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Refugee Camp Because Of Wars

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Refugee camp because of wars

In 2011 the Syrian population after more than 40 years of autocracy under the control of the Al-Asad family took to the streets to protest. The trigger was the strong oppression with which the regime responded after the peaceful demonstrations that on March 6 in the city of Dara, to the south of the country, congregated the young people in defense of a graffiti contrary to the regime. The protests, which extended to other cities in the country, were harshly repressed by the regime under numerous international convictions for the disproportionate use of military force . The social movement that emerged in the Arab Republic of Syria was inspired by the Arab springs, mobilizations that were taking place at those dates in the Mena region and demanded democratizing measures in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and Yemen.

We find it extremely important. Despite their vulnerability situation, they remained firm in their defense for a better future for their countries. In addition, the cultural oppression to which they were exposed to challenge cultural norms as activists and the lack of interest in involving them in the transient processes that followed in several of these countries relegated them to the background in which their roles have beendetermined by traditional social conventions.

In this framework begins a war conflict that has currently taken international dimensions and has caused the displacement of millions of people fleeing in search of a place to live in peace.

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According to the latest figures from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) published on October 10, these eight years of war have caused 5.642.585 of Syrian refugees seek to take on terror in one of the countries in the region.


Following the social and political contextualization described, it seeks to identify how it affects the lives of refugees, one of the groups affected by the conflict, in the Zaatari refugee field to their gender relations. Along the same lines, it is intended to analyze how an international cooperation project influences this field in new gender relations adopted by Zaatari refugees.

To achieve the task, a brief bibliographic review and analysis of exhaustive information from secondary sources reflected in official data documentation of international organizations, testimonial of refugees through audiovisual production published by international organizations, compendiums on refugees, among others, among others.

In turn, the sources used will allow to address the issue as follows: in a first chapter, the relevant terms for the understanding of the text that will allow the development of the second chapter in which the political, economic and economic context is addressed will be defined.Social of the Hachemita Kingdom of Jordan with respect to the Zaatari refugee camp, through the presentation of data that stage the context of Zaatari. The next chapter presents an intersectional analysis, which will allow usfield refugees;In addition, the infrastructure of the field is analyzed as part of the intersectionality and the water and sanitation infrastructure, and electricity is examined;All this to culminate in a third chapter where a vocational training program for women refugees in Zaatari is reported, within the framework of UN Women’s International Cooperation in the field of refugees and refugees in question.

Definition of concepts and legal framework. Refugees political-legal context between Jordan and the Zaatari field

The United Nations have intended since its creation ensures respect for the rights of refugees collected in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights through a series of agreements. First, the Convention on the Statute of Refugees of 1951, which defines the refugee person as all that has had to flee from their country of persecuted or threatened origin for its race, religion, nationality, belonging to a certain groupsocial or political opinions, and have no possibility or desire to benefit from the protection of your state. In this concept, all individual or individual an individual is included in this concept that cannot or wants to return to your habitual residence country for the aforementioned causes, as established in section 2 of its article 1. The convention is completed by the Protocol on the Statute of Refugees of 1967, committing to the States parties to favor legislative transparency with the United Nations for the protection and status of refugees . Jordan has not adhered to the texts, which affects the protection of Zaatari’s refugee population. However, the country has ratified General Recommendation No. 32 on the gender dimensions of the Statute of the Refugee, Asyl. In order to favor intersectionality, this recommendation includes the gender perspective as a sixth element in the definition of a refugee person of the 51st Convention, introducing gender and sex in international policies and laws.

Other instruments to consider for the protection of women in the context that concerns us are resolutions 1325 and 1820 of the UN Security Council. Resolution 1325 urges Member States, and more specifically to the UN Secretary General, to increase the presence and political participation of women for conflict resolution and the consolidation of peace, as well as the useful tools for this,underlining respect for the civil and humanitarian character of settlements and refugee camps (United Nations Security Council, 2000). For its part, resolution 1820 pursues the constant violence against women and children, especially sexual in conflict situations, demanding the exclusion of amnesty for the guilty and imputing the states in case of guilt, following the line ofPolitical and community participation of women.


Syrian sociocultural context: gender relationships

According to the world gender gap index (2018), Syria is the third most discriminating country in the world in a gender perspective, with 90% or more. It is observed that the woman suffers the greatest discrimination, for example in the care tasks where no facts in the male sector are found. Rather they provide the family of economic support, and occupy the greatest positions of political-economic power, because although women have access to public life, the difference with men is highly significant. Boys and girls reproduce the same behaviors, although the case of the boy s usually end the studies first. However, depending on residence, income or educational level women can choose to work).

Regarding marriage, article 16 of the Syrian Code of Personal Statute dictates the age of 18 for boys and 17 for girls. (Ruiz-Almodóvar, 1996), and according to testimonies they are usually victims of abuse and premature pregnancies, which often prevents them from continuing their academic or social life. Before the 2011 war it was quite frequent that girls were married before the age.

Zaatari refugee camp context

Data presentation

Zaatari is a refugee camp that is located northwest of Jordan, 50 kilometers from the border with Syria, was created on July 28, 2012 and has an extension of 530 hectares. Initially it was raised as a temporary solution to the Syrian conflict that exploded in 2011 (UNHCR, 2017) and over the years it has generated tension both between government entities and inside the field, for fear that its members will remainWhen the conflict is over and for the situations of abuse, robberies and violence in the field (Ledwith, 2014). As for the distribution of space, the field is managed by UNHCR workers. The formal disposition of the site consists of a network system with prefabricated homes arranged in rows.

In terms of composition, in August 2019, it was the second largest field in the world and had 76,602 refugees. The largest etakers, is 0-18 years that corresponds to 55.6% of the total, 98% of residents are of Syrian nationality, while the remaining 2% comes from other states. According to data from the International Labor Organization (ILO), of the total Syrian refugees in Jordan, 57% are located in the Zaatari field (Stave and Hillesund, 2015), of which 51% are women.

In the educational field, there are 32 educational centers and 21.400 girls and boys are enrolled, of which 49% are girls and 51% are boys (UNHCR, 2019). From the registered workforce, 55% of men, and 41% of women (Stave and Hillesund, 2015) has reached university degree).

In relation to the economic field, following the lack of opportunities for livelihoods in the Zaatari camp, the UNHCR and its partners have focused their efforts on providing a significant number of services through incentive -based volunteering (IBV). In this initiative, refugees are paid for supporting the programs of humanitarian partners or actors in the field. Of the total refugees in the countryside, 30.924 people are suitable to be part 

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