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Sexual Assault in the Military

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Sexual Assault in the Military
Brubaker, Sarah Jane. “Sexual assault prevalence, reporting and policies: comparing College and university campuses and military service academies.” Security Journal 2009: 56-72. Print.
The article by Jane and Brubaker makes comparisons between military institutions and other normal institutions on issues of sexual assault. It provides different rates, policies and challenges in both scenarios. They make use of meta analyses to make their findings through the use of different reports from the federal government. Both scenarios provide accurate incidences of sexual assault where most males are identified to be the victims associated with the vices. The provisions by the authors provide different recommendations and security implications of women to curb such occurrences in the future. The article is vital for the research as it clearly indicates the dominant gender that is in endangered and how they can operate to ensure their security. It also highlights different policies that are often put in place to ensure security of all members within military premises.
Street, Amy E et al. “Sexual harassment and assault experienced by reservists during military service: prevalence and health correlates.” Journal of rehabilitation research and development 45.3 (2008): 409-419. Print.
According to Street, there has been sexual harassment of reservists who operate under the military rule. The author did make an investigation of the prevalence of sexual assault of the reservists in the US military.

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The journal also investigated the mental torture and the health related issues of those affected during this period. Those affected by the assault according to the journal suffered from depression and many other conditions. It was discovered that both men and women were sexually assaulted. They were later discovered with physical and mental disorders after the experiences. The research is vital for the research as it will assist in indicating the different health conditions that were experienced after the assaults. It also has important information that pertains to sexual assault in the US.
Surís, Alina M, and Julia C Smith. Sexual assault in the military. Guilford Press, New York, NY, 2011.
The authors agree to the fact that sexual assault is still in existence among most military camps around the US. The incidences have not been reported because most of the victims desire not to report such matters because of the stigma associated. This leads to depression and other fatal incidences to those members who are affected. Women were found to be more vulnerable compared to their men counterparts. Through the convention held for the purpose of sexual assault in the military service among active, retired and reserve members were found to be vulnerable. The information from the article will go further in enhancing the topic of sexual assault in the military hence making clear inferences and recommendations after collection of the required data.
Turchik, Jessica A., and Susan M. Wilson. “Sexual assault in the U.S. military: A review of the literature and recommendations for the future.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 2010: 267-277. Print.
Turchik, Wilson and Jessica provides future recommendations of how such cases should be handled to ensure a quality of life among reservists and those that are sexually assaulted in the military camps. The authors also provide succinct information about the assault rates and the overall effects of such sexual cases. An investigation of how military personnel react to such instances is also investigated. They found out that most victims desire to keep quiet making it hard to prosecute those that are concerned. They conclude by saying that the problem of sexual assault is still prevalent in most military forces, albeit the increased recommendations and policies to stop such barbaric acts. The paper will be essential to the research proposal as it will be able to cover the areas of sexual abuse in the military and its effects to those who are affected.
Valente, Sharon, and Callie Wight. “Military sexual trauma: violence and sexual abuse.” Military medicine 2007: 259-265. Print.
Wight, Sharon and Valente expounds on the issue of military sexual trauma, where they indicated that both sexual assault and harassment are indicators for malfunctioning. The authors through their works collectively agree that the extent of fatality is always high when instances of sexual assault are recorded in the military system. The article confirms that most clinicians never get to know the veterans condition after such assaults leading to further damage. Victims often receive minimal education and treatment after such ordeals making it hard to curb the situations. This makes them to lead high levels of morbidity, economic losses and high rates of mortality. Children are also seen as being in danger of such abuses if not properly guarded. Information provided by the research will be of high help in developing the proposal as it includes information about damages caused by the ordeals. The fate of children is also discussed hence making the proposal more complete.
Works Cited
Brubaker, Sarah Jane. “Sexual assault prevalence, reporting and policies: Comparing college and university campuses and military service academies.” Security Journal 2009: 56-72. Print.
Street, Amy E et al. “Sexual harassment and assault experienced by reservists during military service: prevalence and health correlates.” Journal of rehabilitation research and development 45.3 (2008): 409-419. Print.
Surís, Alina M, and Julia C Smith. Sexual assault in the military. Guilford Press, New York, NY, 2011.
Turchik, Jessica A., and Susan M. Wilson. “Sexual assault in the U.S. military: A review of the literature and recommendations for the future.” Aggression and Violent Behavior 2010: 267-277. Print.
Valente, Sharon, and Callie Wight. “Military sexual trauma: violence and sexual abuse.” Military medicine 2007: 259-265. Print.

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