Safety And Health At Work And Covid -19
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The o.Yo.T. (International Labor Organization), establishes that employers are obliged to adopt the necessary measures to protect the life and health of all workers, maintaining good hygiene and safety conditions in the workplace.
Therefore, it is very important that all companies have a good management system in this area, which helps to reduce or avoid occupational diseases or accidents caused as a result of the activity carried out. However, it is essential to emphasize that all actors are involved in prevention, it is undoubted complying with each standard as established by the employer.
Consequently, the purpose of this essay will be to transfer to the reader the knowledge that we have been able to acquire through the development of this work, to raise awareness and highlight the importance of taking appropriate and concrete measures in safety and health at work, in order to Learn to prevent accidents that put the quality of life and work performance of each person at risk.History of the beginning of safety and health at work
Safety and health at work begins in the primitive stage, where the work consisted of the use of rudimentary plows, then activities such as soil exploitation, livestock and mining emerged, diseases were treated through religious religious thought.
- In Egypt, there were laws given by Pharaoh to protect workers and avoid accidents at work.
- Hippocrates of ancient Greece, wrote the treaty airs, waters and places, where he exposes about the diseases of the miners.
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- In the second century, Greek medical and philosopher, analyzes the diseases of the miners, where he recognizes the dangers of acid mist.
- In the fourteenth century the Health Council was founded in Venice.
- In the fifteenth century there are sketches of a regulation for the improvement of workers’ health.
- In the sixteenth century, the German Agricultural Georgius, publishes a treaty related to mining work, where he refers to articulations, lung and eye diseases.
- In 1567 the Swiss doctor Paracelsus published a work envelopes the diseases of the miners, especially the lungs.
- In the seventeenth century, prostheses are invented to correct the consequences of accidents.
- Bernardino Ramazzini, Italian doctor, known as the father of occupational medicine, analyzes the occupational diseases of the workers and recommends the breaks interspersed in long -term worked, in addition to suggesting the making posture changes, guaranteeing cleanliness and type of appropriate clothing.
- In 1918 Harvard University was the first house of higher studies granted by the degree in Safety and Hygiene at Work.
- The 1919 was created the ILO, as part of the Versailles treaty that ended with World War I, improving the conditions of the worker and promoting economic and social stability.The o.Yo.T. It was founded in 1919, after the term of the First World War, the objective of this institution was to promote employment and protect people, in this way it was possible to establish social justice, human and labor rights, which was fundamental to maintain universal peace.
In this treaty, essential and universal principles for workers were created, where it established the following:
- Work should not be considered as something commercial.
- That the worker’s salary allows him to have a reasonable standard of life.
- That the work schedule is 48 hours a week.
- That there is a weekly break of at least 24 hours and that is preferably Sunday.
- Child labor was eliminated and in the case of the youngest, they must be able to study.
- That women and men receive the same remuneration, if they do the same job.
- That each State creates an inspection, which ensures compliance with laws, in employee protection.
Thanks to the creation and efforts of the O.Yo.T., Awareness has been generated regarding the magnitude and consequences of accidents, injuries and work -related diseases and positioning the health and safety of all workers.
How much have we advanced in safety and health at work?
In accordance with the provisions of articles 10, 12 letter C and 72 letter B, of Law No. 16.744 in Title II of the D.S. No. 40, of 1969 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Prevention, establishes that: administrative bodies and companies with delegated administration have the obligation to carry out permanent activities of prevention of occupational hazards in the terms that said regulations provide.
On April 27, 2012, Chile ratifies the agreement of the O.Yo.T Nº 187, where it undertakes to continuously promote the SST, through policies, systems and programs that seek to reduce accidents, diseases and deaths at work.
One of the essential growth elements in relation to the progress achieved in SST, are training and campaigns, aimed at providing knowledge for the timely and adequate prevention of the tasks to be developed by workers, emphasizing the protection of their health and their life.The work is positive for health, since thanks to it we can obtain great and indispensable benefits that ensure our subsistence, thus increasing our quality of life, it also helps us to maintain an occupied mind, a good physical condition and an active social life. However, work can also be a source of frustration, situations of abuse, disease, accidents and in deaths of death.
Therefore, it is essential to have health workers and in adequate health conditions for work, both in the physical, mental, emotional and psychological aspect since this will depend that our company advances towards success.
In that sense, it is important that the following conditions be given:
- Insert the worker to an environment without risk factors.
- Guarantee the worker a safe work environment.
- Implement activities to reduce accidents.
- Control compliance with the provisions and regulations established by the company.
- Coordinate medical examinations to workers.
- Coordinate training activities with mutualities, according to the needs of the company.
