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Technical Communication And Exceptionality Of The Language

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Next, the following essay will talk about exceptionality based on the exceptionality of language, as follows the concept of exceptionality which is a particular condition in which a person is outside the population average either belowor above this. Just as this has been developed through the times and as the people who present this exceptionality have come forward despite this, also the methods that these people opt to improve remedy and attend to this exceptionality.


When talking about language is a form of communication, there are types of ways in which we can express our language which are oral, written and body. We are always expressing through these ways our ways of communication, what we want to say or express to others, although as one of the axioms of communication mentions.

No communication is impossible, this means that although one is not expressing himself in the previously mentioned ways, he continues to send a message to the receiver, which is the person who receives our message, we are the emitters which we emit as the same word says wellWhat we want to convey to one or more people.

When mentioning the concept of exceptionality of language, mention is made to verbal, they are the people who cannot carry out a diction in a fluid way or it is difficult for them to form words or even incomplete phrases, people who cannot pronounce certain letters from the letters of theABCEDARY because by some circumstance they present this condition, either because of a problem of neurodevelopment, which are presented in the first years of life or since the mother is in gestation.

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Also at this stage if the mother suffered from any circumstance such as not feeding well, any very strong fall or blow, you did not take or folic acid for a better development of the baby that is on the way, some excess or consumption of substances harmful to healthwhich can be drug use or alcohol abuse or tobacco can also be included. There are also people who are mute and deaf -mute these lack listening and being able to speak verbally. The causes for which a person can suffer from this are:

  • Mudez can occur due to physical causes, problems in organs destined or involved in phonation, such as throat, vocal strings, tongue, larynx, lungs, etc.
  • A trauma or injury in the Broca area.
  • Mudez can also be the cause of a traumatic incident, whether a kidnapping, rape, accident of any kind, natural disaster, although it is usually temporary. For these types of cases, attending trauma is essential in the person, since this can determine how long the person is in that state.

For people who present this exceptionality as well as all, barriers are created on a day -to -day basis, since they cannot express themselves as usual as most people do. But for this there are alternative measures for people with pronouncement and diction problems which consist of language therapies where the child is taught, since most of the cases that arise are in the childhood stage, whereThey do the minor to make it move their tongue, lips and develop to be able to cause the correct sound and pronunciation.

It must be constant for changes to occur, since they are lasting and this can change the child’s self – esteem, since in school ages empathy is not practiced much and this can be the cause of mockery and trigger other problems if it grows. For people who present the condition of mute and deaf -mute there is their own way of expressing themselves in alphabhands.

Every day the population and on television can show this sign language, there are courses where you do not necessarily have to have that condition, only the desire to learn and know these signs that form an alphabet and a unique language. On TV you can show people who are talking at the time, there is someone who is as a translator in sign language.


It must have an account that people with any type of exceptionality either visual, auditory, intelligence, physical and language should not have any distinction, since even if they have some differences between those that are not classified by exceptional ones, it should nothaving no discrimination against them, since it has been shown that they are people capable of achieving things.

Despite the difficulties that can be faced day by day, they are still able to do so and get ahead, a circle of empathy must be created among all those around us, since sometimes we fail to understand 100% to 100%what they actually face, know and understand what it is to be in that situation and not only get to understanding, but also act to raise awareness and act for these.

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