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Racism and discrimination

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Racism and other forms of Discrimination
Question 1
I have chosen racial profiling and other forms of discrimination as my area of study. Different Nations of the world are experiencing a considerate change in racial composition from a century ago. However, racial stereotyping is still hitting the global News headline every day. In detail, stereotyping is the psychological discrimination of specific social crew over the entire citizens that influenced information processing job and decision making. There are two types of stereotyping, which includes the positive and negative types of stereotyping. Positive stereotyping involves pointing out the positive characteristic of a particular ethnic group. For example, the fact that African performs excellently in sports activities or Asians are perfect in solving the mathematical problems. Contrarily, negative stereotyping portrays a certain ethnic group negatively. For example, the notion that all African are lazy, and that most of them are criminals. For a long time, the issue of racial stereotyping has impacted negatively different society political, economic and social life
Question 2
I selected this topic because the presidential campaigns in the United States are heating up as time passes by. My concern is that the United States will be making a critical mistake if they decide to elect Donald Triumph for president. His policies are filled with propaganda that will enhance discrimination and racial profiling.

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Donald Triumph was recorded suggesting extreme foreign policies that will lock out Mexicans or Muslims from accessing the US ground. He has received an equal share of support and criticism, and that is warning because this has the effect of ruining the work of civil right legends like Rosa Park and Dr Martin Luther King Jr. who struggled to end racial profiling.
Question 3
The issue of racism is worldwide (Better, 159). There are other forms of discrimination that have resulted in the ideology of hateful extremism. For example, the ISIS terror group has been killing non-Muslim or Muslims, who don’t share their ideology. In the United States, the immigration department has denied people from certain nations such as Africa and the Middle East from accessing the America Visa while providing Visa to citizens of European countries easily to access the United States without any limitations (Amnesty International USA, 15).
Question 4
Racism has significantly shaped the consciousness of the American citizens this is according to David Goldberg (Balkaran, 1). He explains more about racist culture as an aversive, religion, economic, academic, mythical, ideological, bureaucratic, linguistic and scientific. The race problems exist in different places and time under a widely varying state. The world community is divided into two classes that are working class and the exploited class. In this case, the white Americans are the working citizens while the black Americans, Latin’s and Arabs are the exploited class in the United States racial setup.
Contrarily, Michael Reich suggested that the ideology of racial stereotyping was created in the society in an attempt to positively influence the economy (Curry, 12). In the Segmentation theory, the working class will use any method to: reduce the wages of the exploited class in the community, weakening their bargaining power by making them to be the inferior people of the society, increasing prejudice and discriminating the coloured community so that it guarantees the elite gain profit out these racial stereotypes. For example, the black people in the 1990s were given subordinate job such as gardeners, housekeepers, and office cleaners because their wages were cheaper compared to the white workers who were doing the same job.
Question 5
Consequently, there many effort that were done to end racism and discrimination. For example, during the America Civil War in the 18th century, racism was a significant factor in the war. For example, the Southern part that was lead by Franklin Pierce was campaigning for the abolition of slave trade. He had policies that ensured that discrimination is ended, and the idea of equality, human justice and liberty is promoted in the United States and the world at large. His opponents who were the Northern community had embraced slavery as a source of revenue due to the slave trade and unlimited cheap labour (Golec, Agnieszka, & Aleksandra, 145).
Besides, during the civil right movement, the great names like the Rosa Parks who boarded a Montgomery City bus to advocate for the end of discrimination on public transport system started a new era in the civil right movement. Additionally, Martin Luther King, Jr was very vocal in demanding for their rights and calling for equality among the black community in the 1960s.
Question 6
In my opinion, the mass media has played a critical role in influencing racism. They have contributed to how white Americans perceive black people in America. For instance, the media has always focused anti-social behaviour such as gang violence, crime and drug use among the black American community (Balkaran, 1). Therefore, the mass media has natured a pernicious or distorted society perception of black American community. In the United States, the African American has a history of centuries of struggle against discrimination and other forms of oppression. The media as continued to showcase these struggle to date and this contributes to the way white America continue to classify them as the second-class citizen. This has caused confusion in term of knowing who African-American are. The ideology of racial stereotyping has developed into an institutional part of the American community.
In the mass media, the racial stereotyping is very evident. For example, in the advertisement agencies, the black individuals are not heard or rarely seen. However, when they are heard in advertisement clip they always share the ads with their fellow white counterpart. In the movie scene, bad people such as murders, kidnappers, gangster and cults always wear black. This has promoted the perception that things associated with black are bad. In the movies such as The Birth of a Nation, Menace II Society and Boyz in the Hood that were high successful in earning a multi-million dollar from their viewers have portrayed young black people has the criminal character (Curry, 14)
Question 7
The impact of racism and discrimination is that it results in civil war and political violence. Additionally, it leads to drug abuse, high poverty level, increased insecurity and prostitution in the discriminated community. For example, it has given rise to the anti-Semitic skinhead neo-Nazi gang affiliated group that support racial profiling. They always hate colored people, and they are always in a gang fight with the other African American gangs.
Question 8
To end racism and discrimination, the government should distribute resource equally so as to ensure a balanced development. There should be campaigns against any form of discrimination to educate the public on the importance of unity. Children should be educated in public school so that they can interact with students from diverse cultural, racial, economic and religion background.
Question 9
If I could start a social movement to deal with discrimination and racism, I would call it “The colourless movement”. The movement slogan will be “different in colour but together as one”. I would use the social media as a way of passing my message to the world community. Additionally, if I can influence some sponsors like the government I have a hope of conducting rallies in major cities like New York. My recruitment strategy will be online by liking my Facebook page or liking the colourless movement Facebook page then providing your information and ideas. There are no admission fees or any charges. I would know that I am successful if I can mobilize more than one million people to follow any of my social media group that relates to this movement. This will ensure that the information is spread continuously by the one million follows to their respective friends. My movement would embrace politics that ensures democracy and advocates towards influencing equality, liberty, justice, fair distribution o f wealth, sustainable development, equal job opportunity and the one that ensure no human right violation.
Question 10
With reference to that, conflict theory is the sociological theory that can be applied to this social problem. This is because there is a case where one race embrace capitalism while the discriminated races struggle through offering cheap labour so as to gain income. The theory is significant because it will enlighten people on which characteristic of discrimination should be avoided so that people can have equal opportunities in term job, resource and wealth. Therefore, it is important to the public and the mass media to end any form of racial discrimination so that the world can transform positively.
Work Cited:
Amnesty International USA. “Threat and humiliation: Racial profiling, domestic security and human right in the United State. 23 February 2004. Web. 15 December 2015.<>
Balkaran Stephen. 1999. “Mass Media and Racism. 4 June 1999. Web. 15 December, 2015.<>
Better, Shirley J. Institutional Racism: A Primer on Theory and Strategies for Social Change. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2008. Print.
Curry E. Grace.2012. “African-American Stereotypes in Advertising and its effects on society. 2 Semptember 2012. Web. 15 December 2015.<>
Golec, Agnieszka, and Aleksandra Cichocka. Social Psychology of Social Problems: The Intergroup Context. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. Print.

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