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Sexual Diversity In History

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Sexual diversity in history


Evolution of sexual diversity throughout history. The first indications of sexual diversity occurs in years before Christ in which different discoveries of cave paintings, tombs, writings were made. For example, in terms of homosexuality between men in Egypt, the tomb of Nianjjnum and Jnumhotep was found that it is believed that it is a homosexual couple who were buried together. As for transsexuality in Prague, the body of a man buried with some usual belongings of a woman was discovered, so archaeologists think it is a transsexual. 


Regarding bisexuality, it is said that in the ancient Roman Empire that Julio César was bisexual, since when presenting it, they shouted it to “make the husband of all the women and the woman of all husbands“ and because He maintained a relationship with King Nicomedes IV of Bitinia at 19 although he later married different women. Later we can see how sexual diversity is a different way in the world. In Europe, ancient Greece and the Roman Empire stand out. Throughout the history of the Roman Empire, homosexuality is seen differently, since at the beginning it was an accepted practice in which it was allowed to marriage.

Later you can see how different laws against the practice of homosexuality such as the Scantinia Law that regulate sexual acts and prohibit adultery and homosexuality are imposing. In Greece, male homosexual pederasty was normal in society and to a lesser extent there were also lesbian practices.

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On the other hand in Asia homosexuality was seen as a normal practice that was embodied in Asian art, there are also indications that in India they were considered as a third genre to homosexual, transsexual and bisexual people. In North America there were men who make the role of men and women.

At the same time performing the tasks of both in addition to evidence of transsexuals in more than 150 tribes. The Maya accepted homosexuality, but the Aztecs did not, since they punished him with death, however there were parts in the Inca empire in which he was tolerated by being linked to a religious ritual and male prostitution. In the modern era, more specifically in 1969 there were Stonewall riots in New York in which groups of people went out to demonstrate violently to denounce the police abuse suffered by the fact of belonging to the LGTBI community. Following this different associations (Gay Liberation Front or Gay Activists Alliance) were formed in which they demand adoption.

Marriage and normalization in all countries, since it was a persecuted practice. The first gay march was held on June 28, 1970 and toured 51 apples from Central Park from Christopher Street in New York. The following year in 1971 it extended to different cities in the world such as Paris, London, Boston, Dallas, Stockholm. As the most cities passed, they were adding to the day of gay pride and developing differently. In Spain after the Francoist dictatorship, on January 11, 1979, the government of Adolfo Suárez eliminated the persecution that Francisco Franco began in the law of lazy and thugs towards homosexuals.

However, Spanish society continued to suspend homosexuals and it was not until 1986 in the government of Felipe González that in the Spanish army ceased to be a crime against the honor with which it was punished with up to six years in jail. In all this time different political parties, magazines and associations that sought the normalization of sexual diversity in Spain emerged along with the same rights as heterosexual couples. In Catalonia was the Front d’acodiberament gai of Catalonia, in the Basque Country Euskal Herriko Gay Askapen Mugimendua (Ehgam) and the homosexual front of Revolutionary Action (Fhar), in the capital the MDH and Mercury.

In Castilla Front of Homosexual Liberation of Castilla in Valencia El Col·lectiu Lambda. In 1977, the Gay Pride Day (June 28), the FAGC of Catalonia organized the first manifestation of LGBT pride in Barcelona despite the fact that homosexuality was still illegal, so the demonstration was interrupted by the police generating injuries and imprisoned many many Of the 5000 attendees to the event.In reference to the lesbian the first association was the group of Lluita Per l’Oblorament de la Dona in Catalonia in 1979. In 1987 they arrested a couple of two women for kissing in public, so they convened on July 28.

A demonstration at the Puerta del Sol de Madrid where all those that were kissed in public, and since that day the tradition is followed every year. From 1996 to 2004 José María Aznar was the president of Spain with the Popular Party and these rejected the different laws to legalize marriage between people of the same gender, however some autonomous communities came to regulate the situation of couples. Both of them to have minimal legal benefits. Since 1998, the different autonomous communities began to approve in couples in which homosexual couples were allowed in Catalonia.


In 2004, José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero was elected president of the Government and in his political campaign he had already promised different proposals for help to the LGTB community as legalizing the marriage of two people of the same sex. On July 2, 2005 Zapatero complied with the word of him and a majority in the Congress of Deputies approved both the law that allowed to marry two people of the same gender and adopt a child or a daughter. On the part of society, 66% of the population watched this new law with good eyes despite the fact that many do not imply an inconvenience, also the Popular Party, the Catholic Church and the Spanish Family Forum did not accept this new proposal.

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