement depending with what he experienced while serving in the force. PTSD is likely to be triggered in such situation (Freeman, 2002).
Concerning that, Post-traumatic stress disorder is a physiological condition that develops out of shocking event witnessed or experience in a near past. Military personnel and veterans are always prone to this disorder. PTSD is popular in individuals who make unrealistic, self-inflicted or unreasonable demands that give them stress when they try to accomplish such goals. Additionally, these individuals are overly aggressive, competitive, demanding and sometimes hostile and tense. The symptoms of episodic stress are a ceaseless worry, long period of depression, emotional distress and anxiety disorders. In addition to that, the person can suffer from coronary heart diseases and physical symptom similar that of acute stress. Statistics shows that 2.7 million soldiers are veterans who served during the Afghanistan and Iraq conflict and out this number 20% of these veterans are suffering from depression or post-traumatic stress. Contrary, people calm the effective of the creative problem-solving technique is very essential for PTSD management and physical benefits. The effective of this method as a stress management therapy is quite impressive. Contrary, it is used in reducing stress since during problem-solving it offers a distraction from an emotional problem. In addition to that, when someone gets to answer questions the excitements level increase. Hence, this reduces stress level. More ever, the scientific finding for this therapies effectiveness is very promising. PTSD has a negative effect such as illegal drug use, attempted suicide, murder, sexual violation and severe assaults on other people. Social discrimination is another factor that can trigger PTSD breakout. For instance, if a veteran retires from the force and he or she are subject to the social cruelty of discrimination such as gender stereotyping, sex orientation profile, racism, culture and economic discrimination can induce stress to this veterans. Finally, cooperates social responsibility aimed at offering veterans and military officers physiological support and motivations such as honouring and encouraging them will help them overcome PTSD.
Copeland, Adam, Steve Austin, Kane, Shawn Michaels, H Triple, and Dwayne Johnson. Wwe. United States: WWE, 2012
Coursera. (2015). Creative problem solving. Retrieved from.
Fat free kitchen. (2005). Meaning & Definition of Stress. Retrieved from., W. B. (2002). 50 ways to stand up for America: Put the spirit of July 4th into everyday life. Lancaster, Pa: Starburst Publishers.
Kinchin, D. (2004). Post traumatic stress disorder: The invisible injury. Didcot: Success Unlimited.
In Ritchie, E. C. (2015). Posttraumatic stress disorder and related diseases in combat veterans.
Shiromani, P. J., Keane, T. M., & LeDoux, J. E. (2009). Post-traumatic stress disorder: Basic science & clinical practice. Totowa, N.J: Humana.
Veterans and PTSD. (2015). Veterans statistic: PTSD, Depression, TBI, Suicide. Retrieved from.

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