Safety and health at work depends on everyone
When we talk about the importance of safety and health in the work world, we think about the social, mental and physical well -being of each worker, it is essential and essential that both parties both employer and worker contribute and participate in the security and security programs This way together help prevent occupational accidents and diseases.On the other hand, feeding us correctly will help us to have less physical and psychological wear at work, it is also important to be able to pause, to have a coffee, or share a glass of water with colleagues, since this practice in addition to being positive for our health, it will help us maintain a good coexistence and thus reduce work stress and avoid accidents with notable consequences.
Today, there are companies that care about the well -being of their workers and allocate time to carry out recreational activities, this practice makes the worker feel valued and happy.
An example of these activities can be:
- Sports tournaments
- Entertaining gymnastics
- Labor pauses
- Birthday celebrations
These activities can be carried out inside the company, as well as abroad, the fundamental objective is to help strengthen health, physical and psychological, reduce stress, and increase companionship, a situation that will favor both parties, given to That, improving the work environment, the performance will increase, therefore, people will have greater awareness with their self-care and this will help reduce accidents.
Following the propagation of COVID-19, the Government declared a state of catastrophe and the consequent order of compulsory social distancing, this emergency led us to face a different form of work performance: “El Teleworking” Law N.º 21.220 dated March 26, 2020 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Welfare, whose objective was to prevent and avoid contagions. This measure, although positive, is not exempt from complications, for this it is essential to respect rest periods to avoid diseases, such as stress, tension, lumbar pain, etc., since today we must combine the work of the home, children and confinement.
However, there are also companies that are operating in person, or their normal activities should return, in these cases there is insecurity in the face of a possible infection of the coronavirus, therefore, it is essential that prevention protocols be implemented decrease distrust and thus achieve good performance at work.- Take the temperature of the workers before and during the work.
- Disinfect work areas.
- Minimize direct contact with customers
- Provide protection elements to each worker (masks, gloves)
- Guarantee personal hygiene measures.
- Establish social distance, both the workplace, and in food places.
Future risks in safety and health at work
Climate change is one of the main environmental and social problems of humanity, due to the consequences that can cause the increase in temperatures, which will undoubtedly have strongly impact on the worker, causing negative effects on their safety and health.
Your work capacity will be reduced, given to the interruptions they make to protect themselves from the effects of heat -produced stress. The main symptoms to appear will be fatigue, exhaustion and cramps, a condition that can give rise to an work accident and in more extreme cases if the body temperature reaches 41 °, can produce death.
This situation will mainly affect work related to agriculture, construction and fishing, among other activities, which due to their nature must perform their functions outside the company. However, and in the need to continue working life, it is essential to learn to adapt to the risks that high temperatures entail, such as planning heavy work in less heat, including breaks considering a maximum continuous work That does not exceed 40 minutes, provide adequate, lightweight clothes, fast drying and always have enough fresh water near the workplace.
It is important to keep workers well informed about the irrigation of working in a high temperatures scenario, they must know the preventive measures and first aid in case of being required, all these measures will help reduce workers’ concerns, feeling each one greater security in your work.As published by Ana Montes on January 9, 2020 at, governments are not controlling what happens and scientists are worried, since according to studies radio frequency could produce cancer.
It is possible that in the future there are cases of infertility, heart disease, autoimmune, psychiatric, neurological, cognitive, and brain tumors, among others, among others.
WHO described wireless technology as a carcinogenic level 2B, which refers to possibly carcinogenic compounds for humans. Another effect would be the appearance of a third type of diabetes whose trigger would be electromagnetic pollution, since, by exposing us to this radiation, the functioning of cells is altered.
Radiation exposure generates symptoms of fatigue, sleep alteration, short -term memory loss, confusion, cataracts, depression, anxiety, and especially the central nervous system. In a couple of years, 5G networks will be used for the digital connection of drones, vehicles, the internet of the houses, where there will be smart homes, smart devices, buildings and smart cities.
As additional observation, there are recommendations to reduce the exposure of these risks:
- Use cables instead of wifi signal.
- Have active devices only when used.
- Keep an adequate diet.When performing an analysis of the above, we have reached the determination that the SST in Chile has been growing exponentially, given to the great catastrophic events that occurred in recent decades in our country, as they have been, earthquakes, tsunamis, Catastrophes in mining, environmental changes and currently COVID-19.
Safety and health at work takes a lead. On the other hand, companies having effective management and quality system will avoid legal problems and payment of possible fines.
However, we cannot fail to mention that it is essential to create preventive culture, where there is a commitment to security, since in this way the problems around the safety, health and well -being at work will be solved. The duty of prevention not only falls on the employer, but also the participation and effective commitment of the worker.
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