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The Benefit Is What Neoliberalism And Global Order Tells

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The benefit is what neoliberalism and global order tells

Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, known mainly for his strong criticism of capitalism, is also philosopher and political scientist. "The benefit is what counts" was written in 2000 and is a direct criticism of the neoliberal or neoliberalism system, current of economic thinking arose after the First World War, based mainly on the privatization and precariousness of labor.

Chomsky, bases its analysis mainly on the world context, allowing its work to be widely understandable, since in addition to taking into account the journalistic analysis of important institutions such as the New York Times, consider international agreements or treaties and the consequences, the consequences,reflected in statistical data of these acts.

The text has seven sections that contextualize the global economic and political situation mainly, which allows us to understand the social reality of the beginning of the 21st century, standing out for criticism of imperialist countries, helps to understand the reality that seems hidden in the world.

In the first chapter of the text, Chomsky makes an outline of what is the “global order” characterized by the advice and political lines provided by the dominant countries, such as the US. UU, in order to guarantee democracy and increase development, which coincidentally never allow the benefit for poor and third world countries, and makes a comparison of how countries such as China or Japan, who ignored these advice if they achieved agreater development.

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Chomsky also talks about how terrorism and defense of this act can change according to the country, the EE.UU. He constantly acts as a terrorist with justifications such as the defense of democracy, however, when they are attacked by terrorists, history becomes totally different. Perhaps it is because imperialism is always considered a Democrat, however, the text also shows us otherwise, how countries that manage the world system have anti -democratic policies, using world organisms such as the IMF to carry them out and justify them.

Chomsky also dazzles as even what is considered thought for democracy is for the benefit of the ruling classes, such as the Constitution and the media, which are manipulated in order to condition the masses to accept without problems all the events that inReality harms them, even distorting the true conception of democracy, which ends up being used to the interests of capitalists.

The agreements signed between countries, for example, that are beneficial from the neoliberal point of view by the development and generation of jobs may be that for the working class otherwise in the sense of labor benefits, such as the decrease in wages for theIncreased foreign capitalist investment in Third World countries, that is, it is an attractive to know that in certain countries it would produce cheaper compared to the country of origin due to the cost of labor.

To all these events that are performed antidemocratically, the author believes that the best way to combat it is through the popular organization, which turns out to be a very limited statement from my point of view, it is not possible to ensure that popular organization,What can be discussed and better analyzed, since the simple organization or uprisings do not always really mean a change if there is no plan or a goal so to speak, broader.

The text not only deals with the deep criticism of neoliberalism, the author also explains how classical liberalism is misunderstood and poorly applied. Another highlight is the judgment to the bureaucratic communism of the USSR: the similarity between progressive democratic theory and Leninism Marxism [CITATION NOA14 P 61 L 15370] is quite striking, which at the same time allows the reader to have a much more perspective to have a much more perspectiveWide about world problems, since it is not limited only to criticizing what the norm is, but also what you normally want to see how its counterpart or exit (communism), this does not completely mean criticism of Marxism,rather an observation about the praxis of the Soviet Union.

Although it is not a very extensive book, the eloquence with which it was written and that it has very highlights such as economics, politics and society, although, has been written almost 20 years ago continues to be recommended, sinceobviating the statistical data or some world organizations that are no longer in force, the modus operandi of the imperialist countries remains the same. The conception of democracy remains misrepresented to the interests of the powerful, the official media continue to be at the service of the capitalists and the terrorist acts continue to be justified depending on the convenience of those who have control. 

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