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Psychosocial Support In Victims Of Gender Violence

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Psychosocial support in victims of gender violence


The positions used by social workers are based on informing and advising through established procedures, once it has already been informed, they will be responsible for offering psychosocial support and if necessary, the victim would be derived to the relevant professionals. After this, the victim will be evaluated and follow up on his case. This is the classic steps carried out by social workers, but there are currently more resources to serve the victim according to their situation. These resources include all disciplines, since they may need social, police, judicial, health, etc. 


To carry out a good intervention by social workers, the most important step is to make the abused woman feel safe so that they do not get rid of social services, since if he did they could not help her, therefore, in the first Interview you have to create a link between the social worker and the victim so that he has confidence and to continue helping her. After this you have to locate what kind of violence the woman is already subject to be psychological, physical, sexual, economic or several of these. 

They also have to assess the risk to which the victim is exposed and in the case of having children, it must be detected if they also are in danger and therefore reduce these risks keeping them safe with the different means such as security forces, psychologists, actions actions legal, etc.

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and not returning it to its abuse situation. Once the victim is safe, we must respect his period of adaptation to his new life, this moment is the most difficult, since all the sequelae produced by the abuse to which it has been subjected and therefore must be made and a series of measures to face their emotional problems. 

We must project some purposes and objectives for their future, thus strengthening the advances that occur with it, begin a therapeutic treatment for the victim or the victims with the purpose of their psychological recovery and finally we must offer a legal advice and accompaniment for that face his new life. This moment is the most difficult, since all the sequels produced by the abuse to which it has been subjected will appear and therefore a series of measures must be made to face their emotional problems. 

There are different types of responses from social workers, differentiating each problem, for example, when a woman asks for help at the time of crisis the answers have to be snapshots, this case is the hardest, since you meet a broken woman. However, when the woman goes at the time where an exit process is taking place, professional performance will consist of continuous advances and setbacks, since violence within the couple is a cyclical process and sometimes the woman will be willing to break this situation, but the return to reconciliation prevents you. 

Social workers are also responsible for guiding fathers and mothers so that they know how. Social workers are not only responsible for serving the victim, but also addressing the problem from the root to fight for social justice to try to raise awareness of this social problem and reduce cases of gender violence.

The first contact of the social worker has to be clear taking into account the psychological trauma of women and sequels avoiding secondary victimization. In addition, women must be treated as soon as possible and priority. The task of the social worker is to facilitate the recovery process of the victims so that women are those who identify their problem and also serve as accompaniment and support in the different stages and difficulties suffered by the person in that process.

Objectives of Social Work Care

  • Work so that the person can be in a security situation.
  • Help in the construction of decision -making processes.
  • Link the efforts of the other areas to offer a comprehensive and quality service.

An interview will be done to the victim to warn visible or not visible injuries. In cases of sexual violence, it is necessary to bring victims to medical services for relevant care. The functions of the social worker are determined by a series of phases that must be followed: Professional detection and attention phase must create proactive guidelines for the good development of the case. Thus, they have to be able to quickly detect this situation. These must notify social services professionals, who will have contact with the victim.

Assessment phase and case plan. In the first case, the risk in which the victim is. The case coordinator will create with the victim in question an individual plan in order to guarantee the person a great security. In the event that, when assessing the risk, this is high, another plan will be created in order to avoid attacks by the victim to the victim. Monitoring and evaluation phase. The case coordinator will observe the operation of the actions that have been carried out with the victim to see if they are good for the victim. Then, it will analyze the results that have been achieved. Theoretical models of social work with gender violence. 

Within basic social services we can find different models that help us in the intervention with users, models that have appeared throughout history that are based on different theories. The most important for use in gender violence are: Case management model: It allows to explain how to manage the cases in which different devices, different administrations, etc. are involved. Intends to harmonize the intervention when various agents participate. Model Intervention in Crisis: The crisis is a state of temporary disability in the faculty of the person that affects the ability to solve the problems.

This model was adapted to social work, since the intervention is in permanent contact with people in a state of crisis. This need for urgency can generate in social workers an anxiety situation and the appearance of feelings such as impotence. In order to solve this situation and avoid negative results, it is important that the social worker have extensive knowledge about the concepts and principles of crisis theory. In order to understand crisis intervention, it is important to know a series of basic knowledge.


These moments show the struggle experienced by the person once tries to maintain the balance between the environment and himself. There may be a union between the problems of the past and the current situation. New skills and forces arise to solve problems in the future with adaptive resolution. The nature of the intervention of social work in crisis has common elements according to the different authors The intervention in crisis from social work is an active intervention in users’ lives. 

The availability of the social worker in this phase must be total. Different temporal limits must be established. Both the case management model and the crisis intervention model are in my opinion the most suitable to implement with the victims of gender violence. First, the case management model allows us to manage coordination among other professionals and administrations, for this problem it is important, since different agents intervene in the process that is carried out with women victims of gender violence.  

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