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Rural, Urban, And Vice Versa Migration In Colombia

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Rural, urban, and vice versa migration in Colombia


When we listen to the word migration, the first thing we do is relate it to the outside, the foreigner because most people believe or have the conception that migration occurs only from one country to another, but as established in the global forumOn food security and nutrition “despite the attention dedicated to international migration, most migratory flows occur within the countries of origin of migrant."That is to say that the largest movement of people is presented within the same country, from one city to another, from one town to another in search of better opportunities, a phenomenon that has been presented since past times such as the period of the viceroyalty where“The miners rather decreased the chocó gangs to transfer them to the Caloto and Barbecoas mines or to the cane and livestock farms of the Cauca Valley.”, Currently, urban rural migration is“ a demographic phenomenon, defined as the movement of people from an origin to a destination. Its basic motivation is generally economic, there are still migrations originated by political, social or other reasons ”, but when talking about urban rural migration in general terms we are referring to an internal migration from the point of view of economic theory that thedescribe how:

The possibility of getting out of backwardness (modernization theory), in turn generate a balance in the economy (economic cycles) and take advantage of the expert factors receiving communities (expulsion-ambience).

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All under the precepts of economic development: increased production, construction of industries, increased urban jobs and expected income to meet needs.

The above gives us lights that urban rural migration is lived daily in Colombian society, but it is a phenomenon that few reach to elucidate because at present many people come out of place to move to another town or Ciudad in search of opportunity, but for most people they are not very knowledgeable about this scourge, because it is the common that people who "go to try their luck" to another city or municipality; People who carry out this type of displacement do it voluntarily, and shows up the periphery to the downtown area, a clear example in the Urabá area that usually its inhabitants move to cities such as Medellín and Bogotá, the main Cause is the search for employment because in the area there is market narrowness because its main characteristic is the banana agribusiness that although it demands good labor there are people who do not want to work in banana companies, either due to the extensive schedule of the day Labor coined with how poor Substist, there are other factors that affect urban rural migration as established in the Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition:

Decisions related to migration are usually motivated by extreme poverty and food insecurity, but these conditions are influenced by various more specific factors, including:

  • Lack of employment, lack of access to social protection, depletion of natural resources, climate -related challenges and conflict situations.
  • Lack of access to infrastructure and services, such as health care and schooling.
  • The demand – often international – of seasonal workers, domestic workers and migrant fishermen.
  • An inadequate national agricultural policy.


But while it is true that we are currently immersed in the world of ICTs “Information and Communication Technologies” that contributes to the development to development, we must not neglect that industrialization companies to increase their production go toTechnological means that is detrimental to labor bringing unemployment and increasing the flow of rural migrants to urban areas to offer their workforce because in a few words they were displaced from their only means of livelihood.

It can be said that urban rural migration is a save lives for those who seek a better quality of life, who must leave their place of origin to move to a totally different place for them, many of the people who migrate to the interior of the countryThey do it to obtain a better economic income and sometimes be able to send some money to their family in order to help cope the economic scarce that is presented in its place of origin.

On the other hand, emphasis mustThe city, the expenses must be supplied to transport in a city are higher than transported in a municipality in rural or urban zone, although it is true that by migrating we are in the possibility of improving our quality of life we also face cultural changes, climate, social, and environmental.

Just as urban rural migration has its positive aspects, it should not be set aside the negative aspects of it, as the rural area is left without agricultural labor that is the one that works the land and supplies its products largelyThe family basket, that the lack of mental labor supply to people that the only way to survive is to leave behind the land that saw them grow and contributing to the development of other cities or subregions of the country instead of fighting to contribute to the development of theirplace of origin being generators of solutions to eradicate problems such as unemployment, lack of higher education centers, social infrastructure that allow true development.

On the other hand, the migration of the urban to the rural is presented more than all because of the work relationships with companies that have their headquarters in a city, put branches or positions in rural areas but displacing their own labor, not hiringTo personnel from the same rural area, another factor is the purchase of real estate that is cheaper in rural areas than urban

In conclusion so that in Colombia the phenomenon of urban rural migration will be presented, you must begin by improving social infrastructure such as roads or access roads to these areas that are usually mountainous, thus allowing rural peasants or inhabitantsThey move more easily to sell their crops, implement educational and health centers in rural areas so that its inhabitants can access basic health services without having to move to the urban area, implement impact policies that increase the creation of the companyIn order to increase job offer.


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