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Sidewalks Promote Community Health

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Sidewalks Promote Community Health
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This research was conducted to demonstrate how sidewalks contribute to the general well-being of an individual.Although most people have always stayed conscious of their environment and contributed in one way or another to improving it, little emphasis is being put on sidewalks. Most people simply view them as mere paths they use when getting from place to place. However, there are underlying benefits that come with sidewalks.This is what this paper seeks to unearth.

Sidewalks have a great role to play in contributing to the overall health and well-being of a person.

There are several factors that contribute to the general well-being and health of a person. Key among these factors is our surroundings.The environment we stay in brings us into contact with essential commodities such as land, water and air. To stay healthy requires that we use various means at our disposal to make these commodities better so that we acquire them in a better state and utilize them to enhance our well-being.
Sidewalks serve as a meeting place and promotes contact between people of different races, religion and culture. Sidewalks, especially in the urban, are often designed to restrain human traffic from the road. (Hoehner and Christine et al.,2003) This draws huge traffic along the sidewalks enhancing contact and interaction among the users. This contributes to social well-being-one of the seven dimensions of wellness.

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The success of neighborhoods is also dependent on safe sidewalks and streets.As an an interaction platform, this is where children play and learn new things from their friends as well as the adults they come across with in the process.This brings communities together and enhances intellectual wellness by exposing the young ones to new ideas and adventures that make them well-equipped to make personal decisions when faced by various challenges.

Another key contributor to a healthy and fit body is an exercise that is often achieved by taking a walk around at least daily. Research has revealed that sidewalks contribute a great deal in reducing conditions such as obesity. For instance, New York and San Francisco in the US have the most sidewalks per capita.These are also the less obese cities in the U.S. It is evident therefore that sidewalks play a key role in enhancing our physical wellbeing by making our bodies stay fit without stress( Lavizzo-Mourey and McGinnis, 2003).
From the business point of view, sidewalks provide a platform for building businesses.The huge human traffic attracted to most sidewalks, especially in urban areas create a favorable environment on which businesses can establish. Roadside vendors benefit hugely from busy sidewalks and streets. This brings about economical and occupational wellbeing.
The most common setback to most communities is the lack of adequate space to establish sidewalks. In most communities across the world, sidewalks are public utilities usually planned, designed and maintained by the government.However, taking into account the numerous benefits that come with sidewalks, communities ought to take the initiative and design their sidewalks (Kawachi and Subramanian, 2007).
Community health is a sensitive subject for communities around the world.Environmental conservation is one of the key areas that need special attention.However, Sidewalks apart from being an integral part of this environment need separate special attention too. It is the responsibility of all dwellers to maintain the already existing sidewalks and also seek more space for new ones.The benefits of sidewalks are immense and can not be ignored.
Hoehner, Christine M., et al. “Opportunities for integrating public health and urban planning approaches to promote active community environments.” American Journal of Health Promotion 18.1 (2003): 14-20
Kawachi, I., & Subramanian, S. V. (2007). Neighbourhood influences on health. Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 61(1), 3-4.
Lavizzo-Mourey, R., & McGinnis, J. M. (2003). Making the case for active living communities. American journal of public health, 93(9), 1386-1388.

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