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Development and education inequality of children living in poverty
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Article 1 (what poverty does to the young brain)
The development process of children is vital to every kid right from the time of conception to adulthood. The brain is an essential organ, and it begins to develop while still in the womb. Under development of a kid’s brain results to low IQ and as a result reduced performance in academics. There exist accidents and setbacks that results to underdevelopment of brain. The paper explores and examines the contribution of poverty and other impediments to interruption of brain formation and development process (Irimia, 2016).
Poverty is one of the significant contributory factors to underdevelopment of children brain. Poverty relates to overcrowding, substandard housing, noise, family turmoil and exposure to violence among other forms of extream stress. Such conditions similar to alcohol and other drug abuse happen to be toxic to any developing brain. The resulting factor is a release of excessive cortisol hormone which becomes disastrous to the development of the brain or even managing stressful situations. The same hormone is capable of getting to the fetus through the placenta resulting sabotage of brain development process. A study conducted jointly by hospitals and universities revealed that people who leave under poverty likely suffer from cognitive and long-term behavioral difficulties (Macaulary, 2008).

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Article 2 (lacal education ineualities across U.S)
In the United States, most district schools that enroll a large number of low-income students usually perform average and below national grade average level. The research as well showed that most United States district schools with substantive minority population have wide gaps in achievement between the white and the black and Hispanic and white students. Reardon and colleagues in America made the following findings in connection with educational inequality; most of least socioeconomically advantaged schools had average performance levels above grade four levels. In the U.S, Performance of black students on average stands at two grades level below those of fellow white students and the level difference between white-Hispanic being one-and-a-half grade(Macaulary, 2008). There exist significant differences in achievement gap in district schools where Hispanic and black attend high poverty schools than white students. The most socioeconomic disadvantaged district schools have their average performance four and more grade levels below. Another finding was that performance gap sizes have no association with the size of the class.
Racial segregation as well plays a vital role in affecting the performance of children. Racial segregation results from unequal allocation to resources among students in various schools. Racial integration is, however, advocated for to achieve rate reduction in racial disparities among schools enrolling poverty students. The performance gaps according to the research conducted revealed that it varies considerably according to where one resides. However, Reardon and colleagues study revealed that geographical occupation relates to race and ethnicity disparities.
Article 3 (Growing inequaliry and children)
There has always a class difference while raising children may it be from work-focused life or a governess-directed life of more impoverished children. The amount of involvement of a parent in child rising has changed depending on the family economic class. Elite families spend more on their kids than those families from a humbled background. As a result, essential resources to children of the two families mostly vary. The children fro able families access almost all necessary resources as compared to children from low-income families. The access to such crucial resources results in performance gaps between the two compared children (Cahn, 2014).
According to (Cahn, 293) normative childbearing rate varies by class and only gets concentrated amongst the young, low education level and of low income. Comparing low-income family to their wealthy peers, they never get paid for leave taken from work to take their children for an outing or attend a school meeting. Wealthy families have more than one income channels, therefore, making it possible to participate in their children school matters. Such makes children living in poverty to have low esteem and as a result degrades their performance while wealthy students perform better (Cahn, 2014). In a bid to mitigate the inequalities of education among the children, our established site offers free tuition and other basic needs like food and boarding to poverty students.

Irimia R, Gottschling M (2016) Taxonomic revision of Rochefortia Sw. (Ehretiaceae, Boraginales). Biodiversity Data Journal 4: e7720. (n.d.). What poverty does to the young brain. doi:10.3897/bdj.4.e7720.figure2f
Macaulary, J. (2008). Development Skills in Geographical Eduacation. New Zealand Journal of Geography, 88(1), 22-22. doi:10.1111/j.0028-8292.1989.tb00818.x
Cahn, N., & Carbone, J. (2014). Growing Inequality and Children. Am. UJ Gender Soc. Pol’y & L., 23, 283.

